vets charge: kerry killed fleeing teen; lied for medal

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
its speculation....and its presented as such

and much of it turns out to be true...much of which is hidden in the rest of the newsrooms

certainly Hillary was considered for VP....certainly Bush considered dropping CHeney....drudge reported on thought processes behind both and scoops that he heard...and the public likes to hear about it.....nothing wrong with this


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Republican re-elected committee running as far away as as fast as they can from this one.
Even M Moores saying the Pres was a idiot is not this bad. I dont like the way M Moore said it but this thing is way over the top. This is Woopie chit and does not be long.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
drudge may have credibility problems but he is accurate with this story.

but i agree that if kerry continues to try to capitilize on his tour in viet nam then the opposing party has every right to investigate it. but they should keep it credible.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
With prices going up fast and wages down. Unemployment still to high. Stocks are sick as hell. Just about nothing going to good right now. Kerry can move on from the Nam war. Looks like Bush is handing election to Kerry if he just says very little.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
I think Kerry would be quite dumb to abandon his Vietnam duty as this clearly seperates him from Bush and Cheney as neither of them risked their lives when they had the opportunity and I think many vets feel kinship with Kerry from his tour in Nam! This story has lost alot of meat when McCain denounced it as garbage and lies like it or not many Independents and some Republicans feel that McCain is a pillar of truth and follow his lead very closely and do many vets!

As far as Drudge, I would lump him into the same category as Michael Moore as being totally bias against the other side. Even though I have not viewed Moore's new flick yet, what disturbs me is that the Republicans have been strangely quiet toward refuting his movie which lends me to believe that a vast majority of the movie must actually have some truth to it? This movie has had to do some damage to the GOP just by looking at the amount of cash this flick has made, surely if there was a way to discredit all of the film the GOP would of taken more of a stronger action but I have seen very little action on their part to further discredit the film!


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Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
master capper quote:"that the Republicans have been strangely quiet toward refuting his movie which lends me to believe that a vast majority of the movie must actually have some truth to it?"

there have been alot of people both republicans & democrats who have denounced a good portion of this movie as lacking credibility.

as far as this story about the other vets denouncing kerry's tour of duty...we don't know yet if what they say is true.

but because a person served in the military...doesn't necessarily mean that he will be a great president. if that was the case then audie murphy would have been the best president.

a majority of the vets don't have a keenship with kerry because they remember what he said after is nam tour of duty in front of congress.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
If this story had even an OUNCE of truth, it would have been in books and talked about immediately when Kerry started protesting the war upon his return.

Use your brain on this one. If you're a Republican, stop WISHING it's true. It just makes you look foolish.

F 9-11 was crafted in a way that it really isn't full of blatant lies - the facts are defendable, but often exaggerated. Moore edited it carefully to be misleading at times. He was stupid - he could have just laid some facts out, instead of embellishing and being so biased all the time.

The most powerful moments of the film are not whe he's bitching about Bush - they are when the camera just rolls and his yapper is shut. Many of these are void of bias / they show the horror of the WTC attack or the nightmare of a mother who lost her son in Iraq. It could have been a good movie if it just let the viewer take everything in un-filtered.

Master Capper

Forum Member
Jan 12, 2002
Dunedin, Florida
On the other hand a vast majority of vets that served in Nam feel that Bush and Cheney evaded the war through their wealth and political connections and that does not sit well with alot of vets of that conflict!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 9, 2000
i just saw a poll with bush getting 58% to kerry's 35% of the military vote. not sure if it includes past military though.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
My dad's a Vietnam vet who went from ultra-conservative to Centrist Democrat over the years. He'd vote for McCain if given the chance. He'll take Kerry given the current selection.

That's 1-0 in favor of Kerry, as far as I'm concerned.


Forum Member
Smurph- I agree w/a lot of your posts- especially your views on Gays/ Lesbians, etc. (Note: never had a yen to use someone's d*ck for a toothbrush in case you're wondrin), but what did your Dad say about Clinton/Gore? Really am just curious.
Note: I don't think we should condemn someone for following their convictions, but I think some could care less who is 'in charge' as long as they got their pockets lined.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
dr...let`s be fair....something the dem. bomb throwers don`t seem to be interested in

36 years after the fact?......where was this stuff prior to now?....

i categorize this in the same little niche as anita hill and the pubic hair on the coke can......pure slander and character assassination....for political purposes....seems to show up at opportune moments...

and it could backfire....many upstanding republicans are distancing themselves from this stuff...aside fron john mccain...he has his own political agenda...i`m not fooled by him for a minute...

what proof is there...i`d be willing to listen to proof....just not heresay from one guy who is probably partisan....

and to be fair...kerry accused many in the same manner...without naming names....just made blanket accusations....that,imo,is pathetic,also....

and let me finish by saying that it does gall me that the same people that are screaming foul are the ones that called bush "a liar"...."a traitor"...."hitler"..among other pathetic epithets...

the moore`s...the ted rall`s.......the ted kennedy`s...the martin"assclown" o`malley`s...

this stuff is repugnant to me....i don`t think this kind of crap is kosher....


if you are gonna throw heinous accusations around,please be specific...otherwise,it sounds like opportunistic bullshit...

i believe kerry is being done a grave disservice here....i don`t agree with it...

but,guess what,bomb throwers? reap what you sow....
Last edited:

Clem D

Mad Pisser
Forum Member
May 26, 2004
Long Branch NJ
This all came out in early may. The Dems were able to dispute it because The Ring leaders of this were all Texas Repubs with huge ties to the bush's. It did damage and went away. So as Kerry shows strength they throw it out there again, it derails the campaign for a few days, and then goes away again. It is reall dirty pool. I won't elaborate on the connections of the people involved to Bush. Do your homework it's all there. Anyone who believes this crap about Kerry is no better than the people who will vote for Kerry just based on Michael Moore. Wise up will you?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
the same people that are screaming foul are the ones that called bush "a liar"...."a traitor"...."hitler"..among other pathetic epithets...
Don't assume this. Myself and countless other Kerry supporters never used those kind of words about Bush. I will say that I don't "TRUST" him, but that is nowhere near the same thing.

Chan - regarding my father's opinion of Clinton-Gore, I actually don't know other than that he voted for him both times. He wasn't his favorite choice, but he agreed with his policies more than those of Bush Sr and Dole. I, myself - liked Dole more by the time '96 rolled around. Kind of a close call though - I wasn't exactly entusiastic. I really didn't become motivated politically until the nightmare of the Bush administration - I didn't discuss too much with Pops before that.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
smurph....i was more referring to the higher profile bomb throwers like moore and rall....not necessarily the folks on this board.....

i see your oriole logo and i understand that you`ve suffered severely over the last decade or so...being from baltimore,myself.....

so,i have a sort of have some empathy for you(even though i swore i`d never follow them as long as angelos was the owner).....

sometimes life isn`t


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Funny, GardenW! The Oriole logo is only because I apparently only have 3 choices of avatar with my low post total.

BUT YOU HAPPENED TO BE RIGHT! I don't care for baseball anymore - but I was originally from VA and was a huge Birds fan during the Murray years (my favorite player back then). It all peaked in 1983, and collapsed afterwards.

I dropped baseball in 1994 and never looked back. I couldn't care less what happens to them or any other basbeall team anymore.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Drudge is a low life propagandist along the lines of Hannitty and Rush. I guess we won't mention how one of the signers of this piece of crap is Kerrys old Commander and now takes back what he said. The other creeps never were even on a boat with Kerry. This just shows you how much hate there is on the right. They try to disgrace a man who served his country honorably. They should all be ashamed of themselves. They should rejoice and praise America instead of hating it and it's hero's!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
garden, stop your crying about being a Baltimore Fan, you could be a red Sox Fan, see 67, 75, 78, 86, 03, oh well and there is 1919.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker" right...and i honestly haven`t been an oriole fan for years....lord,i hate angelos...

living for football,now...which reminds me...have to check nolan d`s pre-season info out before monday...

was sorry to see nomar depart the sawx.....always liked him....seemed to be a classy guy through all the alex rodriguez speculation......ashamed he couldn`t stay healthy...
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