What does this mean?
will unlock tokens with a majority approval from the board of directors after a minimum period of
12 months from the completion of the token sale date.
A total of 66,588,888 METAL tokens will be created at the genesis. The Metal token will beERC20 compliant which means that a stakeholders addresses can be linked to a name or tag,or fetched by an identity security provider [8]
.A 31% initial amount of METAL tokens will be saved from the cap of 66,588,888 METAL, whichis 20,658,888. This will be deducted from the total amount available for distribution throughPoPP (26,341,112) and locked up for 12 months, leaving 19,588,888 METAL for the token sale.A portion of the company reserve will be set aside 3,360,000 METAL will be broken down to1,000,000 METAL each for the initial two co-founders; whereas 200,000 METAL will bedistributed among each of the first five employees and 40,000 METAL will be distributed eachfor nine advisors (3,360,000 total).METAL tokens will vest every month for twelve months until fully vested with co-founders, firstemployees and advisors. If for any reason a founder, employee or advisor ceases to be with thecompany during their vesting period, all vesting will cease and be returned to the MetallicusLimited operational pool.