Turn off the Hate. Get out the Vote.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 8, 2000
Well, you got that part right Mags. Republicans would have voted for a dairy cow if it had an (R) behind it on the ballot.

I love how you righties like to inflate your ego by making all these sweeping statements about a mandate for change. Johnson's 1.1 million votes to Feingold's 1 million votes is hardly the landslide you've created in your fantasy world, so calm down Sparky.

Umm... 60+ seats in the house (hasn't happened since 1948) and 6 senate seats...... And if all Senate seats were up to vote, like the House was, the R would have probably gotten 60+ of those too.....

Kinda sounds like a landslide to me.. .and a mandate from the people to stop Obama and start reversing the damage.

As O said, "Elections have consequences"... a bitter pill for him to swallow.

I hope he continues course - heck, the R will win everything in 2012 if he does.....

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Umm... 60+ seats in the house (hasn't happened since 1948) and 6 senate seats...... And if all Senate seats were up to vote, like the House was, the R would have probably gotten 60+ of those too.....

Kinda sounds like a landslide to me.. .and a mandate from the people to stop Obama and start reversing the damage.

As O said, "Elections have consequences"... a bitter pill for him to swallow.

I hope he continues course - heck, the R will win everything in 2012 if he does.....

To gain 60 seats you have be down a ton of seats. Was it a great victory, yes. However, if Bush wouldn't have fucked things up Obama and your gain never would have happened. Back and forth she goes.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
WI was very clear to Feingold that, our state as a whole, did not want Obamacare. He said he knew better than the people he represents, and decided to vote for it.

Sometimes, you actually have to REPRESENT your state and vote the way they ask you to, not the way your party leadership tells you to. Since Feingold had no backbone, he is gone.

Good riddance.

1.1 million voters wanted a change. 1 million voters were happy with Feingold's performance.

Hardly a landslide... :rolleyes:


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
To gain 60 seats you have be down a ton of seats. Was it a great victory, yes. However, if Bush wouldn't have fucked things up Obama and your gain never would have happened. Back and forth she goes.

Obama has had two years to fix things, you cant blame Bush anymore. It was a landslide victory


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
I really don't know much about Johnson other than the fact that he opposes Obama Care, States the he will bring, "Wisconsin jobs" and spent a lot of money on campaigning.. (own Money too)

You can really be pist about Obamacare.. Not enough people know much about it and it seems to me that it was rushed and flawed.. At least that is the perception.. The bill should of been about keeping cost downs, such as meds and spendy equipment and hammering that point to the people, then maybe people would be more dem friendly..

I see a few arguing about it but at any rate.. What is going to be the next step.. I hope the repubs are not wanting health care to stay status quo??

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
really Hedge.. You can't expect it to be "Fixed in 2 years." The repubs have filibustered more in the last 2 years than history..

It is going to take 10 years maybe more to fix this turd Bush left no matter who is in office.

Hedge is an idiot. I mean there are people I disagree with but I can tell they are intelligent or at least they have some kind of argument usually. Not Hedgy. He is just an idiot.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 23, 2008
Where it is real F ing COLD
Hedge is an idiot. I mean there are people I disagree with but I can tell they are intelligent or at least they have some kind of argument usually. Not Hedgy. He is just an idiot.

I still like Hedge even though I think he is politically challenged.... My step - dad is not a very intelligent person but he is a damn hard worker.. He is a Rush and Savage follower but I love him anyways. We just cant talk politics and neither can me and Hedgy....

I voted for Feingold but I hope Johnson does a good job and wish him well.. It seems like the repubs have been so busy hoping the dems fail and wasting all their energy into it.. Sad really..


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
I voted for Feingold but I hope Johnson does a good job and wish him well.. It seems like the repubs have been so busy hoping the dems fail and wasting all their energy into it.. Sad really..
I think Johnson's a good man too BP and I wish him well. And anyone who doesn't think Feingold was a good man is clearly blinded by their partisanship.


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
really Hedge.. You can't expect it to be "Fixed in 2 years." The repubs have filibustered more in the last 2 years than history..

It is going to take 10 years maybe more to fix this turd Bush left no matter who is in office.


10000% right.

Bush left shit fucked for whomever would be next, he also started the bailouts.

As soon as Obama got in office the republicans got on him about how everything was fucked up and its on him.

People do not have the attention span to stop and think about the mess he stepped into. They watch fox news and think that this whole mess is his fault.

I do not agree with everything he does but to start with the worst president ever nonsense is childish.

More than likely he gets reelected in 2012.

And if he does not the repubs will only hold the office till 2016 before they get voted out.

Garbage in Garbage out for this fading empire.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
Hedge is an idiot. I mean there are people I disagree with but I can tell they are intelligent or at least they have some kind of argument usually. Not Hedgy. He is just an idiot.

I check in and Tramp is bashing .What else is new.
Who's to say Hedge statement doesn't have some truth to it?

Since when do you dictate who is right and who is wrong?Wake up!!

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I check in and Tramp is bashing .What else is new.
Who's to say Hedge statement doesn't have some truth to it?

Since when do you dictate who is right and who is wrong?Wake up!!

Thanks. I will take this down now. :0074
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Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hedge is an idiot. I mean there are people I disagree with but I can tell they are intelligent or at least they have some kind of argument usually. Not Hedgy. He is just an idiot.

How could possibly tell if someone is intelligent?

You might be a connoisseur of profanity laced dysfuncutional families--or anonymous cyber trolls--but other than that you failed to exhibit any other qualities here in 10 years.

Would you like for me to bring back thread where I couldn't even get one person to say they knew you or wanted to--even for monetary reward. What a pathetic little foul mouthed cyber troll.

--by the way--still waiting for name of those restaurants you frequent that have no prob with others throwing the F word around other patrons families.


Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
How could possibly tell if someone is intelligent?

You might be a connoisseur of profanity laced dysfuncutional families--or anonymous cyber trolls--but other than that you failed to exhibit any other qualities here in 10 years.

Would you like for me to bring back thread where I couldn't even get one person to say they knew you or wanted to--even for monetary reward. What a pathetic little foul mouthed cyber troll.

--by the way--still waiting for name of those restaurants you frequent that have no prob with others throwing the F word around other patrons families.


Sorry I don't depend on Internet friends like you doggie dogshit. Still crying out for attention. You have guys parade in here about what a nice guy as you go on your racist little rants. Pathetic.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Sorry I don't depend on Internet friends like you doggie dogshit. Still crying out for attention. You have guys parade in here about what a nice guy as you go on your racist little rants. Pathetic.

I commented on Dogs being a good guy based on my brief encounter with him. I do not condone any form of bigotry, and I have called out Dogs in the past for racist comments far more severe than what is going on in this thread.

I live in the south. I don't know how it is in your area, but here racist and simple-minded thoughts on race are common from the uneducated masses, to high level executives, and everyone in between. The reason I thought Obama could not win an election was because of my thoughts on the prevalence of racism throughout the country. In fact, this cost me a couple of hundred bucks that I layed on McCain at +160:mj07: I thought that it was the same way everywhere:shrug:

When I operated the sales dept for my family business, I used to hear things that made me cringe inside, but I moved past it because I am not going to blow a sale or piss off a client because he is ignorant about race. Some of my friends, guys that I have known since I was 5 years old, feel that they are superior to blacks. Are they bad folks because of the manner in which they were raised? I say no. These are good people who care for their families, donate time and $ to the community, and are regular guys like us....well, at least like me.

Being raised a bigot does not make you a bad person, it just makes you a bigot.
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Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I commented on Dogs being a good guy based on my brief encounter with him.

Exactly. Your brief encounter.

I bet it must be hard in the south. I can only imagine how often you have to hear the same crap that doggie spits out daily. And thats just on this board.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Exactly. Your brief encounter.

I bet it must be hard in the south. I can only imagine how often you have to hear the same crap that doggie spits out daily. And thats just on this board.

For someone like myself, it can be quite difficult. I used to handle it very poorly, especially in my late teens and early 20's. I would argue with friends or anyone else about race. Over time, I learned to accept it for what it is.....ignorance.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Some of my friends, guys that I have known since I was 5 years old, feel that they are superior to blacks. Are they bad folks because of the manner in which they were raised? I say no. These are good people who care for their families, donate time and $ to the community, and are regular guys like us....well, at least like me.

Being raised a bigot does not make you a bad person, it just makes you a bigot.

this is where the trouble starts. And I can just about guarantee that Dogs and Mags both feel they are superior to blacks.

Its a attitude of never giving a black person a chance and its wrong.

Now if I meet a black person and he is a moron I dont say hey that n....... is lower than dog shit.

I just say that guy was nuts and move on.


the problem is that people that believe this will never be able to change and they teach their kids the same things by their comments and attitudes.
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