Sunday potentials


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Mar 4, 2000
Sacramento, CA
Parx 4thl
Hannah's Princess WPS

EX: 1-2-4-7

Gulfstream 11th: Fountain of Youth

Union Rags WP

EX: 5,7/1-5-7



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Forum Member
Dec 15, 2005


Good to seeya today.

I didn't like today's card at all; came VERY close to just playing one race - the 6th. LUCK continues over here cause I just got on in time to see that they bet down the horse I liked, Renaissance Girl, and I changed my mind and decided to skip the whole dang card for today. :)

I see your horse got third at Philly. Whenever I really like just one horse at Phlly and I decide to skip the zactas and just play that horse, I usually play the show part at multiple times.. like 2x. Looks like that woulda helped ya today. Good thing you did include the show. Hmm.. I see that a hoss that I've played quite a few times, Smarty Slewy, WON at $21+ .... AND NOW I JUST CHECKED THAT RACE AGAIN ANSD SEE THAT THE FREAKIN MAGIC NOS. ALSO CLICKED IN THAT RACE TO COMPLETE ANOTHER ONE OF THEM THERE $150 PLUS XACTAS IN THAT RACE. FLOCK.

Guess I just didn't care for the race when I went over the card quickly LATE last night.

I'll take a LOOK at the 9th.

GOOD LUCK WITH THE BIG RACE, down here at Gulfstream.


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Dec 15, 2005
HAH.. was just about to write that I played (REAL small, like 2 stinking bucks) the wrong way in Philly's finale... no. 4 to win and no. 3 W/Pl (also a ONE very stinkin buck on a 1-3 box zack) in the last race.

NOW I see, just like the other day that somebody is lodging a complaint vs. the winnah. :)

Guess what? As I write this I see, AGAIN - just like the other day, it went against me.

Oh. well.

Hey, if you're still on.... think I'll take a look at that there BIG ONE at Gulfstream. Haven't seen any REAL Wace Hosses in awhile. :)


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Dec 15, 2005
You clicked despite the layoff for that horse. Way to go :clap:

Place price got boosted too, thanks to the 25-1 shot finishing 2nd. :00hour

Me? Well I did the ole "2 favs. top/bot with two longshots" in zactas. The WRONG two longshots (1 and 3). :(

These hosses are just too dang fast for me.

See ya on Tues.. ;)


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Dec 15, 2005
Wrapping up a short day of "exciting" hoss wacin

Wrapping up a short day of "exciting" hoss wacin

[size=+3] WTF ? [/size] .... music is now blasting on my puter and I can't understand a word thems saying???

Ok, shut down the lve racing thingy for Gulfstream. Evidently, thems Spanish hosses are gonna be running. Sorry, I can't understand Spanish hoss talk. Gotta go.

Good luck basketballin or whatever you folks are up to lately.

To Gulfstream Park... "Thanks for the racing today. Don't worry Gulfstream,. I won't be back for a long time. Been there and done that before.".


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Dec 15, 2005
Not sure I'll be back today (Mon) but I do want to let you know that there are two running today that are on the LIST :eek:

Pretty sure YOU will know who thems are as soon as YOU see them. BTW, I rate the runners on the LIST with 1,2, or 3 apples. Both of them that are running today are rated as TWO apples.

Still gotta go over the fields in these races, but I'm pretty sure that I'll have something on each.

Hope you did good in the pool tourney.


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Dec 15, 2005
Just some coins on this one for today

Just some coins on this one for today

Hmm... just noticed that it sure does look like I'm taking over YOUR thread. Hope it's OK for me to post one pick here since opening a new thread for this off the wall play just doesn't seem right.

Make that, one CWAZY pick that surely isn't a play to hit hard at all. But, despite the poor jockey (3 for 71 starts), unknown trainer with a show placing for 3 starts, and a pretty poor owner - that no. 3 hoss in the 6th could POP at a PRICE today. Take it easy cause a little could win a lot since I expect the odds to be well above it's 10-1 M.L. Even has a senseless name, Miss Daddy Matt (HUH?). I guess it's more of a hunch play.... . let's see what happens. There's always a "tomorrow".
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