ClemD....I don't get it......who are you refering to that voted for Saddam??....and what's this "street smart stuff??"......TOTALLY off the wall comment...made no sense.
Saddam won his last election (I think it was in 2002???) and I think the numbers came in that something like over 99.5% of Iraqis voted for him. The other .5% were probably raped, tortured, beheaded and thrown in the Tigris River
I just can't believe that anyone could think that Saddam was more of a threat then Osama.
the street smart stuff, is a direct attack at me from Raymond, and being it was typed in his 3rd grade language, I thought I'd keep it for my signature.
Ohhhhhhh!!! sorry bro my mistake, now I'm the moron lol. I didn't know you were referring to this madjacks poll. I didn't even look at the poll results. Someone's probably just trying to be cute.
I guess the poll doesn't matter anyways now because Kerry's wife is claiming that the US may very well have Osama in custody and we are only waiting until right before the election to reveal it. I wonder if John Kerry will stand by his wife's comments or be a sissy and distance himself from them.
I hate to break it to you but you are wrong. Kerry said he would fight a more "sensitive battle" when it comes to fighting terror. He wants to pull back from Iraq. That will send the wrong message to terrorists abroad and ENCOURAGE them!!!! What an idiot!! lol
CLEM D -- Since Kerry wont tell us.....maybe you can..........WHAT IS KERRYS PLAN FOR FIGHTING TERROR?
We agree to disagree on that. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, so we should not have went there until Bin Laden and alqaeda were destroyed. Period. Secondly a sensitve war on terror to me means get the people who got us. Secure the borders, and make us safer at home. The way Nush fought this war it has created more hatred and more terrorists.
So you want a president that will only fight one group of terrorists at a time??? OK Fair enough...I think that's ludicris but you are entitled to your opinion...I'll respect that.
answer my question though.....CLEMd...again.....
You will be voting for him right so obviously you know what his gameplan is, right??
From what i have gathered he would not have diverted funds or resources from Afghanistan. For god sake we had Bin laden cornered in Tora Bora and we let him go, because we didn't have enough man power to get him. That is bullshit. But hey at least we liberated the Iraqi people who are thrilled about that.
do any of you kids know how they iraqis had to vote for saddam
in iraq? look within and realized that every time i chime in, i drop science every single time. i do not say that anyones from second grade but ya must know. Voting for saddam required pricking your finger and placing a drop of your blood on a piece of paper.
does that make you hard kosar?how bout you kdogg?
nine scariest words in the wnglish language
i am john kerry