UFC 94: "GSP is god" Jan 31, Las Vegas, Nevada


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Sorry..thought this was the big boy forum where those who had a pair could figure out if they were being called out or not....my bad....won't intrude on your softies turf again...:kiss:

...bad week reds?...you don`t usually have a hair up your ass the size of the louisiana purchase...

chill out and stop back when you feel like posting a play or discussing some fights....it`s all good....

:nooo: :lol:
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Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
To each their own, my friend. Boxing bores the shit outta me; give me two skilled MMA guys rolling any day over a couple of boxers that could take 3 days to knock the other one out...:shrug:

I like the skilled grapplers WHEN there is action. Guida and Diaz had no action, . There were hardly any punches thrown that whole fight and very few sub attempts.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 24, 2001
Back to the actual plays at hand.....must congratulate kickserv for his "man-crush" winning and him cashing lots of Joe Rogans! :00hour Only wish I would have followed.



Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
I could care the fuck less if you thought it was a good card or not; I thought it was a great card. Talking down to people? Where did I talk down to people? I offered my opinion on the fights--feel free to disagree with me if you like. Like I care if a bunch of dorks like yourself at the "MMA forums" thought the card sucked; I thought it was highly entertaining.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't comment...You can lie to me, but don't lie to yourself.

You say you're not talking down to people, yet you're calling people "dorks." What the hell would you call that? People on the forums aren't dorks, they're hardcore fans who love the sport.

Since you're so filled with "having a life" get lost, nobody will miss you around these parts.

BTW, the internet tough guy act got old in about the 10th grade, grow up...


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 11, 2007
reds, youre being a bitch

if you prefer watching sweaty, half-nude men cuddle in each other's arms, that's fine, no need to push that shit on everyone else. look into nascar and bowling while you're at it.

and we all have a "life". a life spent masturbating ends the same way a life spent partying does. life is life is life. learn some elementary school reasoning.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
reds isn`t a bad guy....i like him.......he was a little cranky pants yesterday...we`ve all been there..

btw....here`s something to give your douche chills douche chills...

a new line of ufc jewelry..this is almost as bad as those tapout trannies parading around looking like 3 homeless clowns...

Skeletal Metal and UFC Form Partnership to Release UFC? Octagon? Line

Las Vegas, NV (USA) ? ""The Ultimate Fighting Championship, the premier brand in mixed martial arts, today announced a strategic partnership with Skeletal Metal LLC (SKM), creator of surgical steel jewelry, to launch the first ever UFC branded jewelry. Available through UFCstore.com, the UFC line launches today with Men?s bracelets styled after the famed UFC? Octagon?.

UFC President Dana White, wearing the black Octagon Bracelet, announced the deal earlier today at the UFC 94 weigh-in event inside the MGM Grand Garden Arena.

?UFC is always pushing the edge when it comes to innovation in our brand,? said Dana White, UFC President. ?When we wanted to create a line of UFC jewelry, we immediately turned to Skeletal Metal here in Las Vegas to design pieces that fit the UFC lifestyle and convey the excitement and energy of our sport."

?Joining forces with the world leader in mixed martial arts to develop a new line of UFC jewelry was an easy decision for us,? said Dr. Mike Crovetti, Skeletal Metal Founder and CEO. ?UFC represents a powerful demographic all over the world, and exciting new opportunities for the SKM brand.?

The Octagon bracelet is made from an actual surgical steel reconstruction plate used in orthopaedic surgery to secure broken bones. This plate has been ion plated in black for a sleek, cutting-edge look. The UFC will market the Octagon jewelry line on television, in UFC catalogues, online at UFC.com and at UFC live events. Men?s Octagon bracelets are available now via UFCstore.com for $139 (Polish/silver) and $159 (Black). Women's Black and Polish Octagon bracelets will be available in the near future.

The Octagon line is the first of an extensive line of UFC products to be produced under the strategic partnership, which includes the support of UFC in the marketing, sales and distribution of the Skeletal Metal products."""""""...

so now you`ll not only get these geeks wearing all this embarrassing ufc apparel......but they`ll have all this clunky man-jewelry on making them twice as obnoxious....

we`ll eventually have one of these twerps drowning because he wasn`t strong or sober enough to lift his head out of his own vomit(with his stainless steel ufc necklace on).....

god help us..
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
at least we agree there. gmrozz and redsfan think it was a great card :shrug: I did too until I watched the fights. yawn, and no, i'm not a new fan. I guess my roots are in boxing, and watching guys wrestle and lay on each other with no action is boring to me.

I've really enjoyed past Guida fights, but not tonight.

Lyoto is certainly not boring. he's just that good!

I thought the card was okay. Clay really has to do something more then just maul people. He does nothing when he controls people and i was shocked they gave me that win. Putting Karo and Clay back to back made the card look bad but i thought the Bonner fight was real entertaining. Probably the one i least wanted to watch because i didnt know anything about his opponent.
Sure Machida is tough but im wondering what happens when the first fighter doesn't fight his game and stands in the middle and waits for him. We still haven't seen that yet. His hands are very underrated. Nice he knocked that smirk off Silva face.


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Bucs: What category of fan do I fall into? I watched the 1st 3 UFCs in the early 90's and used to goto the ToughMan fights in the 80's with my dad. Do I have seniority, or do I get penalized for dormancy? Let me know where I stand so I don't step on the "real fan's" toes.


Forum Member
Jan 28, 2008

"I couldn?t believe what I was seeing. ?Crazy? Bob Cook had to get my attention because I couldn?t focus (between rounds), it was so nuts??

-UFC welterweight Jon Fitch tells MMAmania.com how difficult it was to concentrate on fighting at UFC 94 ?St. Pierre vs. Penn 2′ while his opponent was being cornered by grown men in prom dresses. Japanese fan favorite Akihiro Gono did the foxtrot en route to the Octagon in a sort of RuPaul-inspired homage to the Pointer Sisters. Fitch would go on to take the unanimous decision victory, but not without a few laughs along the way. This 170-pound contest was worthy of main card status on entrances alone?

Gotta love some of these Japanese characters... :142smilie I've always liked Gono, wish he could drop to 155 b/c he's not a big welter.


That Guy
Forum Member
Dec 12, 2000
Seguin, TX
I personally believe, that U.S. Americans,
are unable to do so,
because uh,
some, people out there, in our nation don?t have maps.
and uh?
I believe that our education like such as in South Africa,
and the Iraq,
everywhere like such as?
and, I believe they should uh,
our education over here,
in the U.S. should help the U.S.
or should help South Africa,
and should help the Iraq and Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future,
for us.

That being said, I think you could argue whether it was the fighter or the matchup that was bad until you were blue in the face. The you I refer to does not post on madjacks but believe me, he/she knows that I'm talking about him/her

I thought the Guida v Diaz fight last night had more action than Lesnar v Herring. Personal preference obviously, but my head and heart prefers standing butt humping over kneeling ass riding.

Both were bad fights to watch as neither Guida nor Lesnar improved on their position in an attempt to end the fight. Both won, but neither did it with pizazz. Less Lesnar's opening right hand.

Bad matchups maybe, boring fighters possibly, bad fights definately. The bad fight definition has to mean boring for the fan watching at home. Machida has had his fair share of these but at 14-0 (never losing a round in the history of his UFC cage career) he has risen to the upper rungs of his division.

And that's why I have migrated to mma - As a kid, Mike Tyson was the baddest man on the planet. That was undisputed. Ferocious, lightning fast with hands as heavy as elephants. There was no one, and I mean no one, that created more fear inside the ring. I think we can also agree that Tyson's cerebral cortex was not the fear making monster that his hands were. You take away oxygen fom the pea sized portion of his brain that controlled his arms, and he becomes as scary as a 6 week old kitten named snuggle socks. Put Tyson in an MMA fight in his prime and you have the classic MMA battle of choke his ass out before I get knocked the fuck out battle. That's why I'm a fan, you don't have to be the biggest or the baddest to win.

Lyoto Machida doesn't scare me. He shaves once every two weeks.
Brock Lesnar scares the caca out of me just thinking about the amount of ink it took to tat the cut throat dagger on his chest.
And only one is undefeated.

I think you could throw Rashad Evans into this category. Hell, he won the heavy weight ultimate fighter contest, dropped to the light heavies and weighed in at 203 against Griffin.
He wears sunglasses indoors,
peculiar - yes,
cool - to some,
imposing - no.
He just doesn't lose and that's why I'm a fan of the sport.

Last tidbit, a little story that happened about a month ago.

I'm a big boy, 5' 11'' and 3/4's with a walking around weight of 235lb. Take away the ponch and let me hit a sauna and sweat out the beer and I think I could get all the way down to the 205 weight limit of 206 lbs (if you want to know about my humor, I find it funny as shit that the weight limit of 205 is 206. It's like having a conference called the Big 10 that has 11 schools in it)

I haven't cut weight so I'm sitting on my couch at my fight night weight in the mid 230's. Seated directly to my left is my beautiful wife. 5'4'' 110lbs fully clothed sitting with her legs tucked underneath her in a springy spry style that reminded me of a baby bunny waiting to pounce on magical bubbles floating in a meadow. I assess the situation and my fight or flight insticts kick in as i attack with the element of surprise on my side. That damn leg tuck that she was sitting in was her saving grace as she wound up with a butterfly guard. Now she's mounted me before and yes that means exactly what you think it does.

So I go to pass but the softness of the couch cushion hinders me. I forgot to tell you that I've already received the "What the fuck are your doing" look which brought doubt and a little fear to my soul but I felt like I had the advantage so I pushed on. For those of you at home that are thinking, you know, I might try this sometime, please heed these words, "Do not get caught in butterfly guard if you do not have your jock on." As she arches her back she puts one of Newtons laws to the test and the torque extends through her toes in my genitalia, into my soul.

I buck, you would too, and she's able to pull full guard. At 5'4'' she has freakishly long legs and although unable to get a body lock on she does put the buns of steel squeeze on. I laugh, verbally laugh, and I realize that is the same response a fighter has when he gets caught on the chin and shakes his head to tell everyone else that didn't hurt but he knows differently.

So the game has come to an end and even though I'm pretty sure I could lay and pray and take the decision, I decide to give her a chance to take the offensive. It took some coaxing but she finally believes that I'm not out to get her so she rolls her hips and slides her right leg around my left arm and up to my left shoulder. I wiggle backwords a little so that she can bend her knee and bring it over behind my head. That was all that had to be done because she took over from there. She brings her left leg up and locks in the triangle.

Harry Houdini is not getting out of this and that's when I realized my biggest mistake, I don't know if my wife knows the universal sign for please stop choking the shit out of me, aka tapping. But I'm not ready to tap. For those that don't know I will do my best to describe what happens. The inner thigh right above the knee clamps on to whatever artery that supplies blood to the part of the brain that controls speach, body control and chubbies. Every time the fulcrum leg is pulled down it feels like a garrote being wound. Instinctively you make a face and pull away from the pressure. I know that's not the correct maneuver but you try arguing with your instincts. After about 10 seconds of straining a black shadow creeps in at the edges of your eye sight. It is the ultimate tunnel vision. Pride be a bitch, I tap. Pride be a bitch, I tap again. Just two little love taps. Two things I realized here, One - no matter how hard you try you can't tap in a cool manner. Those little love taps still scream uncle. Two - It takes an eternity for someone to let go. I don't know if she was waiting to make sure that the imaginery referee saw the taps or if she was putting her signature on her 1st stoppage but it seemed to take forever for her to release.

The return of blood and oxygen to the brain is quite a rush. I could go further into the spiritual aspects of near suffocation but the chat I had with my god is protected by client - diety privileges.

My sweety slides back in to full guard and I posture up. My eyes, regaining full peripheral vision decide to tell her, "I let you do that"

She responded with an eyebrow raise and then her eyes told me something that I will now have to live with for the rest of my life, "You tapped pussy"


Forum Member
Jan 28, 2008
This pretty much says it all for me...

UFC 94: ?St. Pierre vs. Penn II? from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, is in the books and George St. Pierre is still the UFC welterweight champion.

The only thing more impressive than the gameplan his team put together for this fight was the way he executed it. Coming in, the only real weakness BJ Penn had ever shown was cardio related. GSP came out of the gates attacking that weakness by leaning on the 155-pound champ and wearing him down with a visible size and strength advantage for most of the first two rounds.

After he had BJ good and tired, St. Pierre switched his attack and started winning exchanges on his feet. At that point Penn looked tired and frustrated, and it was clear he didn?t have an answer for anything GSP did. The Canadian fighter pounded away on the Hawaiian native with numerous unanswered shots during a lopsided fourth round.

Before the fifth round could begin, the decision was made by Penn?s corner to call it a night, giving GSP the technical knockout victory and his second straight welterweight title defense.

- from mmamania.com

Another brilliant gameplan by Greg Jackson, the best cornerman in the business. Jackson sometimes gets inspiration from great military leaders when it comes to strategy and gameplanning. Pretty cool.

Now Guida's cornermen were terrible! :mj07: Guida was controlling Diaz easily with his wrestling and between rds 2-3, his cornermen told him 'let your hands go!' Diaz had a 6 inch reach advantage and was winning the boxing exchange early, but Guida listened to his corner's advice only to get lit up again when he tried to box early in rd 3. :142smilie


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
Bucs: What category of fan do I fall into? I watched the 1st 3 UFCs in the early 90's and used to goto the ToughMan fights in the 80's with my dad. Do I have seniority, or do I get penalized for dormancy? Let me know where I stand so I don't step on the "real fan's" toes.

According to the Hawkeye dude, you'd be a geek or whatever. Ask him, he's the one that knows everything.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Josh, what the hell man. Is that a true story or where you drinking and smoking herb when you decided to write that? lol, I did get a kick out of it.

I was happy BJ lost the way he did mainly because what he said about George. He said that anyone that taps from punches is a Pu$$y. Referring to the Serra fight. I think telling his corner that he couldn't take one more punch is pretty much the same thing.

GSP is a great fighter, BJ is a great fighter but both are great fighters for their weight class. Silva would or will smoke GSP if they ever fight, I don't even think it would get out of the first. I think Anderson is great and might be the tops because I think he has a good chance to be LHW champ. I believe the same thing about Fedor because I think he could fight at 205(there's a lot of weight he could lose in that belly) but he choses HW.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
Josh, what the hell man. Is that a true story or where you drinking and smoking herb when you decided to write that? lol, I did get a kick out of it.

I was happy BJ lost the way he did mainly because what he said about George. He said that anyone that taps from punches is a Pu$$y. Referring to the Serra fight. I think telling his corner that he couldn't take one more punch is pretty much the same thing.

GSP is a great fighter, BJ is a great fighter but both are great fighters for their weight class. Silva would or will smoke GSP if they ever fight, I don't even think it would get out of the first. I think Anderson is great and might be the tops because I think he has a good chance to be LHW champ. I believe the same thing about Fedor because I think he could fight at 205(there's a lot of weight he could lose in that belly) but he choses HW.

He never told his corner that he couldn't take one more punch. He was saying something about the back of his head. But, his brother is the one who decided to stop the fight.

Reguardless, GSP did tap from strikes :mj06:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
GSP.....total domination

:00hour :00hour :00hour

Wew baby...did I love watching that.....sweetness I tell ya...sweetness:00hour

And yep...told ya so.....the fight wasn't even close....I mean total beatdown. And GSP gets better every fight....nobody is going to beat him.


rocky mountain

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 24, 2005
GSP.....total domination

:00hour :00hour :00hour

Wew baby...did I love watching that.....sweetness I tell ya...sweetness:00hour

And yep...told ya so.....the fight wasn't even close....I mean total beatdown. And GSP gets better every fight....nobody is going to beat him.

agreed he was awesome---but everyone gets beat eventually---impossible to train at such a high level every fight---eventually somebody w/ comparable skills will want it more and train harder and beat him. Last night no one was going to beat him, amazing shape and performance!
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