Well guess what as a fight fan it looks like the guy who did a good job of moving the UFC to the next level is getting greedy and we are gonna get shit card after shit card when we can be having great ones. He is either over paying the top guys on the card or just pocketing all kinds of cash. Him buying pride screwed us big time. Hopefully the guy doing these Bodog fights doesn't sell also. This is aready getting like Boxing. I know Don King love to just destroy boxing for his ego but he did put a couple of fights on a big card like him or not.
It is amazing that you can see MMA turning into exactly what killed boxing- greed and corruption. You can't trust boxing because outcomes can too easily be negotiated to benefit one or both fighters...."if this scenario occurs, you can make..." Whether it involves the judges/fighters whatever. I ran an offshore in the 90's and learned very quickly to lower limits on that crap. I will say that I was surpised that Mayweather got a decision over Oscar, because I assumed DeLaHoya would get a BS decision which would lead to a mandatory rematch that would make them both richer.
The BoDog guy is a complete ego-maniac clown by the way.