White Lives Matter


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
I'm curious as to how many people realize that the slogan all lives matter is a republican term that's construed to diminish and dilute the black lives matter movement. Which is why you see hedge being a good little parrot. Much like everything else conservative Republicans do is just a small part of the agenda to control the fear and direct the gullible masses to a foregone conclusion. When someone says one make sure you say the other right away back at them and most people will agree with you and boom, deflection from solving or addressing a single issue that the original group has. It's worked for them so well that most Republicans are helpless to see it, or did anything about it.
An example might be the Dallas police shooting as it relates to gun control. I'd be confident there isn't a single republican on this forum that has never repeated, heard, posted, saw on a meme, things life "guns don't kill people, people do" or that a good guy with a gun may save you from a bad guy with a gun. We need more good guys with guns. I need it for protection, bullshit bullshit bullshit. I have watched the videos and the ONLY guys with guns running towards the shooter were police. I saw at least two on the crowd with open carry damn near knock a kid over to run away. The number of protesters, anti-protestors, those just observing, media etc...clearly running away was estimated to be around 22,000 from what i can find. I'm sure that ihas a significant margin for error, however even if it were half that, you're still talking about a test set that is still 1100 times the test size used in medical testing, sociological studies etc... to be considered adequate to determine validity. Basically, it disproves every argument republicans have insisted to be clear cut truth and evidence to be sufficient for arming the citizenship. We now see that arming the citizens isn't the answer but that won't stop people like hedge from believing anything
To further that point, the fact that i watched the same video of the sterling murder as everyone else. In jaxx' post he mentions that he read or heard that Alton used his right hand to reach for a gun and was fighting back so he got shot. I never saw any of that nor did i see anything i could identify as a weapon. I believe he did have a gun because the owner of the store he was murdered in front of did say he carried one. My point is look how readily Jaxx, who isn't a total moron, is willing to accept the officers version of events rather than their own eyes? The guy that shot him, who should be suspects in a murder investigation, says he went for his gun so we automatically accept it? Why the hell is it that every time there's a video involving an officer doing questionable things on s video, the police always say about the video, "well, what you can't see in the video is he went for his gun. The officer yelled gun and was in fear for his life. Now, switch positions of the cop and the victim, (the one hedge said deserved to die and two posts later denied he said it and still insists he never lies). If you switch the roles that video would have been enough to put alton on dean row. I can't believe that we are expected to take the shooters word for it, or that the police ever saw a gun. The gun was still in his damn pocket when the officer who yelled gun initially, reaches his entire hand into his pocket and pulls out something i can't identify worth confidence. People rioted in L.A. because of the verdict of the officers in the criminal trial. They all saw the same thing. 27 cops trying to block the view while other officer officers committed aggravated assault right in front of my eyes. When the exclamation was, you didn't see the video frame by frame and slowed. I didn't need to, I had eyes.
Police and firemen are the only citizens that have a standing assumption of innocence and honesty when it comes to the justice system and society.

Police are citizens and human beings. They are a subset of our society because they are in our society. Whatever the percent of the population is that have direct tv or dish is going to be exactly the same if you asked just the police or everyone in the nation. The crime rate will be at least equal to the national rate. The conviction or indictment rate won't be close, however I would be willing to bet that the occurrence of criminal actions is actually more frequent among law enforcement.
It's pretty obvious that when people can do things without the fear of being charged or even accused, humans take advantage of it. Even if some cop's aren't dirty but they don't report it, are just as guilty. After the Michael Brown murder that had so many holes in the officers bullshit testimony and a district attorney that admitted presenting witnesses he knew were lying, to the grand jury, the FBI investigation uncovered so much blatant racism and prejudice that the department had to be completely disbanded and started over. The department lied about Wilson's injuries. They lied about the circumstances and they lied about that kid, but so many simply want the 18 year old "career", as the Ferguson police chief referred to him as the afternoon of his murder, want to believe that Brown was the aggressor, so they do. Even when their eyes and ears saw something completely different, they don't care. They choose to believe anyone rather than the blacks.

And for fucks sake hedge, don't ever tell anyone you think they're thoughtful. You have no idea what that even is.

Now for those of you that think more officers are good than bad, explain one thing to me please. If you were walking down the street in an open carry area and had an AR on your shoulder properly registered and permitted correctly and you stopped to look at a plastic cupcake in a toy store window. Just after walking out of the store with your third $32 plastic cupcake and assurances the third is "much fresher" than the other two a police officer walks up and asks what you're doing there then says that he needs to take your weapon. You protest and he tells you again that he needs your weapon because he asked for it, would you just give it to him? I bet some would without a word but, let's assume that you ask why and next thing you know, your cuffed thrown on the ground arrested for non compliance. .
The problem with that scenario is it is highly unlikely to happen to anyone.but lets pretend. If you're white and get a court date if your black you get your sealed juvenile records leaked to the public.

In fact it would have been illegal for the officer to take your weapon, not good police work, but a crime. So why exactly is it that every single time i say I don't readily surrender my ID if an officer asks to see it for no reason, it's insinuated or asked what I'm hiding and immediately considered the one escalating the situation.

The FACT is that the police officer is breaking the law by even asking but especially if he threatens me with an escalation of consequence. So at that moment the only known criminal is the police officer. Not only do many of you defend the officer, more so you vilify me for being a problem.
That officer knows he violating your civil rights before he asks and rather than defend him went wouldn't toy demand that those charged with enforcing the law practice it as well.

In the alton sterling video so many keep insisting that if he would have just done what he was told he'd be alive today. So how about this, show me anywhere in that video, provide a single eyewitness statement from anyone other than the murderers that confirm that officers asked Alton his name, ask him for I.D. ask if he had a weapon, anything other than stop and get on the.....tazered, and tackled from behind shot six times from point blank range about 10 seconds later.

Yep just show me that video and maybe I'll have a different opinion.

No I won't. A white kid gets a few years in an obvious rape, and the black guys get killed, and labeled a career criminal before his body is removed from the fucking filthy gutter.

The black guy deserved it though right hedge?

Nothing at all has changed since the sixties. Nothing. The racists cheer and say things like he deserved it or why aren't they reporting this white guys death? Then they use any avenue to minimalize the plight and protestations of those that have only known prejudice. They are labeled as the instigators and the racists by the media and actually told to get over it, it's a hoax etc....

All lives don't matter Hedge. Take you for instance, you have not enriched or contributed a single thing to society,

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Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
Two Muslims with veiled faces and heavy backpacks, a black woman named japoniquilla and two white women board a bus....nothing happens bc we're not assholes.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 22, 2006

a lot of restraint from you. all you've said in this thread is pretty harmless yet you continue to get snide remarks from someone who cries about snide remarks whenever directed towards them. actually, they aren't really snide remarks they are flat out insults. kudos to you on the thick skin though and not stooping to that level.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
a lot of restraint from you. all you've said in this thread is pretty harmless yet you continue to get snide remarks from someone who cries about snide remarks whenever directed towards them. actually, they aren't really snide remarks they are flat out insults. kudos to you on the thick skin though and not stooping to that level.
Yes because hedges actions and mine are defined by a single post. I won't make any snide remarks directed at you in my reply as you did to me though, will that earn me a cookie too? I will say however that when people have over 20,000 posts, some times there is sub context from other posts that carry over and they are defined by their body of work rather than a single sentence. Have a great day

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
So what saint? So I use a lot of words. You're not required to read any of it. Why do you care, and more importantly, why was it necessary to say a damn thing? What does it contribute to anything other than you feel good about getting a shot in at me. Whatever, forget it, not worth my time but I already typed all this and wanted you to have something to feel good about. I'm here to help. Unfortunately, you can't bill medicare for your time.

Hope this helps,

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Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
a lot of restraint from you. all you've said in this thread is pretty harmless yet you continue to get snide remarks from someone who cries about snide remarks whenever directed towards them. actually, they aren't really snide remarks they are flat out insults. kudos to you on the thick skin though and not stooping to that level.

The guy is a peach, but boy can he churn out 3000 word responses full of bs and mis-information.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
a lot of restraint from you. all you've said in this thread is pretty harmless yet you continue to get snide remarks from someone who cries about snide remarks whenever directed towards them. actually, they aren't really snide remarks they are flat out insults. kudos to you on the thick skin though and not stooping to that level.
I guess you missed the intent of the title of this thread huh. Naaahh, he didn't stoop to anything at all did he. I mean he certainly didn't put morals and ethics aside and ignore years of vile hatred just to make a post for the sole purpose of taking a shot at someone else. Kudos

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Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
So what saint? So I use a lot of words. You're not required to read any of it. Why do you care, and more importantly, why was it necessary to say a damn thing? What does it contribute to anything other than you feel good about getting a shot in at me. Whatever, forget it, not worth my time but I already typed all this and wanted you to have something to feel good about. I'm here to help. Unfortunately, you can't bill medicare for your time.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk



Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Yes because hedges actions and mine are defined by a single post. I won't make any snide remarks directed at you in my reply as you did to me though, will that earn me a cookie too? I will say however that when people have over 20,000 posts, some times there is sub context from other posts that carry over and they are defined by their body of work rather than a single sentence. Have a great day

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Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
And btw fek, I in no way believe you to be the fringe element I referred to above which is why I even addressed you. I know written text is not always taken the way it is meant to be by the sender so just wanted to make sure and point that out:toast:

Understood man. I don't discuss this stuff with people I don't respect. This has been a pretty civil thread all things considered.
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