They started chemo yesterday. Doctor Turbanhead returned my call since I was absent when he came by to tell her exactly what the bone marrow biospy results were. When I asked Kathy she said.. I's something or other and is type 4
For those who are ACTUALLY wearig a turban as you read this .. I mean no offense LOL
Dr. Singh said it is AML Acute Myelogenous Leukemia type four.
M4 Myelomonocytic leukemia
There are seven types and this is one of the more common types. 25 per cent of patients with AML have this . Some types are better or worse.. none are good of course but at least the odds haven't really changed knowing what kind. I dunno .. maybe better.. 70-80 percent I think. Told the doctors the other day to not sugar coat stuff and let me know .. EXACTLY what we are dealing with.
I've been suckig it up so hard for the last week (this started last Saturday) that my guts are starting to feel shrink wrapped.
Which reminds me....
Ever wonder what would happen if you put a hamster in one of those bags with a Seal-A-Meal vaccuum thingee? Little paws right up against the plastic.. beady eyes darting around... screams of LET ME OUT!
Me neither
Kathy is in isolation now and will be for the next six weeks. All this stuff seems rather surreal. I have to admit that I think I have finally gone over the edge. Always thought I was kind of "borderline" anyway. Not the surreal killer, baby raper, sex with animals type of deviant. Just a bit skewed.
You know... I'd see some pompous ass acting like he was better than everybody else and I'd just kind of think to myself.. Yeah.. assh*le.. You wouldn't be so pompous standing there if you were naked and we could all see what a little dick you have.
Yeah.. I'm in a kind of limbo between heaven and hell with our lives on indefinate hold for the next several months ....and then again. I've gotta suck it up on Monday and get back to work. BUSINESS AS USUAL. How the HELL do I do that?
Talk to Ya'll Later.. gotta run to Wal-Mart. I left my cell phone there yesterday and called the number last night. They answered and said.. yep it's here! Thank goodness. Worried that someone was probably calling Iran or Pakistan with it.