White Lives Matter


sporadic wins
Forum Member
Nov 25, 2005
White ,black,polka dot in these close up issues if they don't comply within 5 seconds, zap them with a taser and ask questions later.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
White ,black,polka dot in these close up issues if they don't comply within 5 seconds, zap them with a taser and ask questions later.

:0003 I like this response, ask them to do something if not taze em, ALL LIVES MATTER


Forum Member
Nov 13, 2009
I wonder what he was holding that was so important to him? Dude was asking for it holding the object behind his back like that and walking towards the cop.


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
I wonder what he was holding that was so important to him? Dude was asking for it holding the object behind his back like that and walking towards the cop.

Who the heck knows. He was probably high on something. Anyone in a right mind with 2 glocks pointed at them would comply. If you wrestle with officers and reach for a weapon like Sterling supposedly did there is a good chance you will get shot.


Forum Member
Mar 28, 2000
Ventura, Ca.
Well I dunno about mainstream media but I just saw it on a progressive internet show. Anyway, fine they shot him because he walked toward him while saying "I hate my life.' Number one, if after that point you wanted him to stop using his arms then why not shot him in the arm/shoulder to begin with? Two shots to the chest? Really? What happened after is unacceptable. You really think someone that was shot twice is able to truly comprehend everything you say? Are your reflexes worse then a 80 year old man that they couldn't rush in at that point roll him over and cuff him? I guess they can be actually filmed doing this and still get away with it because of the fucking apologists. I don't hate cops. Really I don't. If I saw one ticketing a pretentious douchebag bike rider for not stopping at a stop sign I would get out and applaud. This was bullshit period, just like Minnesota. PERIOD!


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
Well I guess someone could slap anything they wanted on their bumper, I know i personally couldn't care less. Slogans are cute and sell shirts while making for catchy chants. What they do not do is provide for any insightful conversations because they only lead to further polarization. Developing the slogan "Black Lives Matter" insinuates that others(specifically whites) disagree. While it is absolutely anyone's right to take this stance, don't be taken aback when you get blow-back from the obvious hypocrisy and selective outrage about which "Black Lives" actually matter. If someone wants to wear a hat that says "Make America Great Again" and parade around preaching of this past utopia, then don't be upset when someone points out how America was actually not better for many in this fictional place. Sloganeering is great fodder for the msm and their ilk, but it will never lead to real fact based conversations and compromise as the majority of those resorting to the tactic want no part of it.

Agreed the movement is somewhat self-defeating. And sloganeering isn?t the most sophisticated approach to dealing with a complex issue.
But it doesn't really surprise me. I try to put myself in the position of a black society. Rodney King was what? Pushing 25 years ago and not enough has improved with the criminal justice system in relation to their situation. The fact of the matter is white people are treated better by the system. Whatever else they are squawking about, it can?t be denied that if you do a similar crime as a white person you are way less likely to do jail time. Drug crimes alone are basically ignored if you are affluent, and used as a hammer to crush you if you are poor. If you are born a smart person with a promising future you are way less likely to take advantage of those gifts if you are black.

So the fact that #blacklivesmatter might not be the best strategy to achieve advancement may be true, but that fact alone isn?t enough for me to set it aside and mock it. It?s one thing they are trying right now, and it has sure put America?s attention back on black America (and there was a solid 10-15 year period surrounding 9/11 where a lot of people had sorta decided the race issue was fixed already).

If I was black I?m just not sure that I could organize something better than #blacklivesmatter. I might have some ideas, I might not be entirely happy with the fucktards ?leading? the movement, but I would probably still somewhat align with the movement.


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Agreed the movement is somewhat self-defeating. And sloganeering isn?t the most sophisticated approach to dealing with a complex issue.
But it doesn't really surprise me. I try to put myself in the position of a black society. Rodney King was what? Pushing 25 years ago and not enough has improved with the criminal justice system in relation to their situation. The fact of the matter is white people are treated better by the system. Whatever else they are squawking about, it can?t be denied that if you do a similar crime as a white person you are way less likely to do jail time. Drug crimes alone are basically ignored if you are affluent, and used as a hammer to crush you if you are poor. If you are born a smart person with a promising future you are way less likely to take advantage of those gifts if you are black.

So the fact that #blacklivesmatter might not be the best strategy to achieve advancement may be true, but that fact alone isn?t enough for me to set it aside and mock it. It?s one thing they are trying right now, and it has sure put America?s attention back on black America (and there was a solid 10-15 year period surrounding 9/11 where a lot of people had sorta decided the race issue was fixed already).

If I was black I?m just not sure that I could organize something better than #blacklivesmatter. I might have some ideas, I might not be entirely happy with the fucktards ?leading? the movement, but I would probably still somewhat align with the movement.

How about this, if you get stopped by a cop whether you are black, white, green, brown, polka dotted do what he says its that simple. I promise you if that happened and these people didn't talk back and/or listened to the directions they were given none of them would have been killed by the police. All human lives matter, obey the law and do what you are told if confronted by a cop, its really that simple.


Forum Member
Oct 3, 2005
San Francisco
How about this, if you get stopped by a cop whether you are black, white, green, brown, polka dotted do what he says its that simple. I promise you if that happened and these people didn't talk back and/or listened to the directions they were given none of them would have been killed by the police. All human lives matter, obey the law and do what you are told if confronted by a cop, its really that simple.

Agreed, on a micro-level you better believe shutting up to cops is the first best solution.

But imagine you have to put up with asshole cops 10x more often than you do as a white person. Yeah most white guys have an asshole cop story pulling them over for a speeding ticket. But much of Black America has to deal with cops in their midst ALL THE TIME. The first 10, 20, 50 times it's probably tolerable to just follow orders, but maybe the 51st time you are approached about a warrant that isn't yours, or for just sitting in your car doing nothing, maybe you are tired, maybe YOU are having a bad day. And you mouth off, or tell the cop to fuck off. Then maybe you're dead, or in jail for mouthing off. Who knows?

Could you have avoided, you bet. But can you honestly say adrenaline has never got the best of you? Are you 100% sure you could deal with cops harassing you over and over and over again without having a "fuck it" moment?

Can you imagine having to deal with asshole, power hungry cops almost everyday?
I'm calm, wussy, and I have the biggest flight over fight instinct perhaps in the entire world, and I can imagine a scenario where I snap and do the wrong thing :shrug:


Forum Member
Oct 30, 2003
Agreed, on a micro-level you better believe shutting up to cops is the first best solution.

But imagine you have to put up with asshole cops 10x more often than you do as a white person. Yeah most white guys have an asshole cop story pulling them over for a speeding ticket. But much of Black America has to deal with cops in their midst ALL THE TIME. The first 10, 20, 50 times it's probably tolerable to just follow orders, but maybe the 51st time you are approached about a warrant that isn't yours, or for just sitting in your car doing nothing, maybe you are tired, maybe YOU are having a bad day. And you mouth off, or tell the cop to fuck off. Then maybe you're dead, or in jail for mouthing off. Who knows?

Could you have avoided, you bet. But can you honestly say adrenaline has never got the best of you? Are you 100% sure you could deal with cops harassing you over and over and over again without having a "fuck it" moment?

Can you imagine having to deal with asshole, power hungry cops almost everyday?
I'm calm, wussy, and I have the biggest flight over fight instinct perhaps in the entire world, and I can imagine a scenario where I snap and do the wrong thing :shrug:
fair enough Fek, thoughtful post


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 2, 2005
Meet Dylan Noble.....Caller described someone walking near the area Noble was stooped wearing a camouflage shirt and carrying a rifle. Noble had neither and was stopped for a routine traffic violation. Now resting in a morgue.



Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I'm curious as to how many people realize that the slogan all lives matter is a republican term that's construed to diminish and dilute the black lives matter movement. Which is why you see hedge being a good little parrot. Much like everything else conservative Republicans do is just a small part of the agenda to control the fear and direct the gullible masses to a foregone conclusion. When someone says one make sure you say the other right away back at them and most people will agree with you and boom, deflection from solving or addressing a single issue that the original group has. It's worked for them so well that most Republicans are helpless to see it, or did anything about it.
An example might be the Dallas police shooting as it relates to gun control. I'd be confident there isn't a single republican on this forum that has never repeated, heard, posted, saw on a meme, things life "guns don't kill people, people do" or that a good guy with a gun may save you from a bad guy with a gun. We need more good guys with guns. I need it for protection, bullshit bullshit bullshit. I have watched the videos and the ONLY guys with guns running towards the shooter were police. I saw at least two on the crowd with open carry damn near knock a kid over to run away. The number of protesters, anti-protestors, those just observing, media etc...clearly running away was estimated to be around 22,000 from what i can find. I'm sure that ihas a significant margin for error, however even if it were half that, you're still talking about a test set that is still 1100 times the test size used in medical testing, sociological studies etc... to be considered adequate to determine validity. Basically, it disproves every argument republicans have insisted to be clear cut truth and evidence to be sufficient for arming the citizenship. We now see that arming the citizens isn't the answer but that won't stop people like hedge from believing anything
To further that point, the fact that i watched the same video of the sterling murder as everyone else. In jaxx' post he mentions that he read or heard that Alton used his right hand to reach for a gun and was fighting back so he got shot. I never saw any of that nor did i see anything i could identify as a weapon. I believe he did have a gun because the owner of the store he was murdered in front of did say he carried one. My point is look how readily Jaxx, who isn't a total moron, is willing to accept the officers version of events rather than their own eyes? The guy that shot him, who should be suspects in a murder investigation, says he went for his gun so we automatically accept it? Why the hell is it that every time there's a video involving an officer doing questionable things on s video, the police always say about the video, "well, what you can't see in the video is he went for his gun. The officer yelled gun and was in fear for his life. Now, switch positions of the cop and the victim, (the one hedge said deserved to die and two posts later denied he said it and still insists he never lies). If you switch the roles that video would have been enough to put alton on dean row. I can't believe that we are expected to take the shooters word for it, or that the police ever saw a gun. The gun was still in his damn pocket when the officer who yelled gun initially, reaches his entire hand into his pocket and pulls out something i can't identify worth confidence. People rioted in L.A. because of the verdict of the officers in the criminal trial. They all saw the same thing. 27 cops trying to block the view while other officer officers committed aggravated assault right in front of my eyes. When the exclamation was, you didn't see the video frame by frame and slowed. I didn't need to, I had eyes.
Police and firemen are the only citizens that have a standing assumption of innocence and honesty when it comes to the justice system and society.

Police are citizens and human beings. They are a subset of our society because they are in our society. Whatever the percent of the population is that have direct tv or dish is going to be exactly the same if you asked just the police or everyone in the nation. The crime rate will be at least equal to the national rate. The conviction or indictment rate won't be close, however I would be willing to bet that the occurrence of criminal actions is actually more frequent among law enforcement.
It's pretty obvious that when people can do things without the fear of being charged or even accused, humans take advantage of it. Even if some cop's aren't dirty but they don't report it, are just as guilty. After the Michael Brown murder that had so many holes in the officers bullshit testimony and a district attorney that admitted presenting witnesses he knew were lying, to the grand jury, the FBI investigation uncovered so much blatant racism and prejudice that the department had to be completely disbanded and started over. The department lied about Wilson's injuries. They lied about the circumstances and they lied about that kid, but so many simply want the 18 year old "career", as the Ferguson police chief referred to him as the afternoon of his murder, want to believe that Brown was the aggressor, so they do. Even when their eyes and ears saw something completely different, they don't care. They choose to believe anyone rather than the blacks.

And for fucks sake hedge, don't ever tell anyone you think they're thoughtful. You have no idea what that even is.

Now for those of you that think more officers are good than bad, explain one thing to me please. If you were walking down the street in an open carry area and had an AR on your shoulder properly registered and permitted correctly and you stopped to look at a plastic cupcake in a toy store window. Just after walking out of the store with your third $32 plastic cupcake and assurances the third is "much fresher" than the other two a police officer walks up and asks what you're doing there then says that he needs to take your weapon. You protest and he tells you again that he needs your weapon because he asked for it, would you just give it to him? I bet some would without a word but, let's assume that you ask why and next thing you know, your cuffed thrown on the ground arrested for non compliance. .
The problem with that scenario is it is highly unlikely to happen to anyone.but lets pretend. If you're white and get a court date if your black you get your sealed juvenile records leaked to the public.

In fact it would have been illegal for the officer to take your weapon, not good police work, but a crime. So why exactly is it that every single time i say I don't readily surrender my ID if an officer asks to see it for no reason, it's insinuated or asked what I'm hiding and immediately considered the one escalating the situation.

The FACT is that the police officer is breaking the law by even asking but especially if he threatens me with an escalation of consequence. So at that moment the only known criminal is the police officer. Not only do many of you defend the officer, more so you vilify me for being a problem.
That officer knows he violating your civil rights before he asks and rather than defend him went wouldn't toy demand that those charged with enforcing the law practice it as well.

In the alton sterling video so many keep insisting that if he would have just done what he was told he'd be alive today. So how about this, show me anywhere in that video, provide a single eyewitness statement from anyone other than the murderers that confirm that officers asked Alton his name, ask him for I.D. ask if he had a weapon, anything other than stop and get on the.....tazered, and tackled from behind shot six times from point blank range about 10 seconds later.

Yep just show me that video and maybe I'll have a different opinion.

No I won't. A white kid gets a few years in an obvious rape, and the black guys get killed, and labeled a career criminal before his body is removed from the fucking filthy gutter.

The black guy deserved it though right hedge?

Nothing at all has changed since the sixties. Nothing. The racists cheer and say things like he deserved it or why aren't they reporting this white guys death? Then they use any avenue to minimalize the plight and protestations of those that have only known prejudice. They are labeled as the instigators and the racists by the media and actually told to get over it, it's a hoax etc....

All lives don't matter Hedge. Take you for instance, you have not enriched or contributed a single thing to society,

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Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
Agreed, on a micro-level you better believe shutting up to cops is the first best solution.

But imagine you have to put up with asshole cops 10x more often than you do as a white person. Yeah most white guys have an asshole cop story pulling them over for a speeding ticket. But much of Black America has to deal with cops in their midst ALL THE TIME. The first 10, 20, 50 times it's probably tolerable to just follow orders, but maybe the 51st time you are approached about a warrant that isn't yours, or for just sitting in your car doing nothing, maybe you are tired, maybe YOU are having a bad day. And you mouth off, or tell the cop to fuck off. Then maybe you're dead, or in jail for mouthing off. Who knows?

Could you have avoided, you bet. But can you honestly say adrenaline has never got the best of you? Are you 100% sure you could deal with cops harassing you over and over and over again without having a "fuck it" moment?

Can you imagine having to deal with asshole, power hungry cops almost everyday?
I'm calm, wussy, and I have the biggest flight over fight instinct perhaps in the entire world, and I can imagine a scenario where I snap and do the wrong thing :shrug:

Disagree on a lot of levels here. First off, if you put yourself in a position to be pulled over 10, 20 or 50 times then you a probably dosing something wrong. Black, white or otherwise are you really telling me someone is in a position to get harassed by a cop 50 times? Something is wrong there.

I'll tell you a situation that pisses me off I have been in 50+ times and that's asshole drivers of any color, male or female doing something stupid in front of me, passing me or coming at me and it BOILS my blood when they put my passengers, myself or my car in danger because they are thoughtless or in a hurry. Not once have I said "fuck it" and yanked the car across the yellow line into someone or plowed into the back of them. Never.

Also, I do let me emotions get the best of me when I feel I am being wronged, ZERO of those times involved reaching for a gun, not once. In fact, if you find yourself in a situation that's getting heated and you have a gun on your person I would think, though I can't speak for everyone, that you have a higher level of responsibility since you chose to carry a gun on you.

Do I think there are asshole cops out there, I sure do, the majority in fact. I think most of them are high school bullies who never grew up and have some insane need to hold onto whatever sense of power they can over people. Cops are often wrong and there needs to be reform in that department of public service, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do what the cop tells you when getting arrested, questioned, pulled over......


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Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex

So let me get this straight, and I'm not saying you are wrong, but let's look at your example from a realistic point of view.

You choose to walk down a city street with an AR over your shoulder and you have to know you are putting everyone around you in an uncomfortable position. Yes, you may have a permit to carry that weapon, but how do I or the cop know that? Maybe the cop isn't allowed to ask to see your permit (is he, I don't know), but can't you honestly see where it might be a good idea if he takes the time to find out your intentions the best he can? What if he tips his cap to you and tell you to have a nice day and you go and mow down 30 people at the nearest McDonald's, what then? Will you be praising the cop for doing his job correctly?

What if a dozen people are walking your neighborhood with AR's over their shoulder? Do you not want authorities involved? You would honestly prefer police wait until they started to shoot the place up and several people are dead before getting involved, because I guess that would be the lawful thing to do.

I hear you, you don't want anyone telling you what to do or how to act and for whatever reason the thought of showing your ID or weapons permit when you 100% don't have to sickens you to the core of your being. We think differently, but I respect your right to think that way and you aren't wrong, but what is the alternative? In the world we live in today I think we need a better answer than we need to let would be terrorists or murderers have their "right" to shoot first.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
Disagree on a lot of levels here. First off, if you put yourself in a position to be pulled over 10, 20 or 50 times then you a probably dosing something wrong. Black, white or otherwise are you really telling me someone is in a position to get harassed by a cop 50 times? Something is wrong there.

Do I think there are asshole cops out there, I sure do, the majority in fact. I think most of them are high school bullies who never grew up and have some insane need to hold onto whatever sense of power they can over people. Cops are often wrong and there needs to be reform in that department of public service, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do what the cop tells you when getting arrested, questioned, pulled over......

1. The fact that you don't believe it happens is telling. You don't believe it because this claim appears to be ludicrous. It absolutely is! No one should be tormented for doing NOTHING wrong. Yet, it happens ALL THE TIME, illustrating that there is indeed an enormous problem with the state of policing today. You have cops who are under intense scrutiny for speaking out about injustices happening and challenging "the thin blue line" mentality. There was an incident when a black NYPD police chief was harassed by white cops who didn't recognize him, and who are now under investigation. Another NYPD cop is in trouble for recording his supervisor for directing him to target people of colour - particularly blacks. Four police officers are also under investigation for lying about being shot to promote animosity against the BLM movement. There are a myriad of these examples. How many would it take for you to believe that people of colour are being unjustly harassed all over the continent, continually, despite the fact that it is inherently wrong and unjust?

2. There are also many examples of people of colour getting in trouble and, unfortunately, getting killed unnecessarily - with some even complying to ALL of the officers' demands.

Many theorize that these police actions are nothing new, but what has changed is the advent of new mobile technologies which now allow for anyone to videotape anything at any time and citizen journalism alongside social media. They may be right.

I can only attach one video, so feel free to find the other examples on Youtube which houses many many more.

Peace! :)

Patrick Mumford - tased for being the wrong black man and not providing ID that was not asked of him.

Sureshbai Patel - a grandfather taken down, injured, and arrested for not complying because he doesn't speak English

Noel Enrique Aguilar - unarmed and killed because a cop accidentally shot his own partner

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I think open carry is the dumbest shit ever. Let's get that oujt of the way.

Maybe this will explain my point. better.

If walking down the street, I'm expected to obey laws otherwiseI could be arrested. I have a higher expectation from those that are trained to ensure everyone obeys the law.

Why is it so unreasonable for me to expect law enforcement to obey the same damn laws I am? I truly don't get the willingness for everyone to let that go by. It's a civil and constitutional right! What is so fucked up about me being protective of my civil rights? The fact that black people get theirs violated by police and 10X the rate should be all the evidence anyone would need to be careful.
Don't you think that if you're doing nothing wrong you should have the right to travel freely without being harassed. .
How am Osaint to use

Whats wrong with me looking at the officer and saying. "Officer you and I both know that it's a violation of my rights and unlawful for you to ask, furthermore why should the expectation on me be higher to forego my rights than you are to not break them my Why am I the citizen expected to surrender my rights on any level whatsoever to avoid being arrested when right here in front of me is a paid and under oath officer sworn to prevent people from being unjustly treated?
I truly don't understand it. This truly astounds me. People would rather allow for police officers to break or bend the most basic law of the land. So to avoid getting killed I have to give up a civil liberty and turn a blind eye to law enforcement-s complete disregard for the one thing they're supposed to protect the most.

Fuck that. Just because it's just a little inconvenience to the officer I'm supposed to forego my rights or I am playing with fire? I'm sorry man but that's just so fucked up and ridiculous to me. Why don't policemen ensure that they're doing their job to the best of their abilities. Couldn't any officer simply walk up and be fucking honest? Aren't they required to be?

Cop, "excuse me sir. Really sorry to bother you. We receiveed a call about a man that fits your description and I could really use your help. Would you be comfortable with showing me your id or maybe just tell me your name. I know you don't have to and I'm nor going to force you to but it would really help me out".

Sure thing officer, thanks for you're fine service and professionalism".

And that is somehow expecting to much from a law officer?

That's exactly why the BLM movement is trying to affect change. You still wonder what percentage of officers break the law?

100% of them and when a black man is shot 6 times in the chest from 4 inches away and some of us blame the victim because the officer that already is afforded a standing assumption of innocence said that there is a part of the video you didn't see and can't see but somehow he did and even though there's indisputable evidence that the officer was the first to disregard the the law, oath, training, and all you guys think that it was the victim in the wrong?

Holy fuckwow, that's crazy.

Do you want to know how you really and truly don't get killed by police. You fucking force them to obey the law, you make them value your rights as an equal citizen.
I promise you, had we stood up as one and never tolerated the shit in the first place.

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Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
I think open carry is the dumbest shit ever. Let's get that oujt of the way.

Maybe this will explain my point. better.

If walking down the street, I'm expected to obey laws otherwiseI could be arrested. I have a higher expectation from those that are trained to ensure everyone obeys the law.

Why is it so unreasonable for me to expect law enforcement to obey the same damn laws I am? I truly don't get the willingness for everyone to let that go by. It's a civil and constitutional right! What is so fucked up about me being protective of my civil rights? The fact that black people get theirs violated by police and 10X the rate should be all the evidence anyone would need to be careful.
Don't you think that if you're doing nothing wrong you should have the right to travel freely without being harassed. .
How am Osaint to use

Whats wrong with me looking at the officer and skiing

Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

There is nothing fucked up about you protecting your civil rights, nothing at all. I'm asking you to look at the big picture and look at the world we live in AND understand those civil rights were written in a different time and a different world. Times change, things change and not always for the better.

I'm asking if we live in a world where it would be better to show your ID upon request than get shot? BOTH are violations if your civil rights, one has no consequences and the other very grave consequences. The cop is wrong in both scenarios, but I guess I accept that that is the world we live in today. I don't have to like it, you don't have to like it, but things have changed and I view presenting my ID as a small thing in light of everything else going on.

We agree on the open carry law and to your point earlier I would like to see these wanna be tough guys step up when the shit hits the fan like they advertise that they will when defending their right to carry. Instead, they are typically George Castanza pushing over old ladies and kids to run away as fast as they can.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
Agreed the movement is somewhat self-defeating. And sloganeering isn?t the most sophisticated approach to dealing with a complex issue.
But it doesn't really surprise me. I try to put myself in the position of a black society. Rodney King was what? Pushing 25 years ago and not enough has improved with the criminal justice system in relation to their situation. The fact of the matter is white people are treated better by the system. Whatever else they are squawking about, it can?t be denied that if you do a similar crime as a white person you are way less likely to do jail time. Drug crimes alone are basically ignored if you are affluent, and used as a hammer to crush you if you are poor. If you are born a smart person with a promising future you are way less likely to take advantage of those gifts if you are black.

So the fact that #blacklivesmatter might not be the best strategy to achieve advancement may be true, but that fact alone isn?t enough for me to set it aside and mock it. It?s one thing they are trying right now, and it has sure put America?s attention back on black America (and there was a solid 10-15 year period surrounding 9/11 where a lot of people had sorta decided the race issue was fixed already).

If I was black I?m just not sure that I could organize something better than #blacklivesmatter. I might have some ideas, I might not be entirely happy with the fucktards ?leading? the movement, but I would probably still somewhat align with the movement.

The most important color in the justice system is green, period. Are a higher % of blacks arrested and are they treated differently at the entry point of the system, yes. Are there many more reasons than simply "They're black and cops don't like them" absolutely. Inequality in this country has shrunk dramatically over the last 50 years, but one of the lasting impacts of the oppression is generational poverty and inferior education. Cities, where we see most of the "problems" with cops, are also where this generational poverty and inferior education are at their highest. If people want to jump on board because "it is better than nothing" as you describe it, then fine, but until they are willing to have legitimate discussions instead of taking the 'I'm yelling louder so I must be right' approach then it helps nothing. The fringe elements(which are well represented on this board) are not going to be why "True" change will, or will not ever happen in this country.


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Jul 7, 2003
Between The Hedges
And btw fek, I in no way believe you to be the fringe element I referred to above which is why I even addressed you. I know written text is not always taken the way it is meant to be by the sender so just wanted to make sure and point that out:toast:
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