Good to seeya today.
I didn't like today's card at all; came VERY close to just playing one race - the 6th. LUCK continues over here cause I just got on in time to see that they bet down the horse I liked, Renaissance Girl, and I changed my mind and decided to skip the whole dang card for today.
I see your horse got third at Philly. Whenever I really like just one horse at Phlly and I decide to skip the zactas and just play that horse, I usually play the show part at multiple times.. like 2x. Looks like that woulda helped ya today. Good thing you did include the show. Hmm.. I see that a hoss that I've played quite a few times, Smarty Slewy, WON at $21+ .... AND NOW I JUST CHECKED THAT RACE AGAIN ANSD SEE THAT THE FREAKIN MAGIC NOS. ALSO CLICKED IN THAT RACE TO COMPLETE ANOTHER ONE OF THEM THERE $150 PLUS XACTAS IN THAT RACE.
Guess I just didn't care for the race when I went over the card quickly LATE last night.
I'll take a LOOK at the 9th.
GOOD LUCK WITH THE BIG RACE, down here at Gulfstream.