i apologize for this...but,here`s an actual thread that was started over at the mma weekly forums....
i don`t know why this irritates me so much...if i were the editor over there,i`d be whacking threads right and left...
this will be the last time i rail on this topic....again,i apologize and thanks for being patient...it`s cathartic for me...
btw...did i mention this topic generated SEVEN PAGES of responses?...:SIB
"What Superhero would do the best in the UFC?"
Ok aside from the obvious choice of superman, who would have the best chance of kicking ass in the UFC?
I would have to go with Batman on this one. He's trained in every form of martial arts, and hes super strong and fast but those arent even superpowers. Plus hes probably done more hand-to-hand combat than any other superhero out there aside from like i said superman, or maybe wolverine.
So pretty much which superhero if they went to the UFC and couldnt use superpowers, would be the next anderson silva?
"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."-Darth Vader
i don`t mean to be a p-ick...i like humor and ball busting as much as the next guy,but this stuff gives me douche chills...i don`t know who these guys are,but,they`re obviously very difficult to embarrass...
i`m done...