spytheweb...by the book...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Islamist Website Instructs Mujahideen in Using Popular U.S. Web Forums to Foster Anti-War Sentiment among Americans

In the past few months, Islamists engaged in ?media jihad? have increased their efforts to expose as broad a Western audience as possible to their jihad films, which purport to document the growing success of the mujahideen in Iraq and Afghanistan. As part of this endeavor, they have posted jihad films on popular free video-sharing websites such as YouTube, LiveLeak, and Google Video, hoping that such films will tip public opinion in the West against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan - thus pressuring Western governments to withdraw their troops from these countries.

As part of the campaign to foster anti-war sentiment among Westerners, and more specifically among Americans, a member of the Al-Mohajroon Islamist website with the username Al-Wathiq Billah instructed mujahideen in how to infiltrate popular American forums and to use them to distribute jihad films and spread disinformation about the war.

The following are excerpts: [1]

?Raiding American Forums is Among the Most Important Means of Obtaining Victory in the Fierce Media War? and of Influencing the Views of the Weak-Minded American?

?There is no doubt, my brothers, that raiding American forums is among the most important means of obtaining victory in the fierce media war? and of influencing the views of the weak-minded American who pays his taxes so they will go to the infidel American army. This American is an idiot and does not [even] know where Iraq is? [It is therefore] mandatory for every electronic mujahid [to engage in this raiding].?

?It is better that you raid non-political forums such as music forums and trivia forums? which American people? favor? Define your target[ed forum]? and get to know it well? Post your contribution and do not get into? futile arguments?

Indicate You Are an American."

?Obviously, you have to register yourself using a purely American name? Choose an icon that indicates that you are an American, and place it next to your nickname [in the forum].?

(maybe a retired u.s. air force icon?...nice touch)

?In my experience, the areas most visited in American forums? [are titled] ?Random Thoughts? and ?What?s going on in your mind??? [The former] takes priority in the American forums, and is highly popular. You should post your contribution there? This should include films of the mujahideen in Iraq, mujahideen publications in English,images and films of the Americans? crimes, and casualty counts of american soldiers."..


"Invent Stories About American Soldiers You Have [Allegedly] Personally Known?

(or say you`re a veteran?)

?Obviously, you should post your contribution? as an American? You should correspond with visitors to this forum, [bringing to their attention] the frustrating situation of their troops in Iraq? You should invent stories about American soldiers you have [allegedly] personally known (as classmates? or members in a club who played baseball and tennis with you) who were drafted to Iraq and then committed suicide while in service by hanging or shooting themselves??

?Also, write using a sad tone, and tell them that you feel sorry for your [female] neighbor or co-worker who became addicted to alcohol or drugs? because her poor fianc?, a former soldier in Iraq, was paralyzed or [because] his legs were amputated? [Use any story] which will break their spirits, oh brave fighter for the sake of God??

How to Make Americans Feel Frustrated With Their Government

?You should enter into debate or respond only if it is extremely necessary? Your concern should [only] be introducing topics which? will cause [them to feel] frustration and anger towards their government?, which will? render them hostile to Bush? and his Republican Party and make them feel they must vote to bring the troops back from Iraq as soon as possible.?

?Do not? discuss issues pertaining to Arabs or Muslims at all, whether negatively or positively? because this could be a trap for you? In addition, do not ask people to circulate the material [you have posted] in other forums? as these types of requests will expose you??

(spy never engages my questions on his nationality)...

spy`s certainly following the field manual....a loyal soldier of allah...
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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
The war is in it's sixth year, costing 12 billion dollars a month, nears 4,000 deaths and 28,000+ wounded. VP Cheney was told on a tv show that 2/3 of Americans were against the war in Iraq and he said "SO?". Cheney has stock in Haliburton, so the longer the war goes on, the richer he becomes. Cheney, who would never fight in a war himself, got 5 military deferments during Vietnam. Most know the story about Bush, enlists into the NG the same day he applies, even thou there was a 2 year waiting list. He is so much for the march of freedom, but not enough to volunteer for service in Vietnam. In fact he couldn't fullfill his duty to show up for duty in the NG for a year. Both of these guys are now pretty brave with other people lives.

Being a 20 year vet of the United States Air Force. I spent 8 months in a tent in the UAE during desert storm. We were on a base that was suppose to hold 6,000, there were 18,000 of us there. Our fighters and Moody AFB+.

Military people are like everybody else. Some people think that they volunteer to throw away their lives, they don't. Bush uses them for photo ops, just yesterday Bush was at a base talking how the war was just. Military personnel can't shout him down because their careers maybe at stake. So this is a safe haven for him. I have been to many such VIP's base visits.

What kind of American thinks American deaths are good for America? The war is over, isn't it? Iraq does not need American help. You may have not noticed but Iraq is thousands of years old, alot older than the US. Let the people of Iraq govern themselves. Their oil will more than put them on their feet. Bring our soldiers home so they and their families can have a life. Let's put them to work on our borders and in New Orleans.

This link put's faces on soldiers who died in Iraq. My son will be entering the Air Force in Sept, into the medical field. Which i support, because he'll be helping some of the unlucky ones who are the victims of a failed policy.




el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
The war is in it's sixth year, costing 12 billion dollars a month, nears 4,000 deaths and 28,000+ wounded. VP Cheney was told on a tv show that 2/3 of Americans were against the war in Iraq and he said "SO?". Cheney has stock in Haliburton, so the longer the war goes on, the richer he becomes. Cheney, who would never fight in a war himself, got 5 military deferments during Vietnam. Most know the story about Bush, enlists into the NG the same day he applies, even thou there was a 2 year waiting list. He is so much for the march of freedom, but not enough to volunteer for service in Vietnam. In fact he couldn't fullfill his duty to show up for duty in the NG for a year. Both of these guys are now pretty brave with other people lives.

Being a 20 year vet of the United States Air Force. I spent 8 months in a tent in the UAE during desert storm. We were on a base that was suppose to hold 6,000, there were 18,000 of us there. Our fighters and Moody AFB+.

Military people are like everybody else. Some people think that they volunteer to throw away their lives, they don't. Bush uses them for photo ops, just yesterday Bush was at a base talking how the war was just. Military personnel can't shout him down because their careers maybe at stake. So this is a safe haven for him. I have been to many such VIP's base visits.

What kind of American thinks American deaths are good for America? The war is over, isn't it? Iraq does not need American help. You may have not noticed but Iraq is thousands of years old, alot older than the US. Let the people of Iraq govern themselves. Their oil will more than put them on their feet. Bring our soldiers home so they and their families can have a life. Let's put them to work on our borders and in New Orleans.

This link put's faces on soldiers who died in Iraq. My son will be entering the Air Force in Sept, into the medical field. Which i support, because he'll be helping some of the unlucky ones who are the victims of a failed policy.



so transparent...

"this animated corpse of flesh that`s rotten,
this phantom operative of osama bin lat-en

that serves him in the office of an eye,
as on the opposition "it" does "spy"

this fell and feral photographing fiend,
this spook that sees, yet remains unseen

this lifeless,heartless, soulless ghost,
that feeds upon the teeming "leftist" host

this demon-seed, this heathen voodoo-child,
this resurrected carcass running wild

this moonbat-stalking, undead walking beast,
that on the brains of living ones does feast

this heinous and unholy hound from hell,
that doggedly pursues its prey so well

this spectre that redemption cannot save,
this diabolic relic from the grave

this creature so cadaverous and cruel,
this curs?d thing, this wraith, this ghoul........

(apologies to bill shakespeare and king richard II...lol)


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
This is the earmark of Republicans, they can't defend their position so they attack the person. They did the same to McCain in 2000. Said his wife used drugs, that McCain had a black baby and that McCain was a basketcase from being a prison of war and was not fit to be President. Now they love him, DOUBLETHINK.

Dogs that bark, i enlisted in Syracuse, NY. # 1504. I was born in Plainfield NJ at Muhlenberg hospital, which they are trying to close down.

Lackland AFB TX
Chaute AFB ILL
Holloman AFB NM F4C's
Osan AB S. Korea F4C's OV10's
Loring AFB ME B-52's
Moody AFB F4E's
Osan AB F4E's, OV10's, OA37,
Wurtsmith AFB MI B52's
Clark AB PI F4E's F5's T33's
Hill AFB F16C & D's


This is what i did in the war. Egress systems! Thrust you can trust!
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Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
must have lockjaw---



No offense, but you're looking about as silly as those who questioned your service over the years. You know? When you felt compelled to post your service record?

I don't agree with much of STW's stuff, but I think that you (and ESPECIALLY gardenweasel) need to reconsider your constant assault on a fellow veterans patriotism. ('fellow' meaning you-not weasel, of course).

I've gotten the weasel treatment about this shit(patriotism, military crap..etc) before and it's insulting as hell.

If STW made it up out of whole cloth, I will apologize, but I tend to doubt it.

I'm sure that you'll look into it and report back? :shrug:


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
This is a good example how repubs "support the troops." I don't know what's going to happen to this country, but it doesn't look good.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Looks like those of us here that feal we waisted enough money in Iraq. And just maybe it's time to start a draw down. Must be bad guys on pay roll of Mujahideen. Right. I guess if we all listen to FOX news we might even believe some that BS. Like tonight Fox had Obamas minister running for Prez. Seemed that way after O'Rilley then H&C then Greta could only show him over and over. I mean nothing new or news worthy. But some thing new like Obamas records be broken into three times since January at State Dept. That they blow of as nothing. Nice to know our Gov can do what ever they please to break the law. And thats not news. oh chit I forgot we can't say any thing if we don't kiss some one ass from the right.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 27, 2005
Those clowns in the Whitehouse have only 10 months to give the circus away.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
This is the earmark of Republicans, they can't defend their position so they attack the person. They did the same to McCain in 2000. Said his wife used drugs, that McCain had a black baby and that McCain was a basketcase from being a prison of war and was not fit to be President. Now they love him, DOUBLETHINK.

Dogs that bark, i enlisted in Syracuse, NY. # 1504. I was born in Plainfield NJ at Muhlenberg hospital, which they are trying to close down.

Lackland AFB TX
Chaute AFB ILL
Holloman AFB NM F4C's
Osan AB S. Korea F4C's OV10's
Loring AFB ME B-52's
Moody AFB F4E's
Osan AB F4E's, OV10's, OA37,
Wurtsmith AFB MI B52's
Clark AB PI F4E's F5's T33's
Hill AFB F16C & D's


This is what i did in the war. Egress systems! Thrust you can trust!


Not like the guy had to acknowledge the constant pestering about his service or American loyalty, but now that he has - I hope his attackers step up and (at the very least) not call him a terrorist and wish death upon him.

Kind of a pathetic microcosm of the way this country has functioned the last 5 years.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
This is the earmark of Republicans, they can't defend their position so they attack the person. They did the same to McCain in 2000. Said his wife used drugs, that McCain had a black baby and that McCain was a basketcase from being a prison of war and was not fit to be President. Now they love him, DOUBLETHINK.

Dogs that bark, i enlisted in Syracuse, NY. # 1504. I was born in Plainfield NJ at Muhlenberg hospital, which they are trying to close down.

Lackland AFB TX
Chaute AFB ILL
Holloman AFB NM F4C's
Osan AB S. Korea F4C's OV10's
Loring AFB ME B-52's
Moody AFB F4E's
Osan AB F4E's, OV10's, OA37,
Wurtsmith AFB MI B52's
Clark AB PI F4E's F5's T33's
Hill AFB F16C & D's


This is what i did in the war. Egress systems! Thrust you can trust!

Thank you Spy--now I can lay my concerns on whether you were in military or not aside.

--all I needed was was where you were inducted and the #--but appreciate the extras


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

No offense, but you're looking about as silly as those who questioned your service over the years. You know? When you felt compelled to post your service record?

I don't agree with much of STW's stuff, but I think that you (and ESPECIALLY gardenweasel) need to reconsider your constant assault on a fellow veterans patriotism. ('fellow' meaning you-not weasel, of course).

I've gotten the weasel treatment about this shit(patriotism, military crap..etc) before and it's insulting as hell.

If STW made it up out of whole cloth, I will apologize, but I tend to doubt it.

I'm sure that you'll look into it and report back? :shrug:

I don't think its silly at all--anyone using past military experience ought to be verifiable.

The stuff he put up 2 times previously could have been taken from anyones records--and verified zilch.
I wanted verification without him having to put up his name--and I could verify with info I asked.

--on myself--I believe I put up info initially without being questioned by anyone. My reason was if your going to statements in relation to war or other areas based on 1st hand knowledge you owe it to others to remove doubt on validity of experience on matter.

I'm was born in the show me state--and you'll have to excuse me if I don't believe every statement that anonymous posters put up on net--unless someone that I know to be a real person verifies.

---and if wanting to seperate fact from fiction appears to make me look stupid to some--I won't lose any sleep--
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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
I don't think its silly at all--anyone using past military experience ought to be verifiable.

The stuff he put up 2 times previously could have been taken from anyones records--and verified zilch.
I wanted verification without him having to put up his name--and I could verify with info I asked.

--on myself--I believe I put up info initially without being questioned by anyone. My reason was if your going to statements in relation to war or other areas based on 1st hand knowledge you owe it to others to remove doubt on validity of experience on matter.

I'm was born in the show me state--and you'll have to excuse me if I don't believe every statement that anonymous posters put up on net--unless someone that I know to be a real person verifies.

---and if wanting to seperate fact from fiction appears to make me look stupid to some--I won't lose any sleep--

Wayne, I don't think silly was the right word. Asking someone to post their personal credentials (or ay other info) on a public website is ridiculous. If he doesn't post it, you and McCarthy Jr will use it as justification of his ties to the terrorists. If he does post it, it doesn't change anything.

As for your reasoning, it really doesn't hold water. Why don't you ask everyone who has ever claimed to have military experience to post the same thing? Throwing out the Show-Me-State thing is absurd. Why take anything anyone on here says seriously until you verify everyone's resume? You're singling him out because he challenges your political beliefs, and that's BS.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i`m not buying just yet....

kosar...i didn`t know you were in the service until fairly recently....

and,btw,that wouldn`t stop me from debating you on any issue.....being in the service doesn`t give you immunity from being stupid...or wrong...

one thing i noticed about the stuff stw posted...it all shows a source called "flickr"...which is a photo-sharing site...

do you have to go through such a site to download personal documents?....

i don`t know...i`ve never done it before...help me out....

i`m checking around to try and see if these documents are verifiable...

this is gonna be a very tough sell for me...i`m sure those that operate,as i suspect stw does,have contingencies for just such instances as we have here...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Why heck with people we have in W H and State Dept. All we have to do is ask them to check things for us. Just ask Obama. Don't matter if it's wrong they do it anyway. Then blame it on someone else.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
one more thing...i noticed that stw was in the forum quite a bit after dtb posted his request....

it took him almost a full day to post these documents in response...

that, i find a little strange....that and the fact that he never bothered posting this stuff in spite of my years of allegations until dtb specifically called him on it.....

i`m not buying it...not yet...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
After my answer above the other one should be.If asked about my military service. It's no one's G D business. I understand there are ones with huge ego's that can't wait to tell all. But at our legion hall there are few. Most don't like talking about it.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
one more thing...i noticed that stw was in the forum quite a bit after dtb posted his request....

it took him almost a full day to post these documents in response...

that, i find a little strange....that and the fact that he never bothered posting this stuff in spite of my years of allegations until dtb specifically called him on it.....

i`m not buying it...not yet...

Jeez, tough crowd.

Let's say for example that Wayne asked me to verify my service. I really don't know how long it would take me until I was able to get it up on the site. It's not like i have a file in the computer or anything.

I guess I would have to dig up the paperwork out of some box, go somewhere to have it scanned. Put it on a disk? Not sure. I really don't know how that works but I could ask the guy at Kinkos. Figure out how to get it uploaded(?) into a file in the computer.

I think then you have to have some other site host a picture before you can post one here? Not sure. Figure the hosting thing out and then ask someone how to post a picture on the site.

I probably would give up long before all that was done and just ask you or whoever to believe me.

Point being that just because STW was on the site after Waynes inquiry and didn't jump to attention and get the pic up 5 minutes later, I don't really think is 'evidence' that it's fake.

Wayne says he can verify from his information.

That probably wouldn't satisfy you either, I guess.
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