South Dakota Bans Abortion

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
This is hypocrisy at its finest. Law enforcement and governmental officials love to preach to the general populace about following the law even if you don't believe in it. They say that you should go through the right channels to change the law rather than taking things into your own hands.

Here these idiots are passing legislation that is CLEARLY illegal. Just another example of conservatives who are men of principle until it affects them.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
lmao exactly where in the Constitution does it say we should allow the practice of chopping up babies?

if anything is "illegal", it is a few black robed lawyers reading things into the Constitution after one of the worst cases of judicial activism in our nation's history and imposing their beliefs on us all


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Nov 4, 2000
I thought there is a law call Roe? If so does it cover all 50? Is this same S * that is against stem cell research? Woman why are we always beating on our woman.

Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
You can tell you are dealing with an idiot when they use the term, "killing babies," when talking about abortion. Those people need to do a modicum of research to realize that "babies" have nothing to do with this.

The legal right to an abortion is settled federal law. I know some people want to deny that, but it's true. Either you believe that settled law should be followed and that changes should be done through proper legal channels or you don't. Many conservatives seem to like to choose between those two options whenever it is convenient.


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Oct 16, 2000
At the bar
I know chopping up babies isn't the definition of an abortion, but the what the **** do you think an abortion is Nick? Typical liberal answer


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Mar 14, 2001
That backwards shithole state was still stuck in the 1800s when I left in 2002. Can't say I'm surprised it would try to pull something like this.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Nick Douglas said:
You can tell you are dealing with an idiot when they use the term, "killing babies," when talking about abortion. Those people need to do a modicum of research to realize that "babies" have nothing to do with this.

The legal right to an abortion is settled federal law. I know some people want to deny that, but it's true. Either you believe that settled law should be followed and that changes should be done through proper legal channels or you don't. Many conservatives seem to like to choose between those two options whenever it is convenient.

Did you read dr freeze's post. It is not settled law just because the liberals of this country say it is. The supreme court does not make law except in the case of abortion and that is the only way it came into being.

Laws are passed in the legislative body not by an activists court. It is absolutely ludicrous to say that the Constitution allows abortion, just pass an abortion law through both houses like all laws and then it could be challenged and interpreted by the SC like it should be not the other way around. But that will never happen, so we have the activist court giving it to us.

Settled Fed law, only to a left wing wacko like yourself.


Thread banned
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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
I guess when it comes right down to it I am against abortion, mostly because I see it as retroactive birth control for idiots. What bothers me most is that they are unwilling to make an exception for rape cases.

Looking at the womans/mothers point of view I would think it would be hard to look at a child everyday of your life and have to recall the situation that brought it to be. I am sure you could love the child enough to pissibly, maybe get over that, but for the state to grant the rapist/father visitation rights is an atrocity.

Having to allow the guy that raped you access to your child and home is just another no-brainer that the no-brained allow to happen in this country. In this case the liberals are way, WAY off base.


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
penguinfan said:
I guess when it comes right down to it I am against abortion, mostly because I see it as retroactive birth control for idiots. What bothers me most is that they are unwilling to make an exception for rape cases.

Looking at the womans/mothers point of view I would think it would be hard to look at a child everyday of your life and have to recall the situation that brought it to be. I am sure you could love the child enough to pissibly, maybe get over that, but for the state to grant the rapist/father visitation rights is an atrocity.

Having to allow the guy that raped you access to your child and home is just another no-brainer that the no-brained allow to happen in this country. In this case the liberals are way, WAY off base.

Exactly right, we need some common sense in this are, but you will never get that because the extreme left control this issue on one side and the far right on the other.

How stupid can people be to let the left loonies use this issue as a power trip politically and equally by the right not to see you have to have exceptions like rape, incest, health of the mother or fetus.

But it absolutely should not be used as leverage for a women's right to choose or birth control.


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Mar 14, 2001
penguinfan said:
I see it as retroactive birth control for idiots. .

Yes, it is in some cases. And that's precisely why it should be legal and easily accessible... these people that have the kids not only shouldn't be reproducing at all, but they are not fit to be parents and far more often that not, the child will reflect that.

My only problem with abortion is that not nearly enough people have them. I think it should not only remain legal, but in many cases it should be encouraged.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
bjfinste said:
Yes, it is in some cases. And that's precisely why it should be legal and easily accessible... these people that have the kids not only shouldn't be reproducing at all, but they are not fit to be parents and far more often that not, the child will reflect that.

My only problem with abortion is that not nearly enough people have them. I think it should not only remain legal, but in many cases it should be encouraged.

Once freeze gets out of the hospital, he'll be along to respond. Word is that his head spun off his neck after reading that.


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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
kosar said:
Once freeze gets out of the hospital, he'll be along to respond. Word is that his head spun off his neck after reading that.


I can't even believe all that is wrong with the statement by BJ, perhaps HIS mother should have considered the option.


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Mar 14, 2001
penguinfan said:

I can't even believe all that is wrong with the statement by BJ, perhaps HIS mother should have considered the option.

In all honesty, she probably should have.


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Mar 14, 2001
kosar said:
Once freeze gets out of the hospital, he'll be along to respond. Word is that his head spun off his neck after reading that.

He probably took a couple vacation days and went up to Pierre to celebrate the vote.


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Mar 14, 2001
My Mom turned out to be one of the exceptions to the rule (at least based on what I've seen around me in the small towns I grew up in) as she ended up going to college at 28 and eventually got a great job and is doing well, but I see person after person after person that I knew growing up that had kids too young and they struggle to ever recover. And I do remember a lot of rough times when I was younger. If I were a girl and gotten pregnant at 22 (which would've been my senior year of college), I would have, without question, had an abortion.

I've said it on here before, I acknowledge that I have very extreme views on abortion and that I don't know where they came from, because it wasn't from my parents or teachers or anything. Because if this I almost always stay far, far away from any discussion pertaining to it. But in the few times I do, the "well, you're mom didn't believe in it" or "Maybe your mom should've had one" line is always thrown back at me. Seems rather silly to me. I guess I have always looked at it from the point of view that, if my mother had aborted me, I wouldn't be here for it to bother me. So it really doesn't matter.

Roger Baltrey

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Sep 13, 2005
My reply is this: You dont support abortion rights until your girlfriend (who you have no intention of marrying) tells you she's pregnant. Then you're real glad you have options. South Dakota is a loser state with a bunch of old people or troglodytes like Dr. Freeze. Any by the way, for the guys using their usual "liberal" tags on anyone supporting abortion rights, it's liberal to want more government, right? How is asking the government to butt out being liberal. F South Dakota, no one wants to live in that useless dump anyway.
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