this happen to anyone ever?

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Jun 26, 2002
Long Island, NY
this seems to happen to me quite a bit......I log in to a sportsbook account who'll remain nameless but its happened twice or three times now, and once I select my amount and my bet size, they tell me line has changed, and its NEVER in my favor, obviously they know who I like at that point and change it figuring I'll take it anyway.....I highly doubt these are always coincidence, looks like being nickel and dimed....also, I tried buying shares of something long term market (you guys know what book that is, I dont need to say it) and I love this book, but it costy me potential profit when I tried filling the order and they changed the price on me in the middle, I did it anyway because it should still do well, but this is BS....Jack I know you will side with the books here im 99% sure but in your honest opinion, do you or anyone elese think they do that on purpose? this stuff happen to any of you guys?


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Jan 6, 2004
its happened to me before, but with the volume of wagers that i've made it hasn't happened that frequently. especially when wagering in the last hour before a game the juice tends to move around a little bit if that's what you're talking about. like taking -3 (-103) and they say the line has moved to -3 (-107). i'm not wagering thousands on a game so i don't think they're sticking it to me but who knows.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
they have the right to move the line anytime,

Get your wagers down earlier.

They arent watching your fawking wagers.

you sound like your from NY

your just stupid
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The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
happen to me twice in my favor and 3000 times not my favor. You learn to live with it. Happen twice tonight with me taking St louie and K state. Lost a point with St louie and a half with k state. Why i always try to tell people these books are not out there to help you but they will die believing their consensus stuff. I have a book you never heard about that does the same shit so its not like the books who are well known are the only ones that do it. In the books defense i am a very late wagerer so if their are a bunch of guys like me betting then this could be ligit.
NY i know you mean no harm to jack but how is he supposed to answer your thoughts. Last time i checked this site was free and trust me the wave of the future are pay sites. Who is he supposed to side with me or his sponsors. I would think he would side with me if i had a slam dunk case but if it is borderline i wouldn't side with me either. He has no control over this since he has no clue what book i have and they do the same thing.


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Jul 13, 1999
Jack I know you will side with the books here im 99% sure
this is the kind of statement that pisses me off about your posts. i DO NOT SIDE WITH THE BOOKS IF THEY ARE WRONG.

I have sided with the player so many times it would make your head spin. not counting the chit that happens behind the scenes in email (not just the public posts) with sponsor books and non sponsor books.

you're a smart aleck muthafcker and it gets under my skin.

i'm not even going to answer your question, let others' that have had the experience answer you.

you don't know me and you have me ALL WRONG so quit with the assumptions because YOU ARE WRONG!!! AND I'M SICK OF IT!


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Jul 13, 1999
do you or anyone elese think they do that on purpose?
and yea, they do it on purpose with your huge wagers. you have them scared! they have you flagged and with all those big wagers you place they are out to fuk you in the ass. PLUS, they don't like Jews! that's why.

gimme a fuking break :rolleyes:
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Jul 13, 1999
hopefully people realize i was being sarcastic in my last post. he just pisses me off sometimes.


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Jul 13, 1999
man, you have me stirred up.

use some common sense, mike.

unless you're making 5 figure bets do you think they are worried about getting an edge on YOU?!

they have so many bets coming in that would make your head spin too.

trust me, they DO NOT HAVE YOU FLAGGED to screw you.


i'm done with this now



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Jan 15, 2005
OMG......I never chime in on this kinda stuff, but when I read that response Jack I spit out my Monster drink all over the damn monitor...:mj07: :mj07: :mj07: :scared :142smilie
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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
I have never even met Jack, but the 2 times I asked for his help he went to bat for me siding against 2 of probably the biggest books offshore. And 1 time it was my fault completely, he still helped me out. I put in 7 or 8 plays, each for 100, I accidentally hit a extra zero on one of the plays making it 1000, I called the book 1 hr. before kickoff and they didn't want to make good on MY ERROR. they weren't obligated to of course, was my mistake. I emailed Jack, it was straightened out before kickoff. True story.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
hopefully people realize i was being sarcastic in my last post. he just pisses me off sometimes.

Well, i hope you are being honest because i ran a search to find out who the shop steward was on this site so i could complain about your tone. Unfortunately I came up with Kosar who was the reining shop steward so i know my complaints will be brushed right under the rug.
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The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
I have never even met Jack, but the 2 times I asked for his help he went to bat for me siding against 2 of probably the biggest books offshore. And 1 time it was my fault completely, he still helped me out. I put in 7 or 8 plays, each for 100, I accidentally hit a extra zero on one of the plays making it 1000, I called the book 1 hr. before kickoff and they didn't want to make good on MY ERROR. they weren't obligated to of course, was my mistake. I emailed Jack, it was straightened out before kickoff. True story.

funny you mention that. Bodog for some reason has this 5 in front of the place you wager. I have a few times posted the wrong amount but realized it and fixed it before i sent it. I emailed them about this but they never got back to me.

By the way Iverson for threeeeeeeeeeee


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Jun 17, 2002
Wisconsin and Dorado Puerto Rico
Jack is 100% AOK w me....

Jack is 100% AOK w me....

Had a problem with one of the well known books here in their casino where i was getting bets wiped off the board or the screen wd freeze up and when i wd log out all the bets were always gone. I was 100% in the right and had logs to back up my claims but got nowhere with them. They basically told me to go play else where.

Asked Jack to see if he could help and i was contacted by manager with a 100% resolution in my favor and a free $100. Also got an apology from the book.

Everything has been running smoothly since.

Cant say enuff. Was impressed with his efforts.
If we ever meet...he's got a free Steak Diinner and a ..........".Reasonable Bar Bill " comin'....On Me !!!! LOL!

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
and yea, they do it on purpose with your huge wagers. you have them scared! they have you flagged and with all those big wagers you place they are out to fuk you in the ass. PLUS, they don't like Jews! that's why.

gimme a fuking break :rolleyes:

:lol2 :lol2 :lol2




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May 10, 2006
:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:

NYSF, you need to pull the plug on your puter
for a long while, :142smilie :142smilie :142smilie
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Oct 16, 2000
At the bar
Try getting your action in a little earlier. The only time it happens to me is when I wait until the last 10 minutes or so before the games goes off to put in a wager.


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Oct 30, 1999
To answer your question NYSF. I know of one....and only that does indeed do this. But I don't think you are refferring to sportingbet since they don't take USA business anymore. They were so bad that they would take the money out of your account first but not necessarily give you the bet. They would keep you in a confirmation queue for ages while they did research. If the line was too good, they would deny it and change the line. In live-betting NFL, they would wait to see what happened and then give you the bet if it went in their favour. If it went against them, they would decline it but you would have to wait a few minutes to get your wager amount placed back into your account. I personally knew 2 traders that worked there (one a fellow MJ'er) who confirmed this for me. I once took a dispute to IBAS because that is cheating but IBAS are unqualified appointed moronic puppets so they couldn't see anything wrong with this practise. Other than that though, except for live-betting (rapid changes/slip delay), the big sportsbooks use a system whereby bets appear to a line-maker after it is placed......not while it is still on the slip. I would guess you might be playing steam where your book is changing the line after Don Best or Pinny shows the first move.