dr...let`s be fair....something the dem. bomb throwers don`t seem to be interested in
36 years after the fact?......where was this stuff prior to now?....
i categorize this in the same little niche as anita hill and the pubic hair on the coke can......pure slander and character assassination....for political purposes....seems to show up at opportune moments...
and it could backfire....many upstanding republicans are distancing themselves from this stuff...aside fron john mccain...he has his own political agenda...i`m not fooled by him for a minute...
what proof is there...i`d be willing to listen to proof....just not heresay from one guy who is probably partisan....
and to be fair...kerry accused many in the same manner...without naming names....just made blanket accusations....that,imo,is pathetic,also....
and let me finish by saying that it does gall me that the same people that are screaming foul are the ones that called bush "a liar"...."a traitor"...."hitler"..among other pathetic epithets...
the moore`s...the ted rall`s.......the ted kennedy`s...the martin"assclown" o`malley`s...
this stuff is repugnant to me....i don`t think this kind of crap is kosher....
if you are gonna throw heinous accusations around,please be specific...otherwise,it sounds like opportunistic bullshit...
i believe kerry is being done a grave disservice here....i don`t agree with it...
but,guess what,bomb throwers?.....you reap what you sow....