Todays top play


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Forum Member
Aug 8, 2002
I have had a bad couple of days,I am hoping to bounce back this week.I would like to also say is that I have been taking a lot of heat from my plays from people on this fourm.I am here to make money,and get insights on everyones plays.I am NOT looking to hurt anyone just post my games that I wager on.I was winning and everyone gave me props,now I have lost a 4 days in a row and now I am getting bashed.I am a profesional man,and I will continue to post my insights and thoughts on this fourm.Tonights play is the baltimore orioles at -133 over the tampa bay devil rays,I rate this play as a 5 star play.Good luck to everyone today!!!


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Dec 15, 2000
gl2u! have to admit after all of that u still have the cohones! gl-on the orioles and keep on posting! someday this will be forgotten;)
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Jan 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hang in there. I never ever bash someone for picking a winner or a loser and I expect the same in return. This forum has been very good to me and I have learned so much from it. It would have taken probably 12 losing years straight to learn the discipline that was pumped into me here about money management. I feel lucky to not have to go through that part. I wish you luck in all you do.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Nov 12, 2001

Hope you don't feel too bashed on for what has happened in your threads. . . realize that EVERYONE who posts on this forum wants to be recognized. . . they want others to read their posts. . . even the long time posters who are basically the ones doing most of the bashing under your threads.

Their point of view is that it has taken many of them years to develop the respect and "popularity" if you want to call it that and you are trying to gain this within your first few weeks on the forum! They have seen several "showboats" (I'm not saying you fall into this category) that are hot for a while, then cool off and eventually stop posting while they have posted for years. Naturally, they are skeptical at first of you because they have no idea if you are going to survive and continue to post. Basically, they assume you fall into the showboat category until you last around here for a while. . . can you blame them when so many have done this in the past?

Your point of view is that you are new to the forum. . . you want to be recognized because you feel that you have something to add to the forum. You probably realized that not many would read your posts unless you tried to hype them up a little which many of us try to do from time to time. You want to be congratulated when you have had a nice day and you would like to know that you have helped others. When you have a losing day, you want others to believe that you will bounce back and believe that you are a good capper.

Whether or not others agree with what I have written or deny it, we all want to be noticed and we all want to be followed/know that we have helped others because it makes us feel good. . .if not, why would you even post if you can win on your own? The beauty of this system is that it allows all of us a nice consensus of which sides are being played and why. Its a way to have "fun" on the forum and gain information from others at the same time.

Just make sure you continue to post and know that respect will come along down the road. . .
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Nov 1, 2000
it still amazes me on how petty and so angry people on this forum get toward people. if one does not like the personality of a poster or does not agree with someone trying to market there product don't read them. i for one find it funny that no alls who dwell on the negatives love getting so hostile toward others they do not know. i have been ridiculed in my threads by individuals who i wonder if they really care or just do not have a life. i have seen over and over again people in this forum bashing people, good people, this kennedy guy may be marketing his business, having fun. or just trying to post winners. who cares. i for one have posted without ever ramrodding anybody else and win alot more than i lose. and people still find fault. i really could care less but how many times can you kick a dog, or judge another without judging yourself. or would you like to be treated in a certain way. if a guy goes 0-20 i feel bad for the guy if a guy is promoting game of the year and he loses i feel bad even if i was on the other side. but i guess that is why i post. to help. i hope everybody has a great football an bb season. but lets lighten up a bit.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


Forum Member
Dec 1, 2000
I remember a site about two years ago that was posting picks at about a 70-75% win rate. Unbeliveable ! Then he lost 12 in a row in one day (college basketball) The next day he went about 2-10. This site get bashed like you wouldn't believe.
Well he turned around some, but nothing like he was. The thing is, he's still in business.
You will be too. Good luck tonight.


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Jun 15, 2000
why don't you post a won/loss record along with a +/- in units so that there is no confusion as to how you are doing. That way it will be impossible for people to bash you if you are having success. Just a suggestion.


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Jul 14, 1999
taipans..........kennedy was very quick to post his W/L record when he had that hot streak, but now that he's ice cold, it's a different story. And there is no sense in him posting a +/- figure as it would never be anywhere near accurate since he posts false lines on his totals and fills in the juice later.

Nickelback..........I respect your opinion, but mine differs and here it yyz said in his post last night, this is not about bashing is about exposing him. A warning of sorts to all the newbies or not so newbies who might fall for his crap. It's also not a popularity contest as you allude that the veterans are jealous of the attention he has garnered. I,for one, couldn't care less about my popularity. I read these forums daily but rarely post anymore..does that sound like someone trying to win a popularity contest. I'm sure 75% of the people here don't even know who I am anymore.

You state that helping others makes us feel good and "why would you post if you can win on your own?" He posts because he is a scam artist trying to garner new customers...........not to be one of the gang or to help others. If you come to Madjack's faking things, like your game lines or your intentions, you will be subject to intense scrutiny.

Thunder..................I have always great respect for you both as a capper and as a person but your thoughts on this issue really surprised each his own I guess. Like I have stated, this isn't about bashing kennedy, it's about protecting the integrity of MJ's and protecting new members so they will continue to visit here and become regulars.


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Jun 8, 2002
Tiger: Come on man, be honest.

W/L record - I have yet to find a w/l record for Raymond or Fletcher, 2 highly respected members of this site. If they don't have to post records, why should anyone else be expected to? Both are professional handicappers selling their picks yet they are immune to the same criticism that you are directing at kennedy. I want to make sure I am clear on this point, I AM IN NO WAY BASHING OR MINIMIZING RAYMOND OR FLETCHER. I just think that all should be held to the same standard. I went back and re-read as many of kennedy's posts as I could and I don't see where he is asking for customers, posting his website (if he has one), or asking for people to email him for further info. Is he trying to do all of these things? Probably. Is it wrong? I don't know. Not sure exactly how you are "exposing" anything. What threat does he present that educated, grown men and women cannot defend themselves from? I posted before, and I think it is worth repeating...I don't need some self-appointed MadJack police to protect me. I am my own person capable of making my own decisions and I think that the majority of the members here are also.

I agree with Nickel and Thunder in that the big problem is one of popularity. The long time posters DO NOT own this site. If every new member is going to be bashed for posting and have his identity questioned eventually NO MORE NEW MEMBERS. At that point the thing that has made MJ's great (the free exchange of information and ALL ideas) will cease to exist.

Just my two cents worth and I am sure others will disagree. I welcome their input and look forward to hearing all sides of the argument.


Forum Member
Mar 4, 2001
Really don't even know why I'm posting anything and nothing against you Kennedy and to tell you the truth, I don't really give a chit, but Tiger is right....Kennedy posts false stuff as far as the lines go. MJ's viewers get hung up on certain angles at times whether it being line moves, Umps, or what have ya...all being powerful tools at times, but that just brings me to the point that people were all hung up on line movement at the time Kennedy started posting and if you can remember, he used that to get attention. He said "money moves plays" and "line movement plays"....drew everyone's attention....but then when asked what line he got.."I always get the line right when it comes out" ....Think about it people!!

Won't say anymore......just hate seeing bs posted especially when it's swaying innocent people's thinking.
MB NCAAF 728x90 Jpg


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Nov 12, 2001

With all due respect, would you be willing to admit that you and others have "exposed" kennedy before there has been concrete evidence that he is trying to gain customers? Look, I have been around long enough as well. . . even longer than my registered date indicates because I lurked for an entire year before registering! I know the routine, but all of those in the past that have been correctly exposed is due to advertising their site or some other indication that they have a service. Kennedy has done no such thing to my knowledge. If I am wrong here, then please show me the post where he has suggested that he has a site or sells his picks. There are several posters that still remain on this site that started off like Kennedy but survived. I could list names, but really don't want to push this thread along any further. The guy had a hot streak right from the beginning and was excited about it. . . so far that's all he's shown me.

I for one will give this guy the benefit of the doubt until I know for sure that he is as crooked as you and others have indicated. You might be right and I might be the fool, but that's my nature for how to handle situations like this instead of jumping to conclusions.

On a side note, I wish you would start posting on a regular basis again because I always enjoyed your picks/reasoning but that's not my decision. Hope all is well and you're killing the bookie because that's the reason that all of us are here!


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Aug 10, 1999
Nickelback- Let's just say there are those who know who kennedy is, who he is associated with, and what their ulterior motives are.
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