dangerous virus, but to me there are so many questions behind that number, like
how many of that number died of clear alternate causes?
how many would have died in this timeframe if covid didn?t exist but died instead of covid?
how many of those that passed might have been old and physically/mentally broken down to the point that they welcomed death? for me personally, i have seen many older ppl in conditions that i really don?t want to live through
i don?t claim to know what those numbers are, but at this point i think we can all agree that it?s not zero, and if it?s not zero than who knows what kind of numbers we are talking about there
i now know 2 people from my metropolitan area who have died from covid - i mentioned in another thread Daniel Walters (google daniel walters new orleans, very sad story) - had known Daniel for years and the last time we saw him, he, my wife and i talked a lot that night as it was late and things were winding down, and we figured out that we had some personal connections that were until then undiscovered - more recently a girl i knew (went to grammar school with, hung out with in hs, wife graduated hs with her) - she contracted virus and was apparently feeling ok during her quarantine but suffered a pulmonary embolism while walking around the house and passed away -
Ann was my age (46) and Daniel I believe was 50 - believe Daniel had some underlying conditions that contributed to his death, not sure about Ann - but i do believe very strongly that both of them would be alive today had they not contracted covid
so i know from personal experience that, in certain situations, covid has the ability to kill - it sucks and is very very sad - also know a couple of guys who have overdosed during the pandemic, one was my age and a guy i went to hs with, the other about 60, retired coast guard guy who had moved to hawaii and was doing really well from all indications- good people who had cleaned up but were brought back in - did the lockdowns, mass hysteria driven by MSM and the politicization/weaponization of an already dangerous virus have anything to do with those situations? i say probably but we?ll never really know - all very sad
as i have stated before i have absolutely no political affiliation, i am not a republican, democrat, independent, anything - i will not vote in the presidential race and none of my thoughts, feelings or opinions are in any way related to politics - i form my own opinions on an issue to issue basis, always have and always will - and my opinion, which has been firm from the start of this situation and remains the same now, is that the handling of the virus will cause much more damage than the virus itself
this is a shitty game to predict bc no matter what everybody loses, and there is no quantifiable way to measure the collateral damage anyway - but it?s no fun rehashing the deaths of personal connections and no fun to read articles like this one either
in this forum since the start of this situation i have been called stupid, selfish, arrogant and who knows what else - i have done my best to be thoughtful in many responses but in some i have lacked a proper sense of humility, and for that i apologize - but i will not apologize for my opinions, which have not changed - there is another side to the coin that some fail to consider when discussing covid - there are some who call others selfish for wanting to get things back to normal, who are doing ok re physical/emotional/mental/and especially financial health, who don?t think about others whom the response to the virus is affecting in very negative ways
in this thread i have included stories about sports figures who have had the virus, as i figure that it is a group that we can keep better tabs on than the general national population - those stories are now starting to include more seventy-somethings and to me that is a positive development - and i know we?re talking about a much smaller sample size, but when we see example after example of
ppl with some level of national notoriety getting the virus without very negative consequences that tells me that while the virus may be dangerous and in some cases lethal, for the vast majority it is a temporary ailment
again, very stressful, emotional and sad - only positive that can be taken is that covid has generally spared the young and healthy while feasting on the old and sick - not a ton of consolation but better than if we juxtaposed those groups - we are continuing to put people in harms way though with the response, and the overall reaction from the media and politicians, from both parties and at every level of govt, has been disgusting and has exacerbated the country?s issues beyond belief
so who wins the argument? like i said nobody does - all we can do is hope for the best
gl - LA Burns