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dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
case in point:

idiot jury: OJ jury........one person on jury had taken a high school science class.......with DNA evidence being a major factor in case....yet lawyers handpicked jury so no one could understand the significance of evidence (this is a common occurence as you should know)

idiot judge: Judge Ito: allows lawyers to walk all over his courtroom unbridled......

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Your blocking.

Objection, your honor, irrelevant. Judge, the issue is the good doctors attack on lawyers and the judicial system in his post yesterday as compared to his attack on Mr. Haskell within the last half hour, wherein he claimed to condemn pointless insulting attacks yet employed the very same tactics when generalizing about the legal system, judges and juries.

Judge: "sustained."

Go ahead doc, give me your next shot.



Registered User
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Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I'm seeing that none of us have any games to bet on.... Is there any games anywehere in the world right now and a site that would take the action so we can change this shi*!?!

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
okay.....when i raise an argument about idiot juries -- which anyone will conclude we have (most reasonable people anyways) -- due to inordinate amounts of money paid to people for minor misfortunes.....that is part of my argument.....

attacking me and calling me a kkk member or whatever, is not part of any argument because it has no bearing on anything rather to demean me personally......

my point in saying that idiot juries should not be allowed -- well, here i think i have a point in referring to the fact that a jury should have to be competent enough to understand what is going on in the case in order to make a decision.....is that not reasonable? if it isn't, why don't we just put ernie the elephant on the jury and see which peanut he picks and assign consequences to the peanut for the one we will go with.....

in insurance cases.....we have juries who think they are doing society a favor by awarding handsome sums to undeserving plaintiffs -- benefactors at the expense of all society in increasing insurance rates.....

good grief, i know so many doctors around here who are quitting just because they have to put up with malpractice insurance that it isn't worth it even more to continue operating....86% of the lawsuits filed don't even reach the courtroom in Texas for med. malpractice because judges throw them out.....but that does not assume the costs for doctors.....that means in those 86% of the cases a doctor has to hire a lawyer to defend him for groundless reasons.....getting absolutely nothing positive done in the process....should be a huge fine for trying to scam money in this way......

do you honestly think that doctor's go into this profession and are not careful? do you think that there is no risk in any surgery? why should a doctor have to assume all responsibilities for risks i do not know....sure there are very bad cases every once in a while and those guys must be held accountable but i am scared to death that some lawyer is going to take me down someday because of a complication that came up when i was trying to save a life or better someone's life.....i know someone who had a historectomy and the doctor hit the femoral nerve and now she has pain there and slight paralysis yet she can and may win a huge settlement....yet the risk is associated with the operation.....who absorbs the costs for this??? yes doctors to some degree but also everyone!!!!

i am in this profession as all my classmates are to help people.....you cannot go through med school for the money.....it will weed you out....besides the money is not that good nowadays anyway and most people in med school could make far more money doing other things.....

insurance rates are way too high......my parents and friends and family can hardly afford them....and it is because of freeloaders who make bogus claims which drive them through the roof.....bogus claims would be laughed at if we had competent judges and juries.....instead, as i maintain, we have too many idiots presiding over justice.....

i am going up to South Dakota and am gonna work on the Indian Reservation and actually work for the government for a couple of reasons.....first i care about the people and they need good doctors.....second i won't have to deal with insurance companies....and third the pay is good and the people respect me and know that i am there for them and will not be looking for opportunities to run me out of business.....in the old days if you did that you were looked down on by everyone.....today we turn our heads the other way and most people don't even realize why things are getting so out of hand......


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Appreciate that Time..... Wish I stayed away from NHL today... 0-3 -11.55 units alone. Ended up +.47 u on the day..... Vancouver was a suprise..... Would take them again tomorrow though.... Can't wait for reg. season baseball....... First year capping bball made $17,000.00; too bad my ego got in the way and I thought I knew everything about every sport; aka football (book's favorite sport).

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
already we have a shortage of general surgeons -- the number one area where lawsuits occur.....no doctors are going into general surgery anymore.....guess why?????

if it keeps up, you will be put on a long waiting list to get a simple emergency operation such as an appendectomry or the like in a couple of years......no doctors = no care.....why is this happening?

an abuse of the justice system......but this isn't really anyone's concern is it.....just wait til 10 years and it starts happening....there will be cries of outrage against everyone in the medical profession i am sure.....and it will fall on deaf ears because we will say "i told you so, we know what was going on, but you didn't listen, and now we are screwed -- nothing we can do about it now, except to have someone who is not competent to operate on you, but we will do our best"........

and you know what? we will do our best.....


Forum Member
Jul 24, 2001
Lawyers are f*cks and unfortunately I am studying to be one.... but Doc makes a great point, keep it up Doc. Your work is appreciated.....

We need more people like you


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
The Olympics made Salt Lake "feel real". Big parties, but also a sense of The Zion Wall Is Down. I pretty much grew up here in my teens until U. of Mich. and its always had some "unwritten laws" on how to act and what's appropriate and whats not. When SLC was bombarded with what I would call "normal" people in the world, we (the society) was forced to accept things that the world would perceive as "normal." I always knew though what the norm was, going to UofM and hash bash up there and all that shi* "Animal House" taught us when I was an adolecent..........

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
Time: not all lawyers are......we just have too many of them.....

you have probably heard the ol story about the town who had one lawyer and he didn't have much to do until another one moved into town.....lol

theres just is a huge lack of accountability in the profession IMO.....and this needs to be taken care of.....i wanted to be a lawyer but started to like science over law.....but you can be an asset in law and many lawyers can in good conscience help.....

i wonder how many sleep at night though because so many times only negatives come from their work.....and they attempt to deceive instead of enlighten......could not do this and i encourage any lawyer to stay away from the temptation.....worldly "success" comes secondary in the longrun to timeless courage.....


Forum Member
Jul 24, 2001
Dr Freeze,

I apologize to you for 1 or 2 encounters that we had and now I see what type of individual you are. You are 25 years old ana med student and I have the upmost respect for what you do, times are tough..... and your right $ is not everything.

Now let us all move on.

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Heres a shocker. I disagree with you. How do you come up with the statment that theres a lack of accountability in the law profession. Since you apply reason over emotion, what facts do you have in support. Not opinion, facts.

How do you determine that lawyers decieve and not enlighten? If I'm trying to hide something I have every faith that my opponent will bring that fact to light before the trier of fact and further will damage my credibility with a jury.

Once again I disagree with you as to why less doctors are specializing in general surgery. You blame lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits. I point to insurance companies who have drastically reduced the amounts they are willing to pay surgeons as well as other specialists.

I know numerous orthopaedic surgeons whose incomes were well into 7 figures in the golden age of medicine in the 80's who are now stuggling to get by making 400k per year. Alot to most of us, but there income was cut 60 -70 per cent by your friendly health insurance carrier.

yet lawyers once again are the convenient scapegoat. Insurance rates are high not because of malpractice cases but rather because insurance companies set the rates and have a very effective marketing strategy to blame attorneys and greedy plaintiffs. The reality and facts are that increase in malpractice premiums has no correlation to an increase in plaintiffs verdicts. I suggest doc that you ask your carrier some hard questions.

Although you may be altruistic, it has been my experience that the majority of physicians are into your profession for the money. I hear this from medical school students, medical doctors and salesmen providing medical equipment.

It has been my experience that juries do not pay inordinate amounts of money for minor injuries. On the rare occasions that they do, the media jumps all over it. Does the media jump on a case where a doctor gets a defense verdict in a malpractice case yet he in fact commited malpractice. You and I both know the answer to that question.

For those of you that don't know, in order to get a medical malpractice case before a jury, the plaintiff must provide EXPERT MEDICAL TESTIMONY indicating that the defendant doctors treatment fell below the standard of care in that community. In other words a fellow doctor must testify that the defendant doctor committed malpractice.

It's not quite as simple as you would have everyone believe doc. As you know doc the odds of successfully prosecuting a plaintiffs medical malpractice case are both extremely high and extremely costly for the plaintiffs attorney. IN EVERY MALPRACTICE CASE THAT I HAVE BROUGHT ON BEHALF OF A CLIENT I HAVE SPENT A MINIMUN OF $15,000.00 TO PROSECUTE THE CASE.

Yet, you would have everyone believe that if you just file a suit, no matter how lacking in fact, you recover big bucks. You are dead wrong. YOu are trying to spread the same lies that the insurance companies spread. FACT: 90% of the verdicts in medical malpractice cases are for the defendant. They are the most difficult cases to prove since MOST DOCTORS WILL NOT TESTIFY AGAINST THERE FELLOW DOCTORS.

Stop the lies doc. These are facts and not biased opinions. I agree that the civil justice system needs work. So does your profession big guy.


dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
thanks....i don't really remember anyone who i got into it with there have been so many...only know the current ones....hehe.....

i have had problems being bitter though lately and am pretty blunt anyways with people so most of it is probalby my fault.....

i just hate it when people call me fascist or KKK because of my conservative views though....always see these liberal elitisits who probably have never ever been in the trenches working with the unfortunate (unless the camera is on them -- i really respect that attitude.....lol) and they act like they know whats best for them by just feeding them beans and encouraging them to stay down so the cycle can continue....

would like to see them devote a life in the trenches and go into a world of poverty and try to revive people the real way and see how it happens.....heck i am going into an Indian reservation where the poorest people in America live and it isn't fun to be called a fascist especially when i am busting my ass and sacrificing almost my whole 20's to get the training....sacrificing almost every weekend for the books....datadatada.......

then i am going into the 3rd world where it exists in America anyways where the gov't has degraded the Native Americans from a once proud people to lives of stagnation.....but there is always hope and i think i have what it takes to make a difference and have some ideas and there are some resources which might turn around a reservation or two....and i know people in high places in this country where i just might be able to have enough influence to turn things around in many places......

this might sound a bit selfish, but sometimes you start thinking "is all this worth it"? when you could just as easily be making 100,000$+/year right now picking up women and living the "good" life like so many people around me here are doing......

but because of my conservative worldview, i maintain the course and sleep well most nights knowing that this is going to be rewarding in its own way someday.......

plus where does that wealth get you anyway? i just saw this town take a huge hit when many of the yuppies just lost everything they had in a matter of days....now they are without this "identity" and their lives seem meaningless and void.....such a fleeting reward but it seems so appealing.....makes one think.....

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
i already said that in texas 86% of the cases are for the defendent because they don't even make the courtroom......yet the doctor has to spend money on a legal defense for needless cause......

you say you know all these med students and the reasons they don't go into GS......well, i happen to be one and know hundreds and know why they won't go into GS.....it is because of the malpractice suits AND yes the insurance rates......

why are malpractice insurance rates high?????

not too hard to figure that one out Eddie.....

why are health insurance rates high???? because it costs a lot for health care.....

why does it cost a lot for health care???? because doctors have lots of expenses AND they command a large salary

where is the easiest way to cut the costs of health care??? cut a doctor's salary???? okay, then assuming you are correct -- that most doctor's do it for the money -- you will lose many of your good doctors as they will find better ways to make money.....

no -- the easiest way to cut costs are to lower the med. malpractice insurance rates (stop the malpractice suits)-- this can only be done through cutting lawyer fees -- something which LAWYERS DO NOT WANT obviously and will lobby endlessly to have......

90% of malpractice suits that get turned down is not high enough....this number needs to be higher so that it is impractical to try to get money for associated risks which unfortunately happen during a doctor's courageous attempt to better someone's life......

the 15,000 or so is also absorbed in the long run into the settlements won.....you know that as well as anyone.....

bottomline: nothing positive gets accomplished and money is drained from society to freeloaders

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
yeah i know there are some bad doctors and some sickos -- heck there is even one guy who blantantly went from hospital to hospital killing people -- was even in South Dakota for training.....and those guys SHOULD go down and that guy in particular go down to the chair......

but most of us are not, and i can guarantee you i will have lots of anguish because of complications or maybe an oversight and really do not want to be taken to court for it...i am human and we all make mistakes......will have enough trouble dealing with it when it comes in my own mind......but all i can do is do my best and without doctor's we would be in deep trouble so best thing to do is to listen to what they say and when they say they are in trouble it is probably legitimate.....

anyways i gotta go to bed and glad we can finally talk on a personable level.......


The Zapper
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2001
Eddie: Nice job on the Australian euphemisms, cobber. ;) Highly intellegent:)rolleyes: ), although thoroughly expected and highlighting your lack of original thought power.

When I said 8 pages, Matlock, I of course am refering to the 5 entitled "How does this happen", 1 "fry the bitch", and the 2 contained in this thread......See.....Us upside-down people are real clever when it comes to a-countin' ma! ;)

Might I add also, Lionel Hutz, my insecurities are fine, thanks for asking, and my 'need to fit in' is also coming along nicely ;)

If you do actually want to debate some of the issues here rather than taking a one-eyed defensive stand, feel free to lower yourself to e-mail this stupid, moronic dolt ;)

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Nice response Dundee:

Bit of Aussie smoke blowin. Didn't aknowledge that I was stereotyped first by 4 different blokes. Can't admit your wrong but rather just like to throw boomerangs at Eddie. Whatever, clown.

By the way, who is that little guy under the goal posts with that cute hat in Australian Rules Football. Further by the way, who are you to come on this board, completely, intentionally lie and misconstrue posts, then take up an attack on your own.

Your a funny talking hypocrite. Did I see you in a national geographic special helping kangaroos over a fence. Maybe you would like a piece of me too. Stand in line, matey.

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