spytheweb...by the book...


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001

I am not the most negative person. I really view myself as quite positive and cheery. I don't mean to come across as a pessimist. If the country is in the toilet, I'll call it that way. I think the present candidates are a pleasant change. Now, thats not too negative.


I've seen u post a few positive things just like I posted. Are u in the Obama or Clinton camp?


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Wayne, I don't think silly was the right word. Asking someone to post their personal credentials (or ay other info) on a public website is ridiculous. If he doesn't post it, you and McCarthy Jr will use it as justification of his ties to the terrorists. If he does post it, it doesn't change anything.
As for your reasoning, it really doesn't hold water. Why don't you ask everyone who has ever claimed to have military experience to post the same thing? Throwing out the Show-Me-State thing is absurd. Why take anything anyone on here says seriously until you verify everyone's resume? You're singling him out because he challenges your political beliefs, and that's BS.

It certainly change a lot in my view--

"Thank you Spy--now I can lay my concerns on whether you were in military or not aside.

--all I needed was was where you were inducted and the #--but appreciate the extras"


Matt- Would never ask you to verify anything--have had the pleasure to meet you on diff occasions-- IMO I would have more confidence in your word or a handshake-than I would with written contract from many.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Heart - Obama.

Head kinda Obama. Think he might be Kennedyesq enough to get American people behind him to really change DC without getting killed. If not, he will be trampled under a la Jimmy Carter.

My view, unless we do change the course we are on, we will continue Bush plan of taking whatever we want from other countries (ie, oil) through military power. We will probably start doing so without bs justification (wmd, free'ing people, spread democracy etc)
Those who claim we are the worlds greatest country spreading freedom and democracy we look back at Iraq and see that that was the beginning of the US losing the economic world leadership to China and the beginning of the US as the world most organized terrorist nation, taking what we want for our own consumption.

An effective Obama may be our last chance to avoid this outcome. If we have a continuation of the blow them up occupation plans initiated by the Republicans, I believe the US legacy as the worlds greatest terrorist nation will be solidified.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Spy validates himself and Weasel is unable to own up to his own thread. ...Just sayin.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Spy validates himself and Weasel is unable to own up to his own thread. ...Just sayin.

you waited 6 days to post this?.....you stewed for 6 days and this is the best you can do?....

i don`t remember asking for anything from stw...when did i ask him for anything?....i`d sooner walk over broken glass...

spy proved nothing...what`d he validate?..he posted an anoymous letter of appreciation to "someone" in the air force....everything he posted was off a photo sharing website...

how can you prove it was spytheweb?....you can`t.....

cause you "say it"it`s a fact?...i don`t think so...

is it possible?..i guess....that islamic american soldier that threw the hand grenade into the tent of his fellow soldiers in iraq was military........

does being in the military give him a pass?....hardly...and spy won`t get a pass from me for posting anti-american propaganda...as i said,i could care less if he were admiral nimitz...

i believe that dtb posted his stuff with a name....and i believe there was someone on this site that vouched for him...

you got nothing...except that you love kissing some shitheel`s ass that gets his rocks off by posting american soldier`s casualty figures and caskets...

he`s manipulating you...and probably laughing at you...

you belong right up there with the ballpeen hammer and vice grip pliers...

other classic useful tools....
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