I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my dad this past Dec. I know life goes on, but every so often i miss him and wonder where he is. I miss talking sports with him. It's just strange not having him here.
God bless you and your family and just maybe my dad will be able to talk sports with your dad now.
Yeah i met him and do remember when i was in Vegas for the superbowl party... He was calling me the F1 guy when it was the good old time of kicking ass in F1 racing... My prayers with you Jack. I had very good souvenirs of him... So sad...
sorry for you loss jack. remember one thing that I learned when I lost my mom. Do what your dad would want you to do. Remember the good times and take care of your family. I know it easier said then done but I am sure that what he would want. sorry for your loss again. GOD BLESS
I have never had the pleasure of meeting either you nor your dad but I truly am sorry for your loss. While I have yet to be faced with this situation personally I feel deeply sorry for your loss.
Jack, I am deeply saddened to learn that you have lost your father. Annie told me earlier today. You will be in my thoughts for many days to come. I honestly feel fortunate that I had an opportunity to meet not only yourself but your father 5 years ago. My time that I felt close to this group of people was quite short but during that time I was strongly associated with a number of folks, yourself included. We have all felt losses of varying degrees but when a man loses his father at any time in his life it has to be devastating. Fortunately and selfishly, I have not had to go through the process you are going through now. Nobody in this group envies you at this point but I think I can speak on behalf of every single person who has ever visited Mad Jacks and say I (and we) are so very sorry for your loss. I was only fortunate to meet your father on one occasion (as with you) and it was a wonderful experience (again...as with you). Jack Sr. is with our Lord now and he will protect him and comfort us all until we have the opportunity to see him again.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Jack as well as your family.
I have moms & pops picture on living room mirror,And its not everyday I say hello to them,But when i do,I swear i feel them laughing at me for feeling so bad,Believe dads in a better spot than this dump.Sorry for your loss.