The real Rev Jeremiah Wright


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Sep 27, 2005
By Lawrence Korb and Ian Moss
April 3, 2008

In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines.

In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. (They provide medical assistance to the Marines as well as to Navy personnel.)

The man did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility, Bethesda Naval Hospital, as a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery. For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation.

What is even more remarkable is that this man entered the Marines and Navy not many years after the two branches began to become integrated.

While this young man was serving six years on active duty, Vice President Dick Cheney, who was born the same year as the Marine/sailor, received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate student and one for being a prospective father. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then avoided going on active duty through family connections.

Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something or those who merely talk about their love of the country?

After leaving the service of his country, the young African-American finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of a large church in one of America's biggest cities.

This man is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, who has been in the news for comments he made over the last three decades.

Since these comments became public we have heard criticisms, condemnations, denouncements and rejections of his comments and him.

We've seen on television, in a seemingly endless loop, sound bites of a select few of Rev. Wright's many sermons.

Some of the Wright's comments are inexcusable and inappropriate and should be condemned, but in calling him "unpatriotic," let us not forget that this is a man who gave up six of the most productive years of his life to serve his country.

How many of Wright's detractors, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly to name but a few, volunteered for service, and did so under the often tumultuous circumstances of a newly integrated armed forces and a society in the midst of a civil rights struggle? Not many.

While words do count, so do actions.

Let us not forget that, for whatever Rev. Wright may have said over the last 30 years, he has demonstrated his patriotism.


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003
When did this patriot learn how to make millions as a pastor of a church while vocally ripping others that have made "a lot" of money??


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
ever hear of the saying

- a pic is worth a thousand words--
- actions speak louder than words-
-- what about seeing is believing

apparently not!

FWIW The whole time I read your little snippet Spy --I pictured the veins popping out of his neck--flailing around like a bansee saying G.D. America-- with his congregation cheering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I assume you,like some others, interpret that hope/change ;)

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
ever hear of the saying

- a pic is worth a thousand words--
- actions speak louder than words-
-- what about seeing is believing

apparently not!

FWIW The whole time I read your little snippet Spy --I pictured the veins popping out of his neck--flailing around like a bansee saying G.D. America-- with his congregation cheering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I assume you,like some others, interpret that hope/change ;)

Dogs im sure you like the other sheep out there hold more stock in those 15 seconds of sound bites instead of a 30 year career. Normal thinking people would never let a guys Pastor decide who they are voting for. Doesn't it eventually get old to be played like this over and over again? Even you eventually have to realize it

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
As you said Wayne, "...actions speak louder than words."


When asked by his country:

Wright enlisted. Cheney deferred.


After fighting a fraudulent war:

Wright: "G.D. America"
Cheney: "We know Sadaam has weapons of mass destruction."


Wright: 0 war 0 dead
Cheney: 1 war/occupation hundreds of thousands dead & wounded.

The republican spin machine continues to divert attention from the real issues in this campaign. Instead of talking about the 3 US soldiers that were killed today in the occupation that McCain wants to keep the US in indefinitely, the money machine is still consumed with a candidates pastor.



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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
You have Patriots and you have Loyalist. A reasonable GOD would have damned America at some points in Our History; no? I don't think any historian can disagree with that. It is possible to love America and see Her as She is . I love America and so does the Rev. He's just trying to push her in the right direction. If you came from where He came from, if you heard what He heard, If you saw what He saw, you may not have liked it but you would understand. We should be the undisputed greatest Country in the world. America can stand up to a Patriots voice can't She ? What is all the histeria about ? You Have an American Patriot, who wore the uniform, who has an opinion. What is more American than that ? The People that are scared by the Rev Wright, are scared by His reality. A reality that most of them couldn't have functioned as well in and to this day won't deal with ! If the Rev wright was a republican, DTB would ask. Who has he ever killed ? This guy is a Yankee Doodle Dandy ! He's living His American dream. Go live yours !


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
what does spy have in common with the reverend?...

1)they both hate america...

2)they`re both anti-semitic..

3)they`re both supporters of louis farakhan....

4)both believe we deserved 9/11...

5)neither was invited to speak at obama`s candidacy announcement...

6)both use military service(one real/one imagined)as a straw man to justify and deflect criticism for their anti-americanism...

7)both are ridiculous conspiracy theorists...

8)both hate europeans-americans(i.e. whitey)...

9)both are redundant tools...

10)both are very popular in this forum...

11)both need a little more fiber in their diet(if you get my drift)...


Forum Member
Sep 16, 2003

I'm sure Hitler kissed his mother every morning and gave blood at least once in his life.

I know that's a bit over the top.

This guy is still a POS.

It was, is, and will be whitey's fault again and again. A-effin-men.

Can we please just make every white male pay a reparation amount to the black community so they can finally get it together. I know it's my fault. Were do I pay to get things moving along here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Massapequa Park, NY USA
"Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something or those who merely talk about their love of the country"?

Lee Harvey Oswald was a US Marine.
Was he a patriot too?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You have Patriots and you have Loyalist. A reasonable GOD would have damned America at some points in Our History; no? I don't think any historian can disagree with that. It is possible to love America and see Her as She is . I love America and so does the Rev. He's just trying to push her in the right direction. If you came from where He came from, if you heard what He heard, If you saw what He saw, you may not have liked it but you would understand. We should be the undisputed greatest Country in the world. America can stand up to a Patriots voice can't She ? What is all the histeria about ? You Have an American Patriot, who wore the uniform, who has an opinion. What is more American than that ? The People that are scared by the Rev Wright, are scared by His reality. A reality that most of them couldn't have functioned as well in and to this day won't deal with ! If the Rev wright was a republican, DTB would ask. Who has he ever killed ? This guy is a Yankee Doodle Dandy ! He's living His American dream. Go live yours !

this is a very good post


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
"Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something or those who merely talk about their love of the country"?

Lee Harvey Oswald was a US Marine.
Was he a patriot too?

this is a very good question


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
what does spy have in common with the reverend?...

1)they both hate america...

2)they`re both anti-semitic..

3)they`re both supporters of louis farakhan....

4)both believe we deserved 9/11...

5)neither was invited to speak at obama`s candidacy announcement...

6)both use military service(one real/one imagined)as a straw man to justify and deflect criticism for their anti-americanism...

7)both are ridiculous conspiracy theorists...

8)both hate europeans-americans(i.e. whitey)...

9)both are redundant tools...

10)both are very popular in this forum...

11)both need a little more fiber in their diet(if you get my drift)...

you are very much insane


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
You have Patriots and you have Loyalist. A reasonable GOD would have damned America at some points in Our History; no? I don't think any historian can disagree with that. It is possible to love America and see Her as She is . I love America and so does the Rev. He's just trying to push her in the right direction. If you came from where He came from, if you heard what He heard, If you saw what He saw, you may not have liked it but you would understand. We should be the undisputed greatest Country in the world. America can stand up to a Patriots voice can't She ? What is all the histeria about ? You Have an American Patriot, who wore the uniform, who has an opinion. What is more American than that ? The People that are scared by the Rev Wright, are scared by His reality. A reality that most of them couldn't have functioned as well in and to this day won't deal with ! If the Rev wright was a republican, DTB would ask. Who has he ever killed ? This guy is a Yankee Doodle Dandy ! He's living His American dream. Go live yours !

You can't be serious Mr B

If you do a search you'll find I've never defended a Reb that has went against my ethical standards--even the toe tapping--Have been against most TV ministers regardless of politics--

The advances MLK made 40 years ago have been undone by radicals like right--Despite the frredoms and other gains made--Wright and other radicals have dimished the advancements of their people.

40 years later despite advancements--the family value factors (illegitamacy-crime ect) have increased--not diminished--why?--and if it's whities fault--riddle me this--how many blacks living in white communities do you see with bars on their windows?

Yep he's lived his dream--profiting off 'the people" as the Bakers-and several other TV preachers and politicians.

All they need is willing audience--and what better way than to lay blame on someone else for their own failures. These hate mongers will never solve any probs--because it's much easier to lay blame on someone else--than take responsibilty for ones own actions.

Hate for profit--the yankee Doodle Dandy

There hasn't been slavery for 100 years--everyone has opp to get education/--everyone is born equal--with 24 hours in a day--what you do with those 24 hours will determine ones plight.

Regardless of color--if you quit school-have 3 kids before 21 and not married--resort to crime-do drugs ect--
--put the blame where it belongs.

Who has he ever killed--would venture to say if he's telling people aids is caused by gov and not lifestyle--he's missed opp to save several.

--and speaking of weak excuses--Cheney didn't enlist- will be pretty hard to beat, Edward :)


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i left one out....

12)they`re both(spy and the rev) muslims(or former muslims,as in "the nation of islam",in the rev`s case).....

"Sen. Barack Obama?s Chicago church reprinted a manifesto by Hamas that defended terrorism as legitimate resistance, refused to recognize the right of Israel to exist and compared the terror group?s official charter ? which calls for the murder of Jews ? to America?s Declaration of Independence." ..

you might think ole` barack wants to wear the beret and the turtleneck but without having to throw the firebombs or write the manifesto....

nation of islam..the weathermen.......obama`s friends and mentors?


and obama has several nation of islamer`s on his staff...i`m gonna cut him some slack here,though...he throws the n.o.i. under the bus, they're liable to pay him a visit with crowbars and handguns...

i hope...i pray...that at the very least,he`s just a secularist/socialist at heart....and he`s used these shaky religious/nationalist connections to gain political favor....

that alone is reprehensible,but,it`s the lesser of the two evils..

rev. wright/the gift that keeps on giving...



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Politics/Religion it says above. I thought there would be more church goers in this form. If I got up and left my church everytime my Rev said something I did not like. Or even blasted some stupid idea my Government might have had. I had to leave a few times each year. And you folks from a lttle father south where I see very vocal Rev's. Some Seem so surprised. I don't buy any of that
surprise. I see in America many have left this BS go. And Obama's number just keep going up. So the right can just keep there bleeding heart bull chit going. I rather worry about our real problems. Iraq war draining us. Our cost of living going out of site. Lost jobs. A stock mkt thats about 6 years behind. So lets go nuts about a Rev that they found said a few nutty things over 30 years. But don't give any respect for all the good things and serving his country is one no play. It's just all BS. Thank goodness more Americans are getting smart to these tactics.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
Politics/Religion it says above. I thought there would be more church goers in this form. If I got up and left my church everytime my Rev said something I did not like. Or even blasted some stupid idea my Government might have had. I had to leave a few times each year. And you folks from a lttle father south where I see very vocal Rev's. Some Seem so surprised. I don't buy any of that
surprise. I see in America many have left this BS go. And Obama's number just keep going up. So the right can just keep there bleeding heart bull chit going. I rather worry about our real problems. Iraq war draining us. Our cost of living going out of site. Lost jobs. A stock mkt thats about 6 years behind. So lets go nuts about a Rev that they found said a few nutty things over 30 years. But don't give any respect for all the good things and serving his country is one no play. It's just all BS. Thank goodness more Americans are getting smart to these tactics.

I once went to a church where the preacher said some pretty outragous things that I just couldnt get on board with. I did what I thought was right and/or commen sense and found a new church:shrug:
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