Shove It!


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Excuse me but thats pretty dumb. I don't think Muslim extremists are going to be chopping off the heads of the leaders of the Arab world. That makes no sense. That would just upset the Muslims.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Uhhhh...yeah, I didn't mean them cutting off the heads of their own leaders. Just reverse the causes and you sound a hell of a lot like them.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i dont understand the racism of you EAE.....what about JC Watts, Condi Rice? Dude get a grip because your banter is counterproductive....

and if you are practicing any semblence of Christianity, you will realize there is a sinner or two in the Republican party

Personally I think the DMC is a laughingstock....electing a liberal social globalist along with a scheister lawyer who plunders doctors and small businesses all the while taking advantage of cripples - all the while raising the costs of health care and business while telling patients you will not be able to see your doctor today...he is in court....nothing is lower IMO....

Then one after another they totally disgrace American ideals such as self-reliance, independence, freedom from plunder, hard work, etc. etc.....

and then they get a guy like Ronnie Reagan to get up there and totally distort the truth and hiding himself in sheeps clothing by saying he is not being political instead of the liberal wacko that he is.....then the news networks acts like Bush is against stem cell research when in fact the research has taken off in our country the last 4 years and Bush is a proponent....

its Amazing the distortion that is going on


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
This guy has been peppering this whole thread with his racist crap, but I sure didn't want to be the one to bring it up and get treated to cries of 'Politically correct bleeding heart!'. Thanks Freeze.


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
If I come across as racist that is wrong. I am not a racist. Look there are a lot of good blacks. Rice, Watts, Clarence Thomas among them. However, I believe that the majority of blacks are like Sharpton, Jackson, Farakan and this mombo jombo guy last night. They have no business in the country and should be deported. Last night watching these liberal communinsts reinfroced my belief that our borders should be closed. I did not see one american in there. The greatest presisdent of the 20th century would be turning over in his grave if he saw where his son was last night and also what he said. Just another abortionist. I know there are sinners in the Republican party, I too am a sinner as are you Dr. Freeze. However the difference between us and those socialists you saw last night is that I believe in a God and I am willing to atone for my sins. Those people want to continue to commit sins against the Lord as well as destroy any morals and values this country has. Tell me where Im wrong. I completely agree with you on Edwards. i don't know if you are aware of this but the millions of dollars he won by raping his clients on a cerebral palsy case was based on some sleezy doctor he hired to say that the guy who delivered the baby was wrong. He conned a jury into giving him money so he could screw his client and fund his election bids. This guy needs to be exposed. He didnt help those people he only helped himself. And those antiamericans last night wonder why so many people don't have health insurance. Maybe if they werent so sue happy and let docs practice medicine instead of doing all these unnecessaey test so they dont get sued more people would have insurance. I'm sorry if I offended anyone by my statment about blacks but I really think the majority has there hand out. I live in Cleveland and its really bad here.



Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Oh yeah and they got that 13 year old up on stage saying how she would have had to do a time out if she said the f bomb like Vice-President Cheney said it. Well I wonder if she would have gotten a time out if she gave Clinton a blow job. These people are unbelievable.



Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Bobbybluechip, that is a silly question. He is God, not an economist. I do think that he expects people to be responsible for there actions and if they are and they accept his Son into there lives, they will have an eternal reward. If they dont, like most of those people last night, they will burn in hell. I think if you work hard, make money, save money, take care of your family, have a family and not live like animals screwing everything that walks and dropping babies all over the place without being financially responsible for them like most blacks do, he will not let you into heaven. Why does the truth bother you people. Am I wrong that most blacks are not married, have babies out of wedlock then do not emotionally and financially support them. Why are there jokes all over the place about blacks who do not know who there daddys was? Cause its true. Thats the majority of blacks. Welfare, immoral and also racists against the law abiding God fearing whites. I know its not politically correct to say these things but tell me where anything I've said is not true. You cant cause it is.



Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
You better believe it. This country's borders are wide open to every loser in the world. Think about it AR, the US is the most wealthy country on the planet. Who do you think thats going to attract. Everylow life in the world. Heck, that witch who wants to be first lady last night was speaking in different languages. I could bareley understand her english. All they speak is spanish in Miami. Man this is an english speaking country and people, especially someone who wants to live in the white house better be speaking english and promoting the language not catering to all of these illegal immigrants who want to change this country from a God fearing land into the land of monkeys, aethists and welfare reciepients. Like President Bush I will stand with him in taking unpopular stands that are not politically correct and tell the truth. Do I want Jackson, Farakan, Sharpton, and Mombo whatever deported? You better belive it. These guys are latently trying to overthrow the US government or put in everygiveaway program you could imagine to support blacks to the exclusion of whites. There are good blacks but these guys sure arent.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
dude you need to stop with the militant is definitely not the way to change hearts....

rather it seems like a breed of arrogance....a perversion if you will.....a perversion which if you read your Bible correctly you will find practiced by the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day....


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
How do you come up with this militant Christianity? This is a Christian nation. If you are not Christian than I don't think you belong here. Much the same way I do not belong in Iraq, Iran or Saudi Arabia. I'm not complaining that I don't live there. But they come over here and want to change us to there way of thinking. Why is that bad woman last night speaking all these different languages????? We speak English in the USA. We go to churches in the USA not mosques or temples. You know I used to think of you as one of the more rationale people at this forum. Now I'm starting to think you are pretty moderate and not that conservative. Maybe you ought to reread your Bible. AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE. Proverbs 23:7. I have nothing to hide and I wear my heart on my sleeve. The hearts you want to change cannot change if they are black through and through. I am not arrogant or perverse. I merely speak whats in my heart and I know that it is right because my heart is with the Lord.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
Dude, Freeze is one thing, but you're either very sick or this is a joke. I would rather kill myself than go through life thinking like you.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
lmao your theology is so perverted that you should be excommunicated from your church for blasphemy

you say you know your heart is right because it is with the it follows that you are inerrant in all your popliticial views?

that is preposterous...and you are using authority to say things which you do not have....and it is to my understanding that God does not look favorably on this type of action

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
you and your shallowminded friends who pervert the religion are far worse than any Moslem terrorist

terrorists we can deal wtih....folks like you we can do nothing but try to explain to others who see us go to chruch that there have always been such people as yourself and that God has His harshest words for you


Forum Member
Jul 22, 2004
Parts unknown
Who are you to speak for the Lord. You say I'm shallow minded and I pervert religion. How??? You can say anything you want against me but I know the Bible and I can show you verse after verse as to why I am right. Everything I am aware of that President Bush has done is biblically oriented and correct. That is why he is getting my vote. He is a rightous man. Who are you to say that God has His harshest words for me. Do you think you are God. Well Mister, I believe you had better look deep into your soul as you are not on the path of the rightous. Where am I blashemous???? What have I said that is against Gods law???? You sir are the one who is in trouble. Pretending to travel in the Lords shadow and then attacking his soldiers. You should repent. The others, like Kosar and Bjfineste I understand why they think the way they do as they do not dwell with the Lord but you who profess to walk in the light, I fear for your soul. I know my Lord and He knows me. I think you better get straight Dr. Freeze for your souls sake.

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