Se?or capper

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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Hammer...any idea how fading the top 5 consensus Hilton picks has done in the past?


Over all not well . I dont look at past crap like team A is 10 − 0 on tusedays Team B is 1 - 50 on tuesdays therefore team A is the play. I mean what is there about Tuesdays that made this record what it is......???
The past stats for the most part in my way of thinking have little to do with today in most situations in a final decision. So in closing to your question they are doing poorly for whetever reason this year ...i will stop fading after they have 2 wining weeks in a row or cut back the size of my plays

Examples of why i dont in gen follow stats

Green Bay sucked on art surfaces till Brett favre showed up
When people started tracking umpires years ago every body wet their pants that an ump was 9 - 1 to the over.......Books just kept raising the total and by years end the ump was 12 −14 to the under and all the sheep were buying suppositories in Bulk and loooking for an entry level position in the Fast Food industry. !!!

Last many people lost on dodgers going with Kershaw or Cardinals with Wacha and Wainright because of stats