Strikeforce: Diaz vs. Noons II


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Forum Member
Apr 12, 2008
Got back from the card last night. Really liked the Noons/Diaz fight even though I was on the wrong side. Props to both who put on a war. If the reports of KJ breaking his jaw in the first and his left hand in the second are true then he is one tough dude.

Liked the Thomson/JZ fight. Fight round was great.

Undercard had a lot of amateur fights which made the evening flow - as one fight ended they were bringing out the next guy.


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Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
I was on the wrong side as well but I really enjoyed the fight.

I've never been a big Noons fan but I have a lot of respect for him. He did break his jaw in the 1st and hand in the 2nd. That's a tough guy to go all 5 and never show signs of it.

I thought it was funny that he also admitted his hair was an issue in the fight. WHAT A FREAKING IDIOT! How do you not find that out while training.

Ghost Kid

Forum Member
Jun 23, 2008
Just watched these fights.

Great call Diaz backers - I had it a little closer than the wide cards. But Diaz definitely won it by 1 or 2 rounds.

It was a good fight - but not nearly the bout Mauro Rinaldo, or whatever his name is, was claiming. That guy is pretty awful.

The bitch judge who scored the Thompson-JZ fight 30-27 should be banned. That card is every bit as bad as the Sherk-Dunham scores. I agree with kick - Thompson calling her out was awesome. A scorecard like that, which is so clearly wrong, should really require an explanation before further bouts are assigned to her.

Coenen is my girl !
Pretty funny that Kaufman bitched and whined for months about defending her title on a main Strikeforce card, because she thought she was above the Challengers series. All I kept thinking was....complain....complain...complain....tap....tap....tap....sweet irony....

I heard an interview with Coenen after the fight, and she said she has been comfortable on her back her whole life. Awesome !!!!


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
It was a good fight - but not nearly the bout Mauro Rinaldo, or whatever his name is, was claiming. That guy is pretty awful.

Yeah. I almost puked when one of the guys said it was "like watching Picasso paint a masterpiece". I understand hyping your product, but their is a credibility issue that this outfit sorely lacks....shit like this doesn't help.
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