UFC 139: Shogun vs. Henderson November 19th 2011


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
hello !.....i just checked the dumpster and it looks like g.k. actually did get himself banned....

i had no idea...i certainly never contacted jack about him...i`ve never contacted jack about anybody....

if he was trying to lure posters to other sites,then he was f-cking with jack`s business....if that were the case ,good riddance...if not,it`s a bad break for him...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
We all remember the Coleman disaster.......:firing:

And yes Ghost was banned........sucks:cry: :cry:


wonder who contacted jack and i.e.?...he left the boxing forum voluntarily when he and romi couldn`t coerce thong and frankie out...and he seldom posted except for a snarky remark here and there or to get someboy`s e mail....

obviously,whatever he wanted to discuss couldn`t be discussed on the open forum...


Forum Member
Oct 8, 2010
i`m all for it...let`s hear who it was.....imo,if he was trying to steer psters elsewhere(and it sure seemed like he was),he` deserved to get the hook...

what say you?

Whether or not he deserved to get banned, whoever contacted the admins about is is a clown.


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May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Whether or not he deserved to get banned, whoever contacted the admins about is is a clown.

Weasel isn't gonna give his real screen name when he contacts Jack. Why do u think his screen name is Weasel? U saw some of the shots he has taken at Ghost. This is like his little play ground. The boxing threads were great until he started his little childish bullshit. He doesn't even have to contact Jack cause his off-handed comments are enuf. No more Romi, Ghost, Puncy and Box. He will say he had nothing to do with Box but him getting involve between Box and Punchy created a mess. He can say anything he wants in the off the wall Forum but if someone say's something he doesn't like he reprimands them.:mj07: He is on every forum with his plethora of fake names. I think Punchy once called him an old lady :mj07:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Weasel isn't gonna give his real screen name when he contacts Jack. Why do u think his screen name is Weasel? U saw some of the shots he has taken at Ghost. This is like his little play ground. The boxing threads were great until he started his little childish bullshit. He doesn't even have to contact Jack cause his off-handed comments are enuf. No more Romi, Ghost, Puncy and Box. He will say he had nothing to do with Box but him getting involve between Box and Punchy created a mess. He can say anything he wants in the off the wall Forum but if someone say's something he doesn't like he reprimands them.:mj07: He is on every forum with his plethora of fake names. I think Punchy once called him an old lady :mj07:

you`re still butthurt from your smack down in political i see...:lol:

you`re out of your mind...you`re the only one that stirs up trouble...you`re doing it right now...

ghost left..punchmaster was never here...boxlocks and i are friends...we go back years...

as usual,you are nothing more than a dispenser of vinegar and water......

contributing nothing more than trouble...the kid that goads other into fighting your battles...


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Weasel isn't gonna give his real screen name when he contacts Jack. Why do u think his screen name is Weasel? U saw some of the shots he has taken at Ghost. This is like his little play ground. The boxing threads were great until he started his little childish bullshit. He doesn't even have to contact Jack cause his off-handed comments are enuf. No more Romi, Ghost, Puncy and Box. He will say he had nothing to do with Box but him getting involve between Box and Punchy created a mess. He can say anything he wants in the off the wall Forum but if someone say's something he doesn't like he reprimands them.:mj07: He is on every forum with his plethora of fake names. I think Punchy once called him an old lady :mj07:

i`ll tell you what...lets ask jack if there is more than one screen name for my i.p. address.....if there is,i`ll leave forever...

if there isn`t,you leave forever...

you gonna man up or not?...


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
MMA Record (since UFC 58)
Prop Bet 43-80
Fighter vs. Fighter 296-460
Parlays 120-190

+4.96 Joe Rogans

Dan Henderson beat Mauricio "Shogun" Rua $2.25 (+125) *1 Joe Rogan

Stephan Bonnar beat Kyle Kingsbury $2.30 (+130) *1.5 Joe Rogans

Brian Bowles beat Urijah Faber $2.95 (+195) *1 Joe Rogan

Jason Brilz beat Ryan Bader $4.20 (+320) *0.75 Joe Rogan



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
lets try and get this clusterfuck back on the right track...

so far:

1)bonnar/kingsbury fotn +650 small...

2)story via decision(+156)/kampmann straight+120...for a small profit(or a disaster if story stops kampmann:lol: )

3)henderson/rua complete 2 full rounds -125...sportsbook

4)small dog plays i`m considering.....

dos anjos+145...didn`t see the huge size differential at the weigh in...tibau built like a bodybuilder...pretty equal skill-wise,imo...

bonnar+130...figuring that bonnar gets worked early,survives and makes life rough late as kingsbury gasses a bit...hopefully he doesn`t take real damage early...

silva+140...both guys older than dirt...silva much older in mma years...i expect silva to try and get his hands on le,maybe ebven try and take him down...sentimental pick(do or die for silva)....still not sure how good le really is(best wins over old frank shamrock and scott smith)......

baczynski +125...baczynski is the caliber of guy that brown can beat...it`s just that brown`s been subbed 8 times in 10 losses and that`s baczynski`s modus operandi.......

any opinions are welcome....
Last edited:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i`ll tell you what...lets ask jack if there is more than one screen name for my i.p. address.....if there is,i`ll leave forever...

if there isn`t,you leave forever...

you gonna man up or not?...

Not here douchebag but on every other forums. I have things to do. I can't be bothered with this now. U can post all day long. That seems to be all u do day in and day out. yeah u really showed me over at the political thread. U slammed me just like u did in the Dystra thread :mj07: :mj07: :mj07: . Back to the fights.
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