Should the sale and use of marijuana be legalized?


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Nov 26, 2001
wichita, ks 67209
redsfann said:

If you can remember when cocaine was legal, you have to be over 100 years old. The Coca-Cola Company called their product Coca-Cola because they put cocaine in it when they first made it in the late 1800's.
The U.S. Government made cocaine an illegal substance in the 1910's-- meaning you were born in the early 1900's-- making you nearly 100 years old today.....

gsp has over 3500 posts and is very wise....he may well be over a hundred years old!!!! :D


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Another John Prine fan!


"Please don't bury me
Down in that cold cold ground

No, I'd druther have "em" cut me up
And pass me all around

Throw my brain in a hurricane
And the blind can have my eyes

And the deaf can take both of my ears
If they don't mind the size

Give my stomach to Milwaukee
If they run out of beer

Put my socks in a cedar box
Just get "em" out of here

Venus de Milo can have my arms
Look out! I've got your nose

Sell my heart to the junkman
And give my love to Rose"


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Forum Member
Dec 17, 2000
My two cents worth

My two cents worth

First, if one wishes to subscribe to the 'gateway drug theory', then in order to be completely logical it becomes evident that air is the most common gateway material in the known universe, i.e., 100% of drug addicts first began using 'air'. Or you could classify cigarettes, or booze, or a host of other legal substances as gateway drugs as most of your addicts started out with cigarettes and booze before trying weed or anything else.

Having said that, I feel the drug laws in our country should all be repealed, let's spend the money we spend on interdiction, prosecution, and incarceration on education and treatment. I don't think that anyone should get high on any substance and operate machinery including cars, trains or planes. For those who disagree with this stance, then in order to be consistent you MUST be FOR the re-criminilzation of alcohol and you should be for outlawing nicotine - those two substances have killed many, many more people and ruined a LOT more lives than all the other drugs in the world combined.


ale connoisseur
Forum Member
Aug 3, 1999
Somewhere in Corn Country
Buddy and Patterseeker--

Don't leave me out when lining up the John Prine fans here at Madjack's....

"Grandpa was a carpenter" sound familiar? :)

"Sam Stone" is another fav of mine.... And lets not forget the song that fits this thread to a spliff.....

"Illegal smile"..of course, our pal patternseeker already refered to that one......:toast:

One of the best concerts I have ever seen was John Prine and the Cowboy Junkies..... John and Margo did a duet on "Angel from Montgomery"..... "Hello in there" is another favorite of mine.....Damn, John Prine kicks some serious ass, don't he? :cool:


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I don't know if if is a gateway to more drugs as I think I have used just about all of them at one time or another and marijuana was one of the last ones I tried. But I will say this;

It is definitely a "gateway" to dealing with a wife who can stop yelling at you:D


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Nov 9, 2000
I remember watching Reefer Madness in junior high school.It was funny because the teachers took this campy movie very serious.Years later it became a cult movie.
I started smoking the weed about 1968 & an oz.cost $15.I thought the quality was very good.As the years past IMO it got worse.When I was working in a very stressful job,I felt that partaking was a good way to relieve the stress.I finally quit in 1994.
To answer the question I think it should be legalized & as previously stated it is a good way to generate money in taxes.Second thought the tax money would probably be wasted.
I don't think it would necessary lead to harder drugs.


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Aug 24, 1999
That's a whole different story. It's not legal to drink and drive, and it shouldn't be legal to "smoke and drive". You'll get fired if you get caught drinking at work, the same punishment should occur with pot.

there's actually no difference. most "think" that a DUI is strictly in regard to drinking alcohol, which it is not. DUI is driving under the influence, no matter if you're drinkin', smoking, poppin pills, etc..etc... It's partaking in a substance that effects your performance in operating a vehicle. Taking legalized prescription medication can get you a DUI conviction. Whatever the substance is irrelevant if you get pulled over. I'd say that nearly 99% of the folks "think" it only pertains to alcoholic beverages...


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
I do it now and again when the fellas get together to play cards or I'll do it on a special occasion. My feeling towards pot is that it is definitely the lesser of two evils when you compare it to alcohol. From what I've heard and seen, cabbage( that's what I call marijuana), is a mental addiction and not a physical one like alcohol. One always reads about drunk driving deaths and how something tragic was alcohol related. I pretty sure that the worse you'll ever read in the newspaper is, "man smokes pot, eats M&M's, falls asleep."

If they were to legalize marijuana, you would lose lots of government money including the FDA, ATF, DEA, etc...Pot is too vauluable as a cash crop for the government and its politicians.


Forum Member
Apr 3, 2002
when i was in high school in the 70' was a fine of $100.00 for under an ounce. just about legal.police never wrote those tickets anyway.i never went to hard stuff and my parents didn't start smoking it because they could get away with it..the current laws are a joke and a waste of there a reported cause of death ever form pot? not that i have ever heard...pot alone, not mixed with smack or booze...

its uncontrolable..thats why the government wont legalize it


:eek: cough, cough


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Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Many years ago, when I was in China on a secret mission, I met this old man who told me,

"One who stands on toilet is high on pot."


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Apr 8, 2002
First let me say that reports of folks sitting in jail for having a little bit of pot are, for the most part, erroneous.

It's just like the press reports about the McDonald's spilled coffee case. It's just not reality. Jack - if you want to cite some specific cases, I'll reconsider my position. I don't know of anyone sitting in jail on a pot charge.

While I can't say I am in favor of legalizing it, I am in favor of de-criminalizing pot. I'd like to see Joe Average be able to possess an ounce or less without fear of getting arrested. Maybe that's just semantics.

Now - smoking it in public would be verbotten - as is usually the case with drinking. Other, reasonable restrictions would apply.

Being a libertarian, I think that which governs least governs best. More expense and damage has been suffered than is justifiable in combatting the (percieved) evil of pot use.

Not a single study exists showing a causal connection between pot use and any long term adverse effects. The worst that could be proved was what is known as A-Motivational Syndrome. That means after you burn one, you are more inclined to lay on the sofa and watch M-TV than to go out and cut the lawn, or do something productive.

Drugs and crime are often tied together, but killing is over drug turf and almost always centers around the hard drugs (crack, coke, heroin).

Really - who knows somebody that smoked a joint and went on a violent rampage? The worst I ever did was go to 7-11 and attack an ice-cream cone with malice aforethought. :D

The government should provide services (like trash disposal and fire departments), protect the property of its citizens and defend the country against foreign threats. besides that, they shoudl mind their owned damned business. Unfortunately, they think everything we do is their business.

My .02


Registered User
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Jan 17, 2002
Lots of good reading here and dont know if this really makes any differance or not but her we go!

I started smoking pot when I was 15 and I still do and I AM 37. I also have been smoking cigerettes since I was 15.

I have been able to quit smoking pot many times and could do so right now if i fealt like it, but dont wish to because I enjoy the high to much. On the other hand I have tried many, many times to quit smoking cigerettes and cant do it. I beleive that the cigerettes are much more of a drug to me than the pot.

Some of you might say that I have no willpower but I quit drinking alcohol 2+ years ago(to save my marriage) cold turkey and had no problems doing it. I was a very heavy drinker and I did not have to get any help in doing this.

So back to the original question " should pot be legalized" I think it should be because it has never created any problems for me. i think it much safer than alcohol and alot less addicting than cigarettes.

If ther is anyone out there with a good way to help me quit smoking cigarettes I am open to suggestions. I have tride just about everything ther is.



Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 8, 2002
Butts - have you tried Zyban? Very effective indeed.

The generic form is wellbutrin, which your insurance will pay for and Zyban, which they will not. Goofy huh!? Get the wellbutrin.


Fish Head
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Arlington, TX (But a Missourian at heart)
You can take your lung cancer, emphazima, etc...and throw them out the door. Bottom line is smoking is COOL and you know it! LOL!!! Just kidding. I myself have tried to quit smoking cold turkey. I was doing well until my divorce. Back on the wagon again.


Registered User
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Jan 17, 2002
I have tried Zyban twice and have also tried the patch. the only thing that I have not tried is the gum. I have talked to a couple of people though that say they thought this was the least effective method out there though, so I dont know if I want to spend that kind of money on another wasted product.

I think I am going to have to do it on my own if ever. Thanks for the advice though.



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Sep 18, 1999
the man's pocket!
funny stuff

funny stuff

Just finished reading this and it was hilarious. Two questions, is gsp really over a hundred years old, and did Bahama Mama ever try that "experiment"?
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