At least he, and that shit truck, are off the road.
I Like Construct Carl :shrug:
At least he, and that shit truck, are off the road.
White ,black,polka dot in these close up issues if they don't comply within 5 seconds, zap them with a taser and ask questions later.
I wonder what he was holding that was so important to him? Dude was asking for it holding the object behind his back like that and walking towards the cop.
Well I guess someone could slap anything they wanted on their bumper, I know i personally couldn't care less. Slogans are cute and sell shirts while making for catchy chants. What they do not do is provide for any insightful conversations because they only lead to further polarization. Developing the slogan "Black Lives Matter" insinuates that others(specifically whites) disagree. While it is absolutely anyone's right to take this stance, don't be taken aback when you get blow-back from the obvious hypocrisy and selective outrage about which "Black Lives" actually matter. If someone wants to wear a hat that says "Make America Great Again" and parade around preaching of this past utopia, then don't be upset when someone points out how America was actually not better for many in this fictional place. Sloganeering is great fodder for the msm and their ilk, but it will never lead to real fact based conversations and compromise as the majority of those resorting to the tactic want no part of it.
Agreed the movement is somewhat self-defeating. And sloganeering isn?t the most sophisticated approach to dealing with a complex issue.
But it doesn't really surprise me. I try to put myself in the position of a black society. Rodney King was what? Pushing 25 years ago and not enough has improved with the criminal justice system in relation to their situation. The fact of the matter is white people are treated better by the system. Whatever else they are squawking about, it can?t be denied that if you do a similar crime as a white person you are way less likely to do jail time. Drug crimes alone are basically ignored if you are affluent, and used as a hammer to crush you if you are poor. If you are born a smart person with a promising future you are way less likely to take advantage of those gifts if you are black.
So the fact that #blacklivesmatter might not be the best strategy to achieve advancement may be true, but that fact alone isn?t enough for me to set it aside and mock it. It?s one thing they are trying right now, and it has sure put America?s attention back on black America (and there was a solid 10-15 year period surrounding 9/11 where a lot of people had sorta decided the race issue was fixed already).
If I was black I?m just not sure that I could organize something better than #blacklivesmatter. I might have some ideas, I might not be entirely happy with the fucktards ?leading? the movement, but I would probably still somewhat align with the movement.
How about this, if you get stopped by a cop whether you are black, white, green, brown, polka dotted do what he says its that simple. I promise you if that happened and these people didn't talk back and/or listened to the directions they were given none of them would have been killed by the police. All human lives matter, obey the law and do what you are told if confronted by a cop, its really that simple.
fair enough Fek, thoughtful postAgreed, on a micro-level you better believe shutting up to cops is the first best solution.
But imagine you have to put up with asshole cops 10x more often than you do as a white person. Yeah most white guys have an asshole cop story pulling them over for a speeding ticket. But much of Black America has to deal with cops in their midst ALL THE TIME. The first 10, 20, 50 times it's probably tolerable to just follow orders, but maybe the 51st time you are approached about a warrant that isn't yours, or for just sitting in your car doing nothing, maybe you are tired, maybe YOU are having a bad day. And you mouth off, or tell the cop to fuck off. Then maybe you're dead, or in jail for mouthing off. Who knows?
Could you have avoided, you bet. But can you honestly say adrenaline has never got the best of you? Are you 100% sure you could deal with cops harassing you over and over and over again without having a "fuck it" moment?
Can you imagine having to deal with asshole, power hungry cops almost everyday?
I'm calm, wussy, and I have the biggest flight over fight instinct perhaps in the entire world, and I can imagine a scenario where I snap and do the wrong thing :shrug:
All lives don't matter Hedge. Take you for instance, you have not enriched or contributed a single thing to society,
Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk
Agreed, on a micro-level you better believe shutting up to cops is the first best solution.
But imagine you have to put up with asshole cops 10x more often than you do as a white person. Yeah most white guys have an asshole cop story pulling them over for a speeding ticket. But much of Black America has to deal with cops in their midst ALL THE TIME. The first 10, 20, 50 times it's probably tolerable to just follow orders, but maybe the 51st time you are approached about a warrant that isn't yours, or for just sitting in your car doing nothing, maybe you are tired, maybe YOU are having a bad day. And you mouth off, or tell the cop to fuck off. Then maybe you're dead, or in jail for mouthing off. Who knows?
Could you have avoided, you bet. But can you honestly say adrenaline has never got the best of you? Are you 100% sure you could deal with cops harassing you over and over and over again without having a "fuck it" moment?
Can you imagine having to deal with asshole, power hungry cops almost everyday?
I'm calm, wussy, and I have the biggest flight over fight instinct perhaps in the entire world, and I can imagine a scenario where I snap and do the wrong thing :shrug:
Disagree on a lot of levels here. First off, if you put yourself in a position to be pulled over 10, 20 or 50 times then you a probably dosing something wrong. Black, white or otherwise are you really telling me someone is in a position to get harassed by a cop 50 times? Something is wrong there.
Do I think there are asshole cops out there, I sure do, the majority in fact. I think most of them are high school bullies who never grew up and have some insane need to hold onto whatever sense of power they can over people. Cops are often wrong and there needs to be reform in that department of public service, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do what the cop tells you when getting arrested, questioned, pulled over......
I think open carry is the dumbest shit ever. Let's get that oujt of the way.
Maybe this will explain my point. better.
If walking down the street, I'm expected to obey laws otherwiseI could be arrested. I have a higher expectation from those that are trained to ensure everyone obeys the law.
Why is it so unreasonable for me to expect law enforcement to obey the same damn laws I am? I truly don't get the willingness for everyone to let that go by. It's a civil and constitutional right! What is so fucked up about me being protective of my civil rights? The fact that black people get theirs violated by police and 10X the rate should be all the evidence anyone would need to be careful.
Don't you think that if you're doing nothing wrong you should have the right to travel freely without being harassed. .
How am Osaint to use
Whats wrong with me looking at the officer and skiing
Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk
Agreed the movement is somewhat self-defeating. And sloganeering isn?t the most sophisticated approach to dealing with a complex issue.
But it doesn't really surprise me. I try to put myself in the position of a black society. Rodney King was what? Pushing 25 years ago and not enough has improved with the criminal justice system in relation to their situation. The fact of the matter is white people are treated better by the system. Whatever else they are squawking about, it can?t be denied that if you do a similar crime as a white person you are way less likely to do jail time. Drug crimes alone are basically ignored if you are affluent, and used as a hammer to crush you if you are poor. If you are born a smart person with a promising future you are way less likely to take advantage of those gifts if you are black.
So the fact that #blacklivesmatter might not be the best strategy to achieve advancement may be true, but that fact alone isn?t enough for me to set it aside and mock it. It?s one thing they are trying right now, and it has sure put America?s attention back on black America (and there was a solid 10-15 year period surrounding 9/11 where a lot of people had sorta decided the race issue was fixed already).
If I was black I?m just not sure that I could organize something better than #blacklivesmatter. I might have some ideas, I might not be entirely happy with the fucktards ?leading? the movement, but I would probably still somewhat align with the movement.
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