Trump's Tweets


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group ^ | 8/27/2012 11| matchdoctor

Posted on ‎8‎/‎28‎/‎2012‎ ‎12‎:‎47‎:‎46‎ ‎PM by bronxville -- A Fraudulent "Fact Check" Site Funded By Biased Political Group

If you wanted to use a devious method to deceive people who are trying to differentiate between truth and lies on the Internet how would you do it? If you were extremely devious and had no conscience, you might set up a Web site with some official and unbiased sounding name that claims to be the encyclopedia of truth to be used as a tool for anyone who has the same biased view and wants to make believe to "back it up" with what they would like you to think is "indisputable fact."

That is exactly what Web sites like are. They are biased, politically motivated propaganda Web sites, manned and funded by biased political organizations who set up the sites for the sole purpose of deviously "backing up" the political arguments of those who hold the same views that they do. It's kind of like you have a friend who is in on your lie, and you use him to back up your story and don't tell anyone else he is your friend.

Just because they use a name that implies unbiased assessments, doesn't mean that they provide them. You can call your Web site anything you want. I can set up a web site called or or and post any kind of biased political propaganda I want on it. The name means nothing. And in the case of sites like, the name is intentionally misleading and deceptive. But it isn't the only so called "fact check" site that is a fraud. There are others.

Think about it. Would you rely on any particular Web site to get the "truth?" Anyone honest would tell you that you should NOT rely solely on them to get your facts. You should get them by considering many different and sources, with different points of view and opinions and arrive at what you believe to be the truth by using your own God given senses. Only con artists purport to be the de facto source of truth.

If you look behind the scenes at these phony "fact check" sites, you find that they are funded by organizations with political biases. You must always ask yourself. Who is writing about this so-called "truth." Who funds the site and pays their expenses. What are the origins and history of the funders and who are they associated with. In the case of they receive their funding from the liberal Annenberg Foundation.

The Annenberg Foundation was originally founded by Walter J. Annenberg, a conservative who supported Ronald Reagan. However, when Walter Annenberg died, his family took over the management of the foundation and it took a turn to the far left and has ties to radical left individuals such as Bill Ayers and his friend and fellow left wing radical collegue Barack Obama. How is associated with these people:

To start, Ayers was the key founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was a Chicago public school reform project from 1995 to 2001. Upon its start in 1995, Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Geesh, that alone connects all three. Well, it branches out even more from there.

Ayers co-chaired the organization?s Collaborative, which set the education policies of the Challenge. Oddly enough, Obama was the one who was authorized to delegate to the Collaborative in regards to its programs and projects. In addition to that, Obama often times had to seek advice and assistance from the Ayer?s led Collaborative in regards to the programmatic aspects of grant proposals. Ayers even sat on the same board as Obama as an ?ex officio member?. They both also sat together on the board of the CAC?s Governance Committee. Obama and Ayers were two parts of a group of four who were instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern the CAC. Keep in mind that the ?A? in CAC is for Annenberg, the owners of The funding for Ayer?s projects and those of his cronies was approved by Board Chair, Barack Obama.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Public benefits

Do refugees qualify for public benefits?

Refugees in the USA qualify for public benefits or help from the government when they first arrive. The goal of this government help is to provide for your basic needs until you are able to find a job.

Public benefits can be confusing. You must complete a lot of paperwork to get public benefits.

Public benefits are different from the rations you may have received when you were living in a refugee camp. Rations in a refugee camp lasted the entire time you lived in a camp. In America, you can only receive public benefits for a certain amount of time. This means once you start working and earning an income for your family, you will stop getting public benefits. Some refugees are afraid to lose their benefits. But most refugees say they feel very proud once they have a good job and can take care of themselves and their families.

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

The Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Program provides a small amount of money to refugees during the first eight months you are in the USA. You will need to use the money to pay your basic expenses like rent for your house/apartment and electricity bills. You will have to follow the requirements of the RCA contracts and then receive monthly RCA checks. Budgeting for your expenses in the US can be very hard because you have to pay for things you may not realize. You also have to learn how to use debit cards and US banks. For more information, visit our Banks and money page.

As part of the RCA program, you will also receive eight months of case management from your resettlement agency. The first eight months of being in the US can be very difficult and your case manager can help you. Sometimes, when you are learning a new language and adjusting to life in the US, you may misunderstand what is happening or why you must do certain things. Your case manager can help you adjust to life in the US. We recommend you attend as many meetings and programs as possible with your case worker.

The RCA program may also include other things to help you adjust to life in the US. The program may include scheduling your medical appointments, teaching you how to use public transportation and helping you find other resources and programs in your community.

The RCA also helps you to be connected with Refugee Social Service (RSS) program for employment assistance and for long-term case-work to meet individual need.

Am I eligible for RCA?

If you are a refugee who has been in the US for less than eight months, you will get some type of help from the government. Many refugees qualify for RCA but if you have a family with children or if you are elderly refugee, you may qualify for a different program. Your resettlement agency will help you apply for the correct public assistance program.

If you are receiving federal cash assistance such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you are not qualified for Refugee Cash Assistance. This means you can only receive either Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) or federal cash assistance such as TANF or SSI, not both.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

This program provides some cash to help families. You will need to use the money from TANF for the basic needs of your family. The program also helps to prepare people for work and family responsibilities. In some states, you are required to complete volunteer hours in order to receive TANF. To apply for TANF, visit this page. TANF helps all low-income families in the USA, not just refugees.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is to help disabled adults, children, and people 65 and older without disabilities who have limited income and resources. Some non-citizens qualify to receive SSI.
?Learn about SSI for non-citizens
?Find your local Social Security Administration office
?Apply for SSI

An important note about SSI: Some refugees and other non-citizens who get SSI will stop getting it after 7 years. But if you become a citizen, you can continue to receive SSI for as long as you need it.
?How to become a US citizen

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a benefit for people who cannot work because of a disability. Non-citizens and citizens can get only SSDI if they have worked and earned enough Social Security credits.
?Social Security information in many languages

Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)

All refugees receive medical care when they first arrive in the US. As a refugee, you are required to complete a medical screening with a doctor. You may need to get immunizations against certain diseases. Depending on your age, your family size, and what state you live in, you will qualify for a different medical program from the government. Your resettlement agency will help you apply for medical assistance.

Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is a program that provides healthcare for refugees. You can receive RMA for up to eight months from from the date you entered the U.S. with a refugee or an asylee status, or a date that you are granted asylum status, or a date of certification by Office of Refugee Resettlement as Victim of Trafficking.

Medicaid is a program to provide healthcare for low-income families, pregnant women, and some adults in the US. This program is for all low-income Americans. Many states also have programs to provide free or low-cost medical care for children. Here is a link to learn more about Medicaid.

Medicare is a program to provide healthcare for seniors (individuals over 65-years-old). This program also provides insurance for people with disabilities. Here is a link to learn more about Medicare.

Going to the doctor in the US can cost a lot of money. This is why insurance can help you. Even if you have insurance, you might still have to pay some money to see a doctor. For more information, visit our Healthcare in the US page.

Refugee Social Services (RSS)

The Refugee Social Services program helps refugees for five years after the arrival in the United States. Refugee Social Services includes employment services, job training, educational services, including English as a Second Language instruction and immigration assistance, case management services, and other support services.

There are two main parts in Refugee Social Services. First, it offers employment services. Employment specialists in the RSS can help you finding appropriate employment. Employment specialists will maintain contact with you on your employment case on at least a once-monthly basis. They will discuss job opportunities, apply and interview for jobs, practice for upcoming interviews, and more.

The RSS program also helps with case management for you to be able to take care of your family.

Translators and interpreters in legal settings

In legal settings, you have a right to have an interpreter and a translator. Unless you are a fluent English speaker, it is a good idea to use an interpreter. Legal information can be hard to understand, even in your first language.

Other services provided by Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
?The ORR Unaccompanied Alien Children Program provides temporary custody and care to unaccompanied alien children who do not have an immigration status. To learn more, visit the Unaccompanied Children?s Services.
?The ORR Anti-Trafficking in Persons Program (ATIP) identifies and serves victims of human trafficking, assisting foreign trafficking victims in the United States to become eligible for public benefits and services to the same extent as refugees. To learn more, visit Anti-Trafficking in Persons Program.
?The Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant Program works with the Refugee and Cuban Haitian Entrant Reception and Placement program. For a program overview, visit Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant Program Overview.
?The ORR Repatriation Program provides temporary assistance to U.S. citizens and their immediate family members who have returned to the U.S. after having fallen into distress abroad, or who are escaping from civil unrest or natural disasters abroad. To learn more, visit ORR?s Repatriation information.


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
This is all you need to know.

"Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that's right 8, all Illegal Anchor Babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math."


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
This is all you need to know.

"Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that's right 8, all Illegal Anchor Babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math."

Can you provide a link to show us the government program that pays $1500 monthly for each kid to non-citizens? $144,000 is a lot.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 21, 2000
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Can you provide a link to show us the government program that pays $1500 monthly for each kid to non-citizens? $144,000 is a lot.

This was a quote from a letter written by a disabled Vietnam veteran from Chelan, Wash.

The letter went viral and caused a minor uproar.

THIS IS TRULY AN OUTRAGE?. My name is d?Lynn. I?m a disabled Vietnam vet. I don?t look too bad for a beat-up old fart, do I? And that?s my ride. She?s looking pretty good looking also, especially when you consider that she?ll turn twenty this summer. That?s right, it?s a 1990 with a 1990 sidecar. I can?t ride a solo bike, ergo the sidecar rig. It?s my sole means of transportation ? rain or shine, snow or wind, and this summer also marks a milestone in both of our lives, as I will finally be able to pay her off. Twenty years old? What? Why did it take so long? You weren?t paying attention, were you? It?s right at the beginning of this paragraph. I am a disabled vet, which means I receive a veterans administration disability pension, which also means ?I?m broke!? Just one step ahead of being homeless every month, and that?s not an idle statement or an?Oh, whoa is me? dire complaint. There?s a point to this, so hang in there a minute or two and read on. There?s a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida, with eight kids. Yes, eight ?anchor babies? and she receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps. Oh, wait. I?ve been informed that I shouldn?t call them Food Stamps anymore. That?s not PC. It?s all called ?Social Assistance? now. You do the math on that yourself. I?d say that she was schooled early in how to make it in the system. Twenty-five years old, eight kids . . . . . yep, she started early. You can whip out the calculator if you want, but this women who never has paid a dime in taxes of any kind, (and still doesn?t ? she?s ?illegal,? remember?) is here in this country illegally. She hasn?t paid one one cent in medical for all the ?anchor babies,? makes more in one month, legally, than I receive in over a year and a half in disability payments and I can?t even get food stamps! Oops, I mean ?Social Assistance.? Technically I am eligible for ?Social Assistance.? I was told it would be a walk through ? a gimme ? being disabled. No problem, and in the very next breath I was also informed that under the law the amount I received in ?Social Assistance? would be deducted from my disability pension. Let?s say I take a great photograph. It was just luck, a one of a kind accidental, in the right place at the right time shot. My local newspaper offers me fifty bucks to use the photo in a featured story. (I live in a small town and fifty bucks is all they could afford.) I have to report that fifty dollars to the VA as earned income, which will immediately be deducted from my next month?s disability check. If I don?t report it I?m in violation of federal law and technically they can stop my disability pension and prosecute me under a federal felony. Pretty cool, eh? For fifty bucks. I see no point in dealing with two federal bureaucracies, so I don?t bother. What?s the point? She?s here illegally and with just one kid would make over twice what I receive per month. She has eight and she?s not a stand-out case. She?s not alone. That?s the way the system works. Millions of illegal immigrants know this, know how the system works and know how to use it. (Haven?t you seen the pamphlet? It?s handed out all along our borders, ?The Illegal Immigrants? Guide to Keeping America Just The Way It Is.?) and that?s just the way it works. Did you know that the federal government provides a ?refugee? in this country with a monthly ?stipend? of $1,890, plus $580 a month in ?Social Assistance?? That?s $2,470 a month, tax-free. That?s two and a half times what I?m allowed to receive as a disabled vet. And just what did they do to earn this? All you have to do is show up on our collective doorstep, raise your right hand and swear that you?re a refugee and, bingo, receive $30,000 a year, tax-free. That?s more than someone making $15 an hour, and they have to pay taxes to boot! Now, in defense of the Veterans Administration, they are doing what they can with what they?ve got. This is precious little compared to what they should have to get the job done. At least this country has a VA. It?s the Senate that keeps passing laws, rules and guidelines, cutting their budget, denying requests for more staff and computer systems to handle the massive work flow. Their hands are tied by the very government that?s supposed to give them what they need to get the job done, by the government you voted into office. Don?t scream at the VA. I have. It?s misguided anger. The point to this ?story?? Just why are you paying such high taxes to support this incredibly screwed-up government? Why? And I?m not proposing you stop paying your taxes. That?s wrong. There are good programs and reasons to pay your taxes and support our government. What am I proposing? It?s quite simple. Vote. The government, our government, is broken and we as the voters serve as the maintenance crew. We fix it . . . . . by voting. If your state Senator has been in office more then two terms, vote ?em out at the next election. If your state representative has been in office more then two terms, vote ?em out of office. We put term limits on just about every publicly-elected official in the country except the House and Senate. Why? Believe me, they know this and love it! Ahhh ? the power! I don?t care how much you believe your Senator or Representative is doing a good job. They?re not! Look at the government you have, that we have. How can you state they are doing what you want as the voter that put them there? How? Vote them out of office. Do it. Change the course of this country?s history by what you are granted and guaranteed under the law. Vote! And if you have the guts, the anger, the outrage, start a petition in your state for a state-wide initiative to be placed on your next state ballot. Limiting the terms of office for your state senators and state representatives to your federal government to two terms. The federal government will never pass such a law, but you can. You can get it done. You can force it. You can make it a law. This is the first step in ?getting it right.? Just vote. It?s simple. It?s easy. This first step will send a very clear message. It?ll work. It?ill put ?us? back in control of ?them.? As it should be. As it was intended in the first place. Are you an American? Born and raised? Then vote! Side note: I sent this e-mail to a little over one hundred on my e-mail list. If you believe I?m wrong or misguided or you simply don?t agree, that?s fine. Go right ahead a delete this e-mail. No problem. Sorry to have bothered you. But if you think I just might have a worthwhile idea, something we can easily accomplish, something that could be a small part at getting this country back under ?our? control, then please pass this along. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER !!

Just about everything this chain e-mail claims regarding benefits to illegal immigrants and refugees is pure bunk. The photo, however, is of a real person, d?Lynn Morrison of Chelan, in central Washington state. He confirms that he originated the message and sent it to 14 to 16 friends and fellow veterans, after which it became an Internet phenomenon. He says some of what appears in the current version has been added or modified by unknown persons who forwarded his message. In an exchange of e-mail messages, he told us:

d?Lynn Morrison: I had no ill-intent to misled in my original email. I used what was sent to me from contacts ? and to say the least, I was extremely pissed-off at what I had read.

Unfortunately, the claims that Morrison passed on are simply wrong. His message claims that there is ?a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida, with eight kids? who ?receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps.? There is no such woman. The state doesn?t provide benefits anywhere near that large to anyone, native or immigrant, legal or illegal. And illegal immigrants qualify for no cash benefits at all. This message has gotten such wide distribution that the Florida Department of Children and Families has prepared a form letter responding to it:

Florida DCF: Under federal and state law, only ?qualified immigrants? are eligible for these benefits. Qualified immigrants must provide documentation of certain legal statuses, so individuals without legal status are not eligible.

The letter also explains why the mythical mother of eight is an impossibility. Under state law, even a citizen or legal resident with eight children couldn?t qualify for anything close to the $12,000 a month ($1,500 times eight) claimed by the message.

Florida DCF: Your email specifically asks if it is true that a woman would receive $1,500 per child in Florida. I can assure you this information is incorrect. ? The maximum benefit for a family with one mother and eight children would be $671 a month.

Recycled Bunk
Morrison told us that he heard the story about the undocumented mother from a Florida doctor, whom he did not name. He added, ?I admit ? I did not check it all out, some of which I didn?t know how to confirm.?

We first encountered the mythical Florida mother of eight in a message that claimed to be written by an anonymous ?Florida ER doctor,? who stated the following: ?Today I had a 25-year old mother with 8 kids ? that?s right 8; all illegal anchor babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each.? Neither the doctor nor the elusive mother is named, of course.

Both the mysterious ?Florida ER doctor? and the latest message also repeat a number of other false claims about refugees that have been circulating since 2007. We covered them in an Ask FactCheck item dated April 17, 2009. We won?t repeat all that here, but we?ll just summarize:

It?s not true, then or now, that refugees get a $1,890 monthly stipend from the government. That claim actually started as a mistaken rant about Canada, not the U.S., and it?s not true of either country.
It?s also not true that refugees get an additional $580 per month as ?social assistance.? In Florida, for example, a single refugee ? who is a legal immigrant ? could qualify for a maximum of only $180 per month in temporary assistance (plus food stamps), according to the Department of Children and Families.
Morrison told us that his original message stated that a refugee received $890 a month including food stamps, a figure he says he got from ?an advocacy attorney in New York State,? whom he did not name. He says somebody later substituted the larger numbers: ?Those numbers ? in the copy of the email you sent me were changed by someone.., which is so easy to do in emails.? Morrison says he?s amazed at how quickly and widely his message has traveled.

d?Lynn Morrison: One email, written by a ticked-off vet, (that appears that have had his numbers wrong) has reached so many people, groups and government bodies. That is amazing, isn?t it ? Could that have happened ten years ago?

Though he says he didn?t write the last paragraph concluding ?REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER,? he adds, ?I admit I like that phrasing.? We have no quarrel with anyone who wants to vote incumbents out of office ? or keep them in, for that matter. Everyone is entitled to an opinion about that. But in our judgment, false Internet rumors and carelessly repeated falsehoods make a poor basis for forming any opinion or for casting any vote.

Morrison, d?Lynn exchange of email messages with 12-13 May 2010.

Digre, Peter, form letter, Florida Department of Children and Families. 18 Mar 2010.

Jackson, Brooks ?Social Security for Immigrants and Refugees.? Apr 2009.

?Refugee Whiz? 24 Feb 2010.

CategoriesAsk FactCheck
TagsFlorida Mom
IssueFood Stamps Illegal Immigrants Welfare


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Are immigrants eligible for state benefit programs?

In some states, yes. Twenty-six states make immigrants eligible for state-funded benefit programs. Most of these states either offer assistance to families or provide access to healthcare to otherwise uninsured immigrants. Examples of these programs are New York?s Safety Net Assistance, California?s CalFresh Food Assistance Program, and California?s Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI).


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
?Fact checker? Snopes gets key facts wrong on Ocasio-Cortez campaign finance scandal
Liberty Unyielding ^ | March 9, 2019| Daily Caller News Foundation

Posted on ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019‎ ‎10‎:‎52‎:‎51‎ ‎AM by E. Pluribus Unum

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes butchered facts about a PAC controlled by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her top aide in a story published Thursday.

Ocasio-Cortez and Saikat Chakrabarti, her former campaign chair and current chief of staff, obtained majority control of Justice Democrats in December 2017. The PAC, which had raised more than $1.8 million before her June 2018 primary, has been widely credited with manufacturing her upset victory over incumbent Democrat Joe Crowley.

Snopes writer Dan MacGuill falsely claimed in his story that Chakrabarti, who served as executive director of Justice Democrats, ?was not an official agent or officer? of the PAC. He also failed to acknowledge the fact that Chakrabarti and Ocasio-Cortez are members of the PAC?s three-member board of directors, according to archived versions of the Justice Democrats website and corporate filings obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
Can you provide a link to show us the government program that pays $1500 monthly for each kid to non-citizens? $144,000 is a lot.

Can he provide a link? :142smilie:142smilie If he comes up with something it'll be Alex Jones or some other fruitcake liar who has been exposed over and over.

The only "government help" they get is cramped.prison camps along the border where they are given something to eat, might be seen for a few minutes by a physician, and are held captive. Prisoners who are as young as 3-4 years old.

Yes, young children separated from their parents and held captive. They do not get $1500 per month or any money at all.

And then sleaze balls like Cricket spread lies.

They have no shame, those hate-filled bags of shit - Cricket, skulnutz, hedge and the rest of the lying scum.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
?Fact checker? Snopes gets key facts wrong on Ocasio-Cortez campaign finance scandal
Liberty Unyielding ^ | March 9, 2019| Daily Caller News Foundation

Posted on ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019‎ ‎10‎:‎52‎:‎51‎ ‎AM by E. Pluribus Unum

The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes butchered facts about a PAC controlled by Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her top aide in a story published Thursday.

Ocasio-Cortez and Saikat Chakrabarti, her former campaign chair and current chief of staff, obtained majority control of Justice Democrats in December 2017. The PAC, which had raised more than $1.8 million before her June 2018 primary, has been widely credited with manufacturing her upset victory over incumbent Democrat Joe Crowley.

Snopes writer Dan MacGuill falsely claimed in his story that Chakrabarti, who served as executive director of Justice Democrats, ?was not an official agent or officer? of the PAC. He also failed to acknowledge the fact that Chakrabarti and Ocasio-Cortez are members of the PAC?s three-member board of directors, according to archived versions of the Justice Democrats website and corporate filings obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Guess what, skulnutz: Nobody reads the shit you post. Because if it's by skulnutz, it's ALWAYS lies.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Is The Clinton Foundation Under Investigation? (This one is worth your time) $400M to $2Billion to IRS

This is a good breakdown on the specifics.
Open in a new window and listen!

John Huber never showed up!
The two guys are "bounty hunters" that investigate fraud of non-profits. They do thins for a living. They audited the Clinton Foundation for whistle blower reward monies, so the reward would be based on a MINIMUM of $400M

They had to send the info THREE times to the FBI! Meaning the FBI knew this was a hot potato and hoped it went away.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Is The Clinton Foundation Under Investigation? (This one is worth your time) $400M to $2Billion to IRS

This is a good breakdown on the specifics.
Open in a new window and listen!

John Huber never showed up!
The two guys are "bounty hunters" that investigate fraud of non-profits. They do thins for a living. They audited the Clinton Foundation for whistle blower reward monies, so the reward would be based on a MINIMUM of $400M

They had to send the info THREE times to the FBI! Meaning the FBI knew this was a hot potato and hoped it went away.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

If the Dept of Justice could prosecute, they would. They would love to divert attention away from all the Trump associates that are being indicted/convicted.

What happened with the Trump foundation? Why did he shut it down once it was investigated for wrong doing?

You're so confused. It's all right in front of your face and you keep falling for these Fake News reports.


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>5555


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>6666


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Q sent me!! It's over renegade. <a href=""></a></p>— Andre' Jones ⭐⭐⭐ (@jones9536) <a href="">March 13, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">17. Posting this one just because this is my 17th post in this thread and things are not looking so good for Barry Hussein...😏<br><br>Oh, and there's THIS timeless classic😂: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) <a href="">March 13, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Emails reveal States Attorney Kim Foxx asked Superintendent Eddie Johnson to give FBI Smollett case <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— NBC Chicago (@nbcchicago) <a href="">March 13, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">Is Michelle Michael?</p>— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) <a href="">March 14, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"> <a href=""></a></p>— Gods Army ✝ We Are The News (@wwg1wga_anon) <a href="">March 14, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>



Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There?s a lot of evidence suggesting that she is and the kids well.... <a href=""></a></p>— You?re_joking!? (@I_Love_Winners) <a href="">March 14, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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