You know, not for nothing hedge but in the last few months, you've asked the same stood senseless question you heard on Hannity on two occasions. Once when the police in Dallas were shot, which was all over the media but of course you only watch one. Them this time after a tragedy in France, not exactly a friend of our country which you insist you care so much about, but I digress, it is a tragedy.
On a side note, nothing I've said indicates I'm celebrating their death.
You mentioned earlier that everyone has riddles. Please don't do like last week and deny you said something when it's clearly posted in black and white just a few posts back when you said that Alton Sterling and Philando Castile got what they deserved,
The third time you were concerned about media coverage was when the gorilla got killed................before you start ironing your hood, I'm talking about the one in the zoo, not who you call a gorilla when no black people are listening. I always thought it funny to think how during your entire mistake of existence, you've used terms like ape and gorilla as a derogatory term for black people. Consequently an actual gorilla died to save a black child and you show more concern for him than you do for those you used to compare him to?
Do you throw out all the black and brown crayons when you get a new box every week, or do you just set them on a heating vent and yell at them to get a job?
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