Rat bastard>>>

Rock the Casbah

Forum Member
Aug 14, 2013
The ignorant dipshit is YOU, Rock.

The number signed up is 7.5 million, not 6.5 million. It would be considerably higher, but nearly half the states (the Republican ones) have refused the Medicaid expansion, of which the Federal government would pay the full cost. Yep, that's correct - those stupid assholes are keeping many of their citizens from getting free healthcare. That makes them dipshits, just like you.

A "large percentage had their insurance cancelled". Wrong again, dipshit. The number of outright cancellations was about 200K, the same as in any other year. The rest had their insurance replaced with better Obamacare policies at lower cost.

Try turning off the Limbaugh and Fox Nuze lies, and get yourself some facts for a change, Mister Dipshit.

No such thing as FREE HEALTHCARE you fkn mook...
My numbers are correct.
I'm done writing a check for you dead weight lazy ass parasites.
The facts about your liberal policies are spelled out by McKenna and you can't fight the Truth!
STFU and stay out of my wallet you useless leech..
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Forum Member
Aug 30, 2002
In the shadows
OK Lumi..enough a da cut n paste. My pet monkey can do that Don't like what Bill is saying prove him wrong....the right wing and their storm trooper fucks have been wrong on every thing for 50 years.....most recently the health care act where they just cdnt shit and piss in their pants enough about how it was not going to wrk ..well guess what dip shits..its working.. How about Iraq..that ring a bell
8 years wasted Who was right Bush or Barack ?? Sorry George The left does know the fire is hot....and it's hot because right wing neo con dumb fucks are throwing logs in it...

Did your pet monkey type up your spelling and grammatical error
Filled response?

How can you have so much faith in a law that forces you to buy a product?
A law that has been amended over 20 times before it has been fully implemented?
What if there was a law requiring you to purchase at minimum 1 hand gun,
1 rifle and a bullet proof vest? What if you had to subsidize 30 million
Illegal Aliens so they too could have these products?

This law has not been fully enacted, and when all the mandates
Have to be applied, maybe you will grasp how much of a
Soup Sandwich this CF is? Maybe...

Based on your incoherent rambling, my guess is that you are
A big fan of the George Soros, Rothschild Family backed
Occu-Poo movement? Yet, I haven't seen you jump into
The Illegal Activities of the BLM. Is that because of your Facist
Leanings and beliefs that the Government can attempt to strong
Arm the Citizens?

This shit in Nevada is not over, but I'm sure you are hoping
For a Waco Style assault on American Citizens.
You have stated before that These United/Divided States
Is your new home.
Where are you originally from?

You might want to pick up a book and try to understand how
Much of a suppressive, tyrannical government the US really is.

Just a heads up for you, BHO is the President,
Not a Repugnican, quit reaching back.

However, keep going backwards, your beloved Dems are the
Founders of the KKK. They blocked all Civil Rights Legislation
Until they were forced to get on board.

Ironic how you want to jump my shit for Quoting Orwell,
Yet, now that you have KODs dick in your mouth, and all he
Does is Copy and Paste Alinsky Type Articles, you have nothing to say?

Just relax your throat and breath thru your nose.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
No such thing as FREE HEALTHCARE ......
I'm done writing a check for you dead weight lazy ass parasites......STFU and stay out of my wallet you useless leech..

So many words and so much stupidity.

Here's the deal, jerkoff: If you work, you're paying Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes.. And I get a nice SS check every month plus free Medicare. Stay out of your wallet? Nope. Not going to happen. Pay up asshole. :mj07::mj07:

You're done writing a check? How so? Are you going on welfare, or moving to Uganda?:shrug:

Am I laughing at you? You betcha'. You're dumber than Palin. .:142smilie

Tina Yothers

Forum Member
Sep 22, 2008
A House
You must be about the most ignorant dip shit in the fact you believe Obama Care is working.. Did you MISS that the HHS Sec is RESIGNING over the FAILURE of OBAMACARE.. :facepalm: 6.5 million have signed up with the majority of those being a LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAD THEIR INSURANCE CANCELED...
So here is how your Leftist insanity is working .. LISTEN UP!

I have a question. How can you know that Obamacare is a failure when they are still in the process of signing people up?

Here's some helpful info:



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
On Tuesday, President Obama triumphantly announced that, with the power of the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the threat of the IRS, the mission had been accomplished: 7.1 million Americans had selected an Obamacare plan.
Obama?s tone was nothing short of exuberant: ?7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through these market places. 7.1! Yep!? He then went on to criticize those who had expressed objections to Obamacare for its deprivations of plans, doctors, drugs, and liberty: ?Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance??
Now, it was always foolhardy for Republicans and conservatives to stake their objections to Obamacare on the number of sign-ups; Social Security is going bankrupt despite 100% enrollment. The reality is that Obama was always destined to hit his required numbers because, after all, he has the power of government to compel action. The real problem with Obamacare has little to do with the number of people signing up, and a lot to do with the restrictions on insurance companies and reimbursement rates to doctors.
Nonetheless, the 7.1 million statistic is a meaningless one. It?s meaningless for a variety of reasons:
It Doesn?t Measure How Many People Have Actually Paid. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted yesterday that of the 6 million people who had signed up for Obamacare at the time, ?What we know from insurance companies?tell us that, for their initial customers, it?s somewhere between 80, 85, some say as high as 90 percent, have paid so far.? In other words, about five million people were signed up. As Aaron Blake of the Washington Post points out, ?If between 80 and 90 percent of the six million have paid premiums, the number who are fully enrolled would be closer to five million than to six million.? With the increased number of sign-ups in the last days, that percentage number has likely dropped. This is not an unimportant distinction; insurance will not cover those who don?t pay.
7.1 Million Enrollees in the Private Exchanges Doesn?t Mean 7.1 Million Who Were Previously Uninsured. Some five million Americans saw their policies cancelled thanks to Obamacare. Those Americans were forced into the Obamacare exchanges by the government. According to a RAND Corporation study, only 858,000 previously uninsured Americans had actually joined Obamacare. That?s a far cry from 7.1 million.
The Congressional Budget Office estimated in March 2010 that 37.3% of all uninsured Americans would gain insurance thanks to Obamacare in 2014. That estimate rose to 38.9% in March 2011. In February 2014, the CBO suggested that in 2014, 22.8% would gain insurance through Obamacare. The actual statistic: 12.5%. In other words, the original estimates were off by approximately 66%.
The Chief Beneficiaries of Obamacare Have Been Medicaid Recipients and 26-Year-Old Basement Dwellers. There are approximately 6.1 million people who have gained coverage through Obamacare?s non-private exchange program. 4.5 million were beneficiaries of Medicaid expansion, and another 1.6 million 26-year-old ?children? were forced onto their parents? policies. That far outweighs any supposed gains in the private insurance market. As Chris Conover of Forbes writes, ?At the end of the day, we appear to have covered 1 in 8 uninsured, but to get to this point, we have disrupted coverage for millions, increased premiums for tens of millions more and amplified the pain even further with a blizzard of new taxes and fees that will end up cost even the lowest income families nearly $7,000 over a decade.?
The Huge Majority of Those Signing Up Are Getting Subsidies ? and Even Those Who Are Subsidized Aren?t Signing Up. In order for Obamacare?s cost structure to work, millions of Americans must sign up to pay inflated prices; that would help pay for the subsidies to cover insurance company costs on those with pre-existing conditions. In March, the Obama administration reported that 83% of those who had signed up were eligible for subsidies. As Robert Laszewski estimates, in the end, just 27% of those who are eligible for Obamacare subsidies nationwide have signed up.
How Much Will The Numbers Drop? These are all preliminary statistics. We now know that somewhere between 2% and 5% of people who paid their insurance bills in January did not do so in February, to go along with the high percentage of people who signed up and never paid at all (that number in Obamacare success story Washington state, for example, was 39% as of early February).
The 7.1 million statistic is not all that important, in the end. Obama will hit his numbers, by hook or by crook. Likely by crook. But conservative opposition to Obamacare should not be predicated on its ineffectiveness in forcing sign-ups. Instead, it should be based on deprivation of liberty and destruction of medical care.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller ?Bullies: How the Left?s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America? (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013). He is also Editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt.org. Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
I have a question. How can you know that Obamacare is a failure when they are still in the process of signing people up?

Here's some helpful info:


Thanks, Tina. Good solid facts.

Of course the mental masturbators like skulnutz and rock the casbah won't (can't) read and understand it, so they'll just keep on parroting Limbaugh and Faux Nuze.

Oh well, somebody's got to work those low wage jobs. Without skul and rock, the rest of us might have to ride the garbage trucks and clean out stopped-up sewers.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Thanks, Tina. Good solid facts.

Of course the mental masturbators like skulnutz and rock the casbah won't (can't) read and understand it, so they'll just keep on parroting Limbaugh and Faux Nuze.

Oh well, somebody's got to work those low wage jobs. Without skul and rock, the rest of us might have to ride the garbage trucks and clean out stopped-up sewers.

Duff, shouldn't you be sucking Rachel Maddows cock?


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
A mention of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), a potential 2016 presidential contender, brought boos from a conservative crowd in New Hampshire on Saturday.

Speaking at the New Hampshire Freedom Summit, a gathering of conservative activists and figures organized by Americans for Prosperity and Citizens United, billionaire Donald Trump said Bush?s recent comments on immigrants coming to the U.S. as an ?act of love? were ?out there.?

?You know, I heard Jeb Bush the other day,? he said, with quiet boos and angry murmurs erupting from the crowd at the mention of Bush?s name.

?And he was talking about people that come into this country illegally, they do it for love,? he continued, with the boos growing louder.

Trump added, to laughter from the crowd: ?And I said, say it again I didn?t get ? that?s one I?ve never heard before?I understand what he?s saying, but, you know, it?s out there.?

Bush drew considerable conservative backlash when he made the comments in a recent interview, but defended them at a Connecticut Republican Party dinner on Thursday, where he further urged ?sensitivity to the immigrant experience.?

Bush and Trump are both mulling a potential presidential run in 2016. Bush has consistently polled in the top four of the prospective GOP presidential field, while Trump is typically not included in surveys of the race.


even his own party knows Jeb bush is a fuckup


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 2, 2000
Prince of Clowns:

I feel my posts are certainly comparable and I have a right to try to counteract the thoughts and schemes of your postings.

luv you back more ssd

You do realize that the link I posted was referring to an (R) politician who was interfering with a Benghazi investigation because of a familial tie?

Who does the crap you post balance out that?

And you have a sycophant come in here and blast Lumi for cut and paste......too fucking funny....ALL YOU DO IS CUT AND PASTE WITH YOUR FUCKING DOOBIE DO GOOD SCISSORS.

If you had a brain, you'd be dangerous.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

no I don't.

I comment on the news and articles that are pertinent to the discussion.

I can't help it if you are too stupid to catch the drift.

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