"But since Poon was correct in calling you out on it, until you meet another member on this site in person you have no validity. You're just a persona. Which is probably what you want/need. Compensating for something you failed to become in real life. I've at least sat down with 1 long-time member for an enjoyable lunch and he can vouch for that."
A lot of you guys are creaming yourselves over the "brilliance" of this statement but, in the same paragraph, he notes that someone is "compensating" for failure in real life and then saying that unless you meet other posters in real life, "you have no validity."
Another post alluded to the fact that the biggest blowhards on here don't ever post a pick or any game info. Maybe there should be a separate forum (please password protect it) for everyone who wants to set-up a fishing trip, solicit money for some cause or for those who feel the need to beg for attention and feedback to feel better about themselves.
It's also very bad form to be critical of someone who does post picks but, may not have a great record but, then again, that usually comes from the same lemmings who are trying to break out of the Truman Show.
I'm grateful for the people on here who do post good information and insight on the games...just seems like there are more "Carlos Danger's" on here than Jimmy the Greeks.