These are the people that we need to protect from "excessive"taxes?

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to Keep Names Secret in Tax Case

Published: February 24, 2009
UBS was sued on Tuesday in a Swiss federal court by wealthy American clients seeking to prevent the disclosure of their identities as part of a tax-evasion investigation by the United States Justice Department.

The lawsuit accuses UBS and Switzerland?s financial regulator, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, or Finma, of violating Swiss bank secrecy laws and of conducting what Swiss law considers illegal activities with foreign authorities. It also named Peter Kurer, the chairman of UBS, and Eugen Haltiner, the chairman of Finma, as defendants.

The suit, filed by a lawyer in Zurich, Andreas Rued, on behalf of nearly a dozen American clients, underscores the growing clash between Swiss banking secrecy laws and those of the United States. Tax evasion is not considered a crime in Switzerland. Disclosing client names under Swiss law is a criminal offense and can expose bank executives and officers to fines, prison terms and other penalties.

UBS is the world?s largest private bank and Switzerland is the world?s largest offshore tax haven, with trillions of dollars in assets.

The lawsuit, which UBS described in an internal memo late Tuesday, stems from UBS?s agreement last week to turn over to federal authorities in Washington the names of 250 wealthy Americans suspected of using secret UBS offshore accounts and entities to evade taxes.

UBS reached a $780 million deferred-prosecution agreement to settle accusations that it used undisclosed offshore private banking services to help wealthy Americans evade taxes. But the bank is still under scrutiny by the Justice Department, which is seeking to force it to disclose the names of the 52,000 American clients it suspects may have evaded taxes.

Mr. Rued could not be reached for comment.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
As would I - that's the point of the lawsuit - they certainly want to keep it quiet. Another example of what a select few at these levels are able to do to avoid being so heavily "burdened", that others can't take advantage of.
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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to Keep Names Secret in Tax Case

Published: February 24, 2009
UBS was sued on Tuesday in a Swiss federal court by wealthy American clients seeking to prevent the disclosure of their identities as part of a tax-evasion investigation by the United States Justice Department.

The lawsuit accuses UBS and Switzerland?s financial regulator, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, or Finma, of violating Swiss bank secrecy laws and of conducting what Swiss law considers illegal activities with foreign authorities. It also named Peter Kurer, the chairman of UBS, and Eugen Haltiner, the chairman of Finma, as defendants.

The suit, filed by a lawyer in Zurich, Andreas Rued, on behalf of nearly a dozen American clients, underscores the growing clash between Swiss banking secrecy laws and those of the United States. Tax evasion is not considered a crime in Switzerland. Disclosing client names under Swiss law is a criminal offense and can expose bank executives and officers to fines, prison terms and other penalties.

UBS is the world?s largest private bank and Switzerland is the world?s largest offshore tax haven, with trillions of dollars in assets.

The lawsuit, which UBS described in an internal memo late Tuesday, stems from UBS?s agreement last week to turn over to federal authorities in Washington the names of 250 wealthy Americans suspected of using secret UBS offshore accounts and entities to evade taxes.

UBS reached a $780 million deferred-prosecution agreement to settle accusations that it used undisclosed offshore private banking services to help wealthy Americans evade taxes. But the bank is still under scrutiny by the Justice Department, which is seeking to force it to disclose the names of the 52,000 American clients it suspects may have evaded taxes.

Mr. Rued could not be reached for comment.

My guess is hundreds of well-known politicos are on the list. I'd love for someone to anonymously spill the beans like they did on ARoid last month.......


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this is the bitching thread?....oh good!...:D

i`m amazed that barney frank, chris dodd, rangell(speaking of tax cheats), et al are still sitting in congress rather than a prison cell or at least out of office....

yet, they all sit there with smug looks on their faces and spout off about greedy banks and lenders....never a word about the pissing and moaning and procedural blocks they all put up any time someone dared to question fannie mae or freddy mac....

but we all know that is their strategy. ...wth each new failure the democrats have an opportunity to take us further down the road to socialism and government controlled "single payer" health care. ...

which of course will be an a disaster of epic proportions,as it has been everywhere else....


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Well, this thread has certainly taken a turn to ripping dem politicians - why am I not surprised? I personally would be surprised to see many, if any, well-known politicians on this list of 250 select few American ultra-wealthy. Dems or Republicans. But, of course, why waste an opportunity to rip Dodd, Frank and Rangel - and shout about socialism?

Keep up the good work...:00x15
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Chad, im not to sure a lot of politicians will show up on a high end list that should come from this report.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Lets face it , for many years now if you have enough money, you can hide your tax requirements for the long haul.

maybe they will have to pay their fair shares now.

Change you can believe in .:00hour

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Chad that number actually was in the thousands and somehow it is now down to 250. I guess those 250 didn't have the pull like the others.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
I'm surprised so many took that route when they could have done it legally--the must have been moving huge amounts of money.

a legal option--
if your pissed at coming- income taxes-capital gains taxes-property taxes

You can give tax free gift up to $12,000 in 08 going to $13,000 in 09 to as many people as you choose.

If you family you trust living elsewhere--less say China where there are no capital gain taxes--and you only pay property tax one time--at time of purchase--

-you could give- brother in law-sister in law and niece--$12,000 each every year and they could invest for you.
If you have spouse you could each give that amount--caution on this however as spouse has to be citizen--green card don't count. ;)


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
You can give tax free gift up to $12,000 in 08 going to $13,000 in 09 to as many people as you choose.

If you family you trust living elsewhere--less say China where there are no capital gain taxes--and you only pay property tax one time--at time of purchase--

-you could give- brother in law-sister in law and niece--$12,000 each every year and they could invest for you.
If you have spouse you could each give that amount--caution on this however as spouse has to be citizen--green card don't count. ;)

I hope you give it to them, they deny knowing you when you get to China, and you lose everything in one fell swoop

just sayin


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
"Ultra rich" and the vast majority of the people who are effected by the tax cuts are not one and the same.

If the tax bracket was moved up to $500K or $750K, I would have no problem with it.

$250K per year is not "ultra rich"
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

I hope you give it to them, they deny knowing you when you get to China, and you lose everything in one fell swoop

just sayin

They are quite honorable people for most part--as I told you before-even in poorest areas you don't find any bars on windows.

--and If per chance family in China needed it- I'd be glad to help-as anyone making an effort--its your base that's not getting a dime--they are your dependents :)


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Wayne, the tax free gift you mentioned - is it purely tax free, meaning the recipient has no tax on it, nor any of the proceeds from it? Could they just turn around and re-gift the same to you (which I would doubt, but)? Is this a pre-tax scenario? Sounds like an interesting idea to me.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
g an effort--its your base that's not getting a dime--they are your dependents :)


well then I hope Obama finds a way to trickle something down that taxes you right in your hillbilly nuts.

is that mean to say



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 12, 2000
Wayne, the tax free gift you mentioned - is it purely tax free, meaning the recipient has no tax on it, nor any of the proceeds from it? Could they just turn around and re-gift the same to you (which I would doubt, but)? Is this a pre-tax scenario? Sounds like an interesting idea to me.

The recipient has no tax liability to this at all if it is under the set amount for that year.

My son received one of these from his great-grandmother before she passed away a few years ago.

But I do think this is post-tax money being given out. I don't think you can right this off as a deduction.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
"Ultra rich" and the vast majority of the people who are effected by the tax cuts are not one and the same.

If the tax bracket was moved up to $500K or $750K, I would have no problem with it.

$250K per year is not "ultra rich"

I agree, imagine living in New York City on 250K/year, not rich at all

I have a problem with punishing someone for being successful

Do we have any idea how much the tax will go up on over 250K/year incomes? 50% or 2-3% big difference
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Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to Keep Names Secret in Tax Case

Published: February 24, 2009
UBS was sued on Tuesday in a Swiss federal court by wealthy American clients seeking to prevent the disclosure of their identities as part of a tax-evasion investigation by the United States Justice Department.

The lawsuit accuses UBS and Switzerland?s financial regulator, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, or Finma, of violating Swiss bank secrecy laws and of conducting what Swiss law considers illegal activities with foreign authorities. It also named Peter Kurer, the chairman of UBS, and Eugen Haltiner, the chairman of Finma, as defendants.

The suit, filed by a lawyer in Zurich, Andreas Rued, on behalf of nearly a dozen American clients, underscores the growing clash between Swiss banking secrecy laws and those of the United States. Tax evasion is not considered a crime in Switzerland. Disclosing client names under Swiss law is a criminal offense and can expose bank executives and officers to fines, prison terms and other penalties.

UBS is the world?s largest private bank and Switzerland is the world?s largest offshore tax haven, with trillions of dollars in assets.

The lawsuit, which UBS described in an internal memo late Tuesday, stems from UBS?s agreement last week to turn over to federal authorities in Washington the names of 250 wealthy Americans suspected of using secret UBS offshore accounts and entities to evade taxes.

UBS reached a $780 million deferred-prosecution agreement to settle accusations that it used undisclosed offshore private banking services to help wealthy Americans evade taxes. But the bank is still under scrutiny by the Justice Department, which is seeking to force it to disclose the names of the 52,000 American clients it suspects may have evaded taxes.

Mr. Rued could not be reached for comment.

I do not blame the ultra wealthy for taking their money and putting it in Switzerland, that is why they have tons of money, smart people.
I tried to talk my dad into putting some of his money in Switzerland to hide it from Obama after tax increases and he told me no, he wants to play by the rules


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
I do not blame the ultra wealthy for taking their money and putting it in Switzerland, that is why they have tons of money, smart people.
I tried to talk my dad into putting some of his money in Switzerland to hide it from Obama after tax increases and he told me no, he wants to play by the rules

. . . or he doesn't want to give it to his son.