How to make a Pipe Bomb
Pipe bombs are are an issue that has been over discussed on the internet without the involvement of any effective solid information on how to make a pipe bomb. The information out there is usually very shallow and does not show any real insight into the subject. This article was written with the backing of special forces improvised munitions knowledge.
First a word of warning. Explosives are extremely dangerous devices, forget what you've seen in the movies, if you venture into improvised explosives manufacture the chances are that you will lose your hands and other parts of your body no matter how good you think you are. Life is not a thing to waste on a pipe bomb. Having said that this article is for information purposes only and should not be attempted.
Introduction to Pipe Bombs
Pipe bombs are used as an alternative or to aid the use of conventional explosives. The components of a pipe bomb are very easily available and assembled. Additionally they can be used as a casing for high explosives such as TNT so as to improve the capability of the explosive device. Roughly speaking an explosive filler is placed inside a closed metal pipe and is detonated by fuse running into the pipe, the pressure of the explosive material when ignited builds up very rapidly and the pipe ruptures with great force causing damage. The main components of a pipe bomb assembly are the fuse, pipe assembly and the explosive chemicals used.
The explosive material
The first step to improvising a pipe bomb is to choose an appropriate explosive material as the filler. For simpler purposes match heads or gunpowder can be used though they burn rather slowly and great a lesser rupturing velocity of the pipe than other materials. Permanganate with sugar half half or similarly Chlorate with sugar are easily available materials with the chlorate having a higher explosive effect than the permanganate. Aluminium is a potent fuel and when combined with Carbon Tetrachloride or Permanganate can produce more dangerous explosive filler. These are all of the lesser explosives which however are easier to acquire. A more complicated scenario would involve the use of TNT of plastic explosives as filler which also increases the risk factors involved. The lesser powders are usually ground fine to accelerate their burning rate.
The Fuse
Military detonation cord is best to use as a fuse otherwise cannon or fireworks fuses can be used instead. To make a completely improvised fuse a tape sticky side up can be placed on a surface and sprinkled with ground gunpowder, the powder will stick to the tape and so is a fuse although less reliable than others. It is important to know where to place the fuse in the assembled pipe which is discussed later in the assembly section. Electrical detonation can also be facilitated.
Assembly of the pipe bomb
This consists of a pipe body threaded at both ends and capped on both ends with steel or brass caps containing the filler. The threading should be of the coarse type as fine threading does not resist the buildup of pressure as coarse threading does. For additional resistance a metal strip can be wrapped from one end cap to another so as to prevent the caps from flying off the pipe during the explosion. It is highly advised that an inner soft lining of plastic is used in the pipe to prevent any possible accidents with friction as when the pipe bomb is moved from place to place. The fuse is best placed through a tiny hole drilled on one end through a cap when both sides of the pipe are closed. However if high explosves are used as filler one end is usually left open with the fuse placed in the open end, if the fuse is placed erroneously in the capped end in this case the explosive material will be blasted out of the pipe prematurely. A thick metal pipe would create better fragmentation destruction than a thinly walled one. During the assembly process the important fact to consider is that explosive filler is usually sensitive to friction, so it is important to fill the pipe carefully and avoid having powder between the screw cap and screw threads as the friction could set them off.