spytheweb...by the book...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Wayne, I don't think silly was the right word. Asking someone to post their personal credentials (or ay other info) on a public website is ridiculous. If he doesn't post it, you and McCarthy Jr will use it as justification of his ties to the terrorists. If he does post it, it doesn't change anything.

As for your reasoning, it really doesn't hold water. Why don't you ask everyone who has ever claimed to have military experience to post the same thing? Throwing out the Show-Me-State thing is absurd. Why take anything anyone on here says seriously until you verify everyone's resume? You're singling him out because he challenges your political beliefs, and that's BS.

maybe you`ve never noticed,but it`s a political forum and people are gonna question beliefs,ideologies and assertions....

it`s what you do every time you one of your anti-religious screeds....


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Arent these the two guys DTB and GW who gives Bush a pass on his national guard so called:shrug: service?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
i`m not buying just yet....

kosar...i didn`t know you were in the service until fairly recently....

and,btw,that wouldn`t stop me from debating you on any issue.....being in the service doesn`t give you immunity from being stupid...or wrong...

one thing i noticed about the stuff stw posted...it all shows a source called "flickr"...which is a photo-sharing site...

do you have to go through such a site to download personal documents?....

i don`t know...i`ve never done it before...help me out....

i`m checking around to try and see if these documents are verifiable...

this is gonna be a very tough sell for me...i`m sure those that operate,as i suspect stw does,have contingencies for just such instances as we have here...

Of course having been in the service doesn't give a person immunity from being wrong. Hell, Wayne served in Vietnam and he's been wrong every step of the way regarding Iraq. :0corn

I've never said that or implied that to be the case. I'm mostly thinking about one particularly ignorant barrage from you not that long ago questioning my patriotism/military service because of my views on this occupation.

Your last paragraph simply cracks me up. Seriously. The way STW 'operates.' 'contingencies.' :mj07:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Of course having been in the service doesn't give a person immunity from being wrong. Hell, Wayne served in Vietnam and he's been wrong every step of the way regarding Iraq. :0corn

I've never said that or implied that to be the case. I'm mostly thinking about one particularly ignorant barrage from you not that long ago questioning my patriotism/military service because of my views on this occupation.

Your last paragraph simply cracks me up. Seriously. The way STW 'operates.' 'contingencies.' :mj07:

you and i have profound disagreements....i have them with smurph...chad...and others in this forum.....sometimes i`m balancing 3/4 moonbats at a time(lol)..i enjoy it....and i believe that although you`re wrong,you guys have the country`s best interests at heart....

there..i admitted it...

stw is different...what he posts(constant body counts,constant anti-american propaganda)is offensive......i recently pulled one of his posts off another site in which he was crowing about how our navy will get defeated in the persian gulf......

i`ve seen his stuff on the net...not as much of late...i don`t know why that is....but,theres more to this a-hole than just a "difference of opinion"....

you can laugh...you can buy the "i`m a veteran" stuff...you can fillet me for "daring " to question the nasty s-it this mo-fo posts......that`s your right....

i`m not as computer savvy as some...i`m on dial-up and i have problems with pdf sources and such.....i think that`s a bit of good fortune for the jihadi...

.i don`t believe the veteran stuff....i`m sure somebody that knows their stuff could manufacture phony docs....

iyou want to debate me?...fine...that`s what we`re here for...you want to post pictures of bush with caskets in the background...you want to denigrate the military...you enjoy posting body counts(ad nauseum) and inflammatory anti-american propaganda?....

then don`t be surprised if i respond in kind...

i`m not giving him a pass...i don`t care if he`s f-cking admiral nimitz...
Last edited:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Why take anything anyone on here says seriously until you verify everyone's resume? You're singling him out because he challenges your political beliefs, and that's BS.

I think it's because he has never said one thing positive about the USA. Surely there is something good and it's not all bleakness and despair. Really, it does get old. What is his real agenda? Even the most negative people (like Eddie Haskell) have positive things to say on occassion.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I think it's because he has never said one thing positive about the USA.

Has he ever said anything factually incorrect?

Some people dwell on negatives. This is the political forum afterall. Plenty of people here have only negative things to say. Maybe he's just a very negative guy. My dad served 20 years in the Army and is generally very negative. If he posted on this forum he would probably come off pretty much like Spy.

Weasel, you are being pathetic. You really need to man-up about this at some point.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
maybe you`ve never noticed,but it`s a political forum and people are gonna question beliefs,ideologies and assertions....

it`s what you do every time you one of your anti-religious screeds....

I am fully aware that it is a political forum. What you are not aware of is the difference between challenging the beliefs and challenging the person. Since you can't effectively debate the guy, you turn to name calling and character bashing. Pathetic.

For the record, I attack religion and religious beliefs not the individual.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I am fully aware that it is a political forum. What you are not aware of is the difference between challenging the beliefs and challenging the person. Since you can't effectively debate the guy, you turn to name calling and character bashing. Pathetic.

For the record, I attack religion and religious beliefs not the individual.

thought i debated you pretty effectively...

did you ever stop to consider that religion....one`s belief system...one`s faith...is very personal?...

obviously not... because it doesn`t apply to "you".....

because "you" are the extent of your belief system...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Ones Belief is just that his own. I just wish the Gov and far right would stop trying to make it there business. Should not stop one from debating other subjects.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
thought i debated you pretty effectively...

did you ever stop to consider that religion....one`s belief system...one`s faith...is very personal?...

obviously not... because it doesn`t apply to "you".....

because "you" are the extent of your belief system...

There is a clear difference between attacking the man and attacking the belief. You obviously don't know the difference so the concept is lost on you.

Just because I don't harbor religious beliefs doesn't mean I don't have personal beliefs. I, however, am willing to listen when my beliefs are challenged. It's the difference between being rational and irrational.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
There is a clear difference between attacking the man and attacking the belief. You obviously don't know the difference so the concept is lost on you.

Just because I don't harbor religious beliefs doesn't mean I don't have personal beliefs. I, however, am willing to listen when my beliefs are challenged. It's the difference between being rational and irrational.

lets recap...

i believe you addressed me initially in this thread...and it wasn`t to wish me good morning...

gmro/"If he doesn't post it, you and "McCarthy Jr "will use it as justification of his ties to the terrorists. If he does post it, it doesn't change anything"..

so,i responded to YOUR attack....then,you cried like i took your lunch money...

"There is a clear difference between attacking the man and attacking the belief."

well,"the man" doesn`t seem to understand that one`s religious beliefs are held,in some instances,as very personal, very dear,and with sanctity...you attack their religion,they`ll attack back...

you want to define the debate as,"gmro attacks a person`s religious beliefs....soooo,that person is forced to "defend" his beliefs......you want to frame the debate and put the opponent on the defensive by saying "i can insult your belief system and because i don`t have one,you have to defend it"....

sorry,it doesn`t always work that way,sherlock...

been a long time since you addressed(insulted) me in the forum....what got your panties in a bunch?......

ohhhhh.. it`s good friday!.......

i guess somebody had to be the turd in the punchbowl...

enjoy the holiday....:SIB


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Weasel, you are sounding like such a fool. You literally tell a 20 year vet to stop breathing American air and refuse to own up to anything. Instead you want to now shift back to some old argument with Gmroz where you actually felt insulted? You have jumped on everyone who disagrees with you via personal attacks and always answer with something about "panties being in a bunch" or some garbage. Yet the second you feel attacked, all of a sudden you are the persecuted one.

1st step - own up to the Spy fiasco. You have said pretty much the worst things a poster can say about another, then you were essentially proven wrong in front of the world. Own up.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Weasel, you are sounding like such a fool. You literally tell a 20 year vet to stop breathing American air and refuse to own up to anything. Instead you want to now shift back to some old argument with Gmroz where you actually felt insulted? You have jumped on everyone who disagrees with you via personal attacks and always answer with something about "panties being in a bunch" or some garbage. Yet the second you feel attacked, all of a sudden you are the persecuted one.

1st step - own up to the Spy fiasco. You have said pretty much the worst things a poster can say about another, then you were essentially proven wrong in front of the world. Own up.

1ST...gmro addressed ME.pal....I DIDN`T ADDRESS HIM...so i defended myself....i know you`d rather only have leftist,marxist,atheistic opinions allowed in the forum,but,thankfully,jack allows both sides to participate...

2ND...i`ll respond to every filthy ,miserable anti-american stw rant and if you don`t like it,that`s tough...am i being unclear?

i know you`d prefer that i fall in line with you and the rest of spy`s drones,spouting the typical horse puckey meanderings of a left wing brain gone wild....

but,i think it`s more interesting hearing someone defend the military and the country...

if you can`t handle a differing point of view,find a sewing circle...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
So sad. "Point of view" has nothing to do with this. You can't see that, though.

LOL at another dumbass thinking I have a problem with differing views.:mj07:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I am not the most negative person. I really view myself as quite positive and cheery. I don't mean to come across as a pessimist. If the country is in the toilet, I'll call it that way. I think the present candidates are a pleasant change. Now, thats not too negative.

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