[Suzanne] Hello, how may I help you? I can assist you more effectively if you would provide your email address, full name, or account number. Thanks
[Visitor] trying to add a cred card and can't.
[Suzanne] Please hold while I bring up your account.
[Suzanne] How many credit cards do you have on your account right now.
[Visitor] zero now.
[Visitor] i deleted all of them because it said i had two many
[Visitor] now i still can't add it
[Suzanne] You are only allowed 2 cards on your account.
[Suzanne] Even if you remove them, they are still counted as cards on the account.
[Visitor] delete one so i can deposit.
[Visitor] not the 2097 one. the other one
[Suzanne] It does not work that way, you are only allowed 2 cards on the system.
[Visitor] how can i deposit with this one then? only place it will go through
[Suzanne] Was it one of the original ones you had on there?
[Visitor] new one
[Suzanne] How many cards did you used to have on your account?
[Visitor] two
[Suzanne] That is all you are allowed.
[Visitor] so i can't deposit with this one? one of the previous cards is expired now anyway
[Suzanne] Ok all you needed to do is edit the card and change the expiry date.
[Visitor] no i mean expired as in i no longer have it
[Suzanne] I will send your account over to the programmers and see what can be done.
[Visitor] i just lost $1500 on the fukking Tigers. i don't want my weekend to end like this.
[Suzanne] I am sorry to hear that.
[Suzanne] The programmers will not be in until tomorrow, so someone will email you back and let you know what can be done.
[Visitor] by then i will hvae cooled off. i want to do this while i am still angry
[Suzanne] Well sorry, there is no in that department today.
[Visitor] all right. fuk you Tigers. you got me again.