The Weiner Circle - Chicago


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Never said or posted for guys to bet my plays, because I don't either. I follow others that I respect, and my local will not allow me to buy 10 points like you. Face it, Bobby added you up and the facts have spoken........ queenofpussycats record and losses are:

37-24 - ($6,996)

Prove it otherwise since you are the one bragging and lying. Bobby and Pooner are believable, not your backwards accounting. Pooner emailed me and came up with the same number, laughing at what a liar you are.

He has to start lying in order to not admit defeat. I wouldn't worry about it. If Scooter is typing, he's lying and if Scooter is gambling, he's shipping. Those are the facts here and they're not disputed by anyone except Scooter.

Keep on posting the plays, Scooter. It's been a blast!


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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
He has to start lying in order to not admit defeat. I wouldn't worry about it. If Scooter is typing, he's lying and if Scooter is gambling, he's shipping. Those are the facts here and they're not disputed by anyone except Scooter.

Keep on posting the plays, Scooter. It's been a blast!

The funny thing is, Bobby, is that he is up at 4 AM, and worried about what has been posted. He can't sleep just knowing there is something going on. Then his posts are so lame trying to give comebacks. Pooner and Joker, you are both correct in the emails you sent me about queenpussycat. ;)


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Never said or posted for guys to bet my plays, because I don't either. I follow others that I respect, and my local will not allow me to buy 10 points like you. Face it, Bobby added you up and the facts have spoken........ queenofpussycats record and losses are:

liars have already been proven with agendas of hate and deceit

what is your excuse loser ass whinerguy, no gambling, woman job, ugly drunk mofo



Can't sleep?

And for the third time, please describe "woman job"? :0corn


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
He has to start lying in order to not admit defeat. I wouldn't worry about it. If Scooter is typing, he's lying and if Scooter is gambling, he's shipping. Those are the facts here and they're not disputed by anyone except Scooter.

Keep on posting the plays, Scooter. It's been a blast!

you take the cake for liar in this realm

I can take a hit as my bankroll is enough for it not to bother me when I lose at times.

I have more money offshore than you have in your fucking savings account.

dumb ass

how much are your units worth :mj07:fucking fat head pussy


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
T. Pooner and Joker, you are both correct in the emails you sent me about queenpussycat. ;)

what a fucking pussy you are

putting it on others for your internet squabbles

Poon and Joker said this and this ............. 3 rd grade little bitch with a womans job

PS - what job is it that you do again? maybe describe it in more detail and I will be able to
see its not a pussy job. but I doubt it.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Originally Posted by BobbyBlueChip View Post
There you go, Scooter. It's easy for me since I update the record win or lose. . . . it's tougher when you only update when you win. . . . especially if you lose

Soccerball 151-189 -17.74 units
NFL 89-99 -14 units
NCAA 94-107 -16.34 units

BBC hasnt had a winning season over 50% in many many years

its sad really

55 K and counting


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
There you go, Scooter. It's easy for me since I update the record win or lose. . . . it's tougher when you only update when you win. . . . especially if you lose

Soccerball 184-151 +17.74 units
NFL 89-75 +13.14 units
NCAA 104-87 +16.34 units

Your turn


Here's my real record, Scott-Atlanta in case your dumb ass can't find it.

Soccerball 184-151 +17.74 units - as of 2/21/14 when I posted

NFL 89-75 +13.14 units

NCAA 104-87 +16.34 units


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane

now we are getting somewhere loser boy

50% on and on year after year

what is a unit worth again :mj07:
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Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Another settlement come in?

Mr. Self made man :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

I made twice as much as you last year accountant by night

how much did yu make ?

joker and poon sent a email to whinerguy and said you made 50K last year
it was a big joke to them . and they said alot of other things too in the email
to whinerguy


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Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Another settlement come in?

Mr. Self made man :mj07::mj07::mj07::mj07:

Yep, remember he got the first settlement and moved to the country home with his big lawnmower.....not his own money, just settlement money.......just call Ken Nugent on your next settlement to pay your bad beat bets...."one call, that's all" queenkittycat


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
I made twice as much as you last year accountant by night :liar:

how much did yu make ?

joker and poon sent a email to whinerguy and said you made 50K last year
it was a big joke to them . and they said alot of other things too in the email
to whinerguy

FYP.........I will forward you their emails if you want them...............didn't think so. Good typical lame comebacks too, by the way. How will you celebrate getting to 60,000? Sit in your basement on your computer like every day? Settlement boy.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Yep, remember he got the first settlement and moved to the country home with his big lawnmower.....not his own money, just settlement money.......

would have never got anything with Ken Nugent . I had the best lawyer and he was paid very well.

The reason I am up so early is I work in the construction field. I set my own hours though. I like to get on job sites and miss the rush hour.

I just got word today I was low bidder on a government project with 3,400 LF of iron fence . Take down
over 3K ft of existing fence, install a concrete mow strip around the entire new fence, four cantilever slide gates, 22 single gates, and gate operators and equipment on 4 gates.

My bid was 325K

I will have to get a secret clearance for myself and my workers. It is a royal pain in the ass to go through
that process. But I have done it before.

My nephew works in the FBI , so maybe I will name drop that one. haha

I also have a bid in to Fort ........... I wont say the name, but it is also thousands of ft of fence work, and 2-3 of the General Contractors told me they used my numbers for their quotes.

yeh I am hurting for money

what was it you and BBC made last year. :mj07:

and for the 4th time are you going to describe the job you do or not ?

what a blowhard you are loser ass.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
FYP.........I will forward you their emails if you want them...............didn't think so. Good typical lame comebacks too, by the way. How will you celebrate getting to 60,000? Sit in your basement on your computer like every day? Settlement boy.

please copy and paste the emails in here.

I have no problem with that.

It will be interesting to hear what they have to say.

yeh I am sitting in my basement all right. I worked my 12 hours today.

what was your job again ?


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
would have never got anything with Ken Nugent . I had the best lawyer and he was paid very well.

The reason I am up so early is I work in the construction field. I set my own hours though. I like to get on job sites and miss the rush hour.

I just got word today I was low bidder on a government project with 3,400 LF of iron fence . Take down
over 3K ft of existing fence, install a concrete mow strip around the entire new fence, four cantilever slide gates, 22 single gates, and gate operators and equipment on 4 gates.

My bid was 325K

I will have to get a secret clearance for myself and my workers. It is a royal pain in the ass to go through
that process. But I have done it before.

My nephew works in the FBI , so maybe I will name drop that one. haha

I also have a bid in to Fort ........... I wont say the name, but it is also thousands of ft of fence work, and 2-3 of the General Contractors told me they used my numbers for their quotes.

yeh I am hurting for money

what was it you and BBC made last year. :mj07:

and for the 4th time are you going to describe the job you do or not ?

what a blowhard you are loser ass.

Seems like a lot of work for 325k. No wonder you were the low bidder. I'd hate to have to work at your age.....must be horrible.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
Seems like a lot of work for 325k. No wonder you were the low bidder. I'd hate to have to work at your age.....must be horrible.

Exactly on the "working at your age". Queenofkittycats you are soooooo set up yet you carry post-hole diggers in your Miata from job to job, while promising the Government who the HELL knows what as far as kickbacks. We will trust you to report it as a "business expense" on your tax returns. Good luck with that, Settlementboy!!!!



Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Exactly on the "working at your age". Queenofkittycats you are soooooo set up yet you carry post-hole diggers in your Miata from job to job, while promising the Government who the HELL knows what as far as kickbacks. We will trust you to report it as a "business expense" on your tax returns. Good luck with that, Settlementboy!!!!

you still didnt describe your job .......

you still didnt post the emails from poon and joker

and you have anything to say to me............ ok I get it :142smilie
Last edited:


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Seems like a lot of work for 325k. No wonder you were the low bidder. I'd hate to have to work at your age.....must be horrible.

My great grandfather worked a farm in New England until he was 82. He was strong as a fucking horse.
I worked along side him many times.

I have alot of the gates made already. When its slow we weld up frames for standard size gates.

Weld shop will be busy with the fence next month.

Wont start on site for a while . All the paperwork clearances have to be done.

Can only take down as much fence as we can install in a day for security reasons.

I dont work the physical stuff dumb ass. I have Project Managers that handle the crews. I am in
the Sales end of things nowadays. But I check on the jobs we have going everyday. Its all about running
a business. I got to Home Depot and Lowes alot for materials. whew....

I paid the most in taxes last year than I ever have in any past year. But I dont mind because I made the most also.

how much annual income did you say you have

how much are your units worth again ?
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