worse date ever?


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 15, 2006
rockford, il
has anyone had a really bad first date? i think i may have had one that takes the cake! what are the normal questions guys ask girls on a first date?

Franky Wright

Registered User
Forum Member
May 28, 2002
Heaven, oh!!, this isn't it?!
finemail said:
has anyone had a really bad first date? i think i may have had one that takes the cake! what are the normal questions guys ask girls on a first date?
:scared :SIB
Appreciate your candid questions, but you are setting yourself up for some doozies with that one. :com:

Now to your ???'s;
Hasn't everyone had a really bad one? I mean its only one! You need to come out with how this went down.......... :scared

Normal questions:
What are her interests, family, friends, etc.
If you really want to find out alot about her, ask her how she came up with her outfit for your first date heyes I have many more, but I want to hear about this date first! :SIB



MM 82
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2003
Islamorada, FL
most recently ...met a couple of women online playin' hold'em..I was in TX, one in OK, one in MO. We exchanged pics, mine were recent, both of theirs were not, one divorced, one unhappily married. Both had very sexy voices, 38 and 36 years of age in order...and I'm 51....Oklahoma pic is a hard body, blonde, tan and a pic on the beach. I stop in OKC on my way to KC and meet *** for lunch. What a fugging mistake... old pic...trailer trash...she gave me hell because I didn't stop in OKC on my way back to TX.

I try again with the unhappily married woman in MO, recent pics of me, another old one of her. Met her in KC, :scared I wanted to run. Family there and my brothers will not let me forget that weekend. I am just glad I didn't see Captain Crunch ......or anyone I knew .....neve mind, I think I am having nicotine withdrawl nightmares....


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 7, 2000
Atlanta, GA
I'll start with a true one. About a year ago after divorce and all I joined Match.com. This one lady had just a face picture, it looked great, and it was my first date, and her profile said "athletic and toned". So, I'm thinking, she must have a good body as well moon1 . So I meet her on a Friday night for dinner (first mistake) and we meet at a place she chose and actually a favorite place of mine called Chops. I'm standing there, she comes up, says hello, and I'm like, WHO ARE YOU? :s2: Picture had blonde hair, hers was red. It resembled her, 10 years ago. And, she was literally 250-275lbs :fit01: , no exaggeration! Should have walked out, but was too stunned to say anything except, "can we have our table please"? Well, went through dinner, had dessert (her choice), saw a buddy of mine coming towards me while she was in the restroom. Great. He said, "what is up", and I replied she is a client. He said, "man, I thought so, she is huge"! So, when she came back to the table I looked her straight in the eyes and asked exact words" What about you do you think is athletic and toned??????????? Her reply, and I quote," My girlfriend and I have been walking every day kurby and we ar GETTING athletic and toned.....I literally laughed out loud :mj07: , told her she wasn't there yet and I didn't appreciate being lied to upfront :nono: . Told her there are guys out there that have fetishes for big women and that is who she needs to meet, and quit wasting other guys time :liar: . I paid the bill of 150 bucks, went to the bar area, saw my buddy and a couple others, told them the real story, and laughed over some Remy Martin cognac. True story. And to top it off, I looked her up 6 months ago and she was still there, and still athletic and toned. :jerkit:


not banned
Forum Member
Dec 6, 1999
Davenport, Iowa
this story supposedly won WORST FIRST DATE EVER (if true, gotta agree it would have been) LOL


This just tells you how hard it is to be single nowadays... This was on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on September 7, 1999. Jay went into the audience to find the most embarrassing first date that a woman ever had.

The winner described her worst first date experience. There was absolutely no question as to why her tale took the prize!

She said it was midwinter...snowing and quite cold...and the guy had taken her skiing. It was a day trip (no overnight). They were strangers, after all, and truly had never met before.

The outing was fun but relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon. They were driving back down the mountain when she gradually began to realize that she should not have had that extra latte.

They were about an hour away from anywhere with a rest room and in the middle of no where. Her companion suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while. Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point where she told him that he had better stop and let her pee beside the road, before she ended up going on his front seat.

They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. Unfortunately, in the deep snow she didn't have good footing, so she let her butt rest against the rear fender to steady herself.

Her date stood on the other side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking.

All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.

Upon finishing however, she soon became painfully aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered that her buttocks were firmly attached to the car's fender. She attempted to disengage her skin from the icy metal. It was quickly apparent that she had a new and very real problem due to the extreme cold.

Her date, still standing guard and shielding his eyes from the sensitive situation, called out to her asking what was taking so long.

Not knowing how to answer, being horrified by her plight, yet aware of the humor of the situation, she said, "I'm freezing my butt off and need some assistance!"

He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater . When he saw her predicament he couldn't contain himself and burst out laughing. She too, got the giggles and when they finally managed to compose themselves.

Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem. Both agreed they needed something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the cold, icy metal.

Thinking about what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked the other way, her first time date proceeded unzipped his pants and pee her butt off the fender.

Rescue accomplished, they returned to the car although for the remainder of the trip home there wasn't much conversation and apparently, despite their "intimate encounter," the two did not see one another again.

As for the Tonight Show...she took the prize hands down...or perhaps that should be "pants down."

...And if you thought your first date was embarrassing, this gives a whole new perspective to the phrases "being peed off."



Forum Member
Jan 21, 2000
Toronto, ON, Canada
Way, way back in time, when I was only 16 or so... (Must have been about that time, because I know I was driving at the time, but was only a new driver).

I was up in cottage country on a family vacation and met this girl on the beach. Turned out she was also on vacation, and lived not far from my home in Toronto. So I got her number and we agreed we'd get together when we got back to the city.

So...I get back into town, give her a call, and arrange to take her out. I've borrowed my mom's '78 Mercury Marquis station wagon for the date....BIG car with the wood grain paneling and all.... (well, I wanted to impress the girl :) ). So I pick her up and only at this point does she tell me that she is "uh, kinda stuck babysitting", and is it ok if they come along. And I'm thinking...well...alright. I'm not really too keen on that, but I'm not going to turn her down....I'm 16 and horny. If this is what I have to put up with on the first date...ok.

So out she comes with her EIGHT brothers and sisters, and they all pack into the Shaggin' Wagon, and off we go to the movies. And then we get there...and OOPS, she has no money....can I get it? F***in' great. I've probably got $100 to my name and I've got to buy TEN movie tickets. And all these little bastards want popcorn and candy and sh!t, and I buy it all 'cause I'm a nice guy and I'm stuck.

Oddly enough, I never called her again.
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I'd pound it
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Sunny Florida and Naptown
mmmmmm boy oh boy do i have a few of them all and all of them from online dating which I will never ever ever do again. Period! I don't care what anyone's results are from online dating. I have told this story once but did not give full details.

I have been divorced for nearly 5 years. Anyways I made an add and met this girl from Ohio. Talked to her a few times and and decided to meet. Of course she tells me she used to be a model and looks like she is 18 and has the body of farrah fawcett. And from the pics she looked like it. So I drive to Ohio to meet this beauty queen. The tease has roses and a bottle of wine and thinkn hey maybe I can get some brownie points in and maybe score. If not that day surely the next time I roll in to town.

So I get directions and start out on my quest for the all mighty beaver. I finally arrive and find the address and park in the drive. The house is in a really nice addition and a corvette is parked in the garage. I am thinkn mmmmmmmmm this chics must be loaded so I roll up to the door with roses and wine in hand and ring the bell. Some guy answers the door and I ask for my date and he starts laughn. I am thinkn well this is good. He proceeds to tell me I have the wrong house and she lives across the street. By now I am embarresed as hell. So I proceed over to her house. It looks fine on the outside but this is were my horror starts.

I ring the bell and her son answers. I ask if so and so is her and he says yes. Well I walk into the house and walla my date. She has her back turned to me and then she turns around. My jaw almost hit the floor. This woman had a goatee nearly on her chin and a mole with about 10 hairs growin out of it on the side of her chin. She had more facial hair then me. She is about the ugliest thing I had ever seen. I am stunned and lost for words. Well I give her he flowers and wine and am thinking how can I get out of this. I am screwed. About that time I get a funny smell in my nose. It smells like dog piss. I mean it was really getting strong. About that time she opens the back door and says I want you to meet my babies. Here comes 3 dogs One the size of me runnin in the house and of course they see me, fresh meat and proceed to bark, slobbber and drool all over me. Now I know were the smell comes from.

So I am stuck now. no cell phone, no escape. I cannot take the smell anymore so I say lets go out to eat. So we load up in my truck and head for some grub. Well guess what the smell is now in my truck. She smells like dog piss. So we finally arrive for dinner and during the conversation she ask me what I think about her. Well I am lost for words and I mutter something to appease her. All the time I am looking at the waitress who is hot as hell and I was wishn she was my date instead of cujo. Which by the way I am beginning to think this woman may have had sex with the dam mutts because I can still smell dog piss.

So we finally eat and head back to her house. She opens the wine and we have a few drinks but the god awful smell is making me sick as hell. So all of a sudden out of nowhere she walks up to me and sticks her tongue halfway down my throat. I nearly gag. Not only that though her breath smells like dog piss. So after that encounter I am lookin for a rest room. I head to it and get some toothpaste and start scrubbn my mouth with my finger and I was scrubbn my tongue and made myself upchuck. Thats it I have had enough. So i head back to the front room and while I am in there I see some pictures and low and behold I notice the same pic that was on her profile. So I ask her who is this? And to my amazement it was her daughter. 19 years old and the same pic I was lead to believe was my date. Unreal. So I question her about the pic. Well she finally confesses to using it. I proceed to give this woman the 3rd degree, walk into the kitchen grab my roses and what remained of the wine and walked out. Went down the road and thru the roses out the window. Pulled into walmart pounded the remaining wine, went into walmart and got some air freshener, fumigated my truck and headed home. Never again.
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Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
You guys are cracking me up with these online dating stories :mj07: WTF were you thinking? Yea, some amazing looking chic is online where no one can see her, PAYING for dates :142smilie You really are surprised when they dont look like they say? :shrug: I would turn and walk the fuk away if that happened to me, sorry! False advertising! :sadwave: Tease I mean WTF you went back to her house for drinks? LMAO you were gonna hit it! :com:


I'd pound it
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Sunny Florida and Naptown
nah there was no way I was gonna hit that. I was just being a gentleman and i finally got to a breaking point. I didn't want to seem rude or unkind but once I seen the pic that was it I was at the limit of all I could take.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
wow, what stories!! I don't have anything nearly that good. I did go on a blind date once, and the the girl was wearing go-go boots and she had a nose ring; not the cute kind girls wear now on the side, but this was a ring, right in the middle. Reminded me of the rings they put in a bull's nose to tame them down. She also smoked and that was a real turn off. Man is my story ever lame compared to your alls.

Also had a date one year in high school to MORP (fund raiser for Prom) where the girl asks out the guy. Had a terrible time, she was ugly, she had a terrible laugh. We danced to 2 songs, got our pictures taken, left, went to Baskin Robbins, and I took her home before it was dark. Chitty, chitty date!

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
Gentleman? After this hairy freak has you drive all the way to Ohio to meet her based on a picture that isnt her, you are worried about being a gentleman? Nah, you wre gonna at least get a BJ, no doubt about it! :mj07: Didnt want to be rude :142smilie LMAO!


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I had a couple 'good' ones from a chat-line thing in Fort Lauderdale about 9 or 10 years ago.

The plan was to meet in front of Applebys or Chilis or one of those places. So i'm sitting on the bench just waiting and this van pulls into the parking lot. Didn't really pay attention to it until I see this girl being lowered to the ground in a wheelchair out the side on one of those lifts.

I'm just kind of watching, feeling bad that such a young girl has to be in a wheelchair. So this older man gets out and starts wheeling her towards the restaurant. I'm still really not paying that much attention, but i'm wondering where my date is. That question was answered as they approached the bench and she introduced herself and so did her dad, who was pushing her along.

Now, not to be insensitive, but it might have been nice to know that she was in a wheelchair and that we were going to have lunch with her dad. We did have lunch, her dad was a nice guy, but for whatever reason I didn't keep in touch.

Another time I met this girl for dinner. She was attractive and had a very nice personality, although she seemed somewhat groggy. No big deal though. Things were looking good until I asked her if she wanted a drink and she replied, 'I can't drink tonight because I had an abortion this morning and i'm on medication from that.' The charm wore off after hearing that tidbit.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 5, 2003
:142smilie :mj07:

Great stories!!!! :142smilie I would have just ran in some of those situations. I'm a gentlemen but I don't give a damn! :scared :mj07:


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
Franky Wright said:
:scared :SIB
Appreciate your candid questions, but you are setting yourself up for some doozies with that one. :com:

Now to your ???'s;
Hasn't everyone had a really bad one? I mean its only one! You need to come out with how this went down.......... :scared

Normal questions:
What are her interests, family, friends, etc.
If you really want to find out alot about her, ask her how she came up with her outfit for your first date heyes I have many more, but I want to hear about this date first! :SIB


I think if I can recall from the couple drinks that Franky is quite the ladies man, as in a lot of ladies

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
bsucards said:
I think if I can recall from the couple drinks that Franky is quite the ladies man, as in a lot of ladies

:mj07: :mj07: :mj07:


Hey why drag my picture into this? :nono: :mj07:


BSU Cards
Forum Member
Sep 1, 2003
New Palestine Indiana
my lame bad date story was a blind date also.

I went with my buddy to meet these two girls, but we were not real sure, so we told them that we would be arriving in my car, and ended up taking his car instead.

These girls got out of their car and I swear, we almost had an earthquake in Marion, Indiana.

We decided to bail before even getting out of the car, and went and met up with some other chicks, but decided never to date another girl from Marion (Sorry Boilermaker)

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
bsucards said:
and went and met up with some other chicks


Yea SURE you went and met up with some other chics :mj07: Thats why you were tracking down some heffers in the first place. You did them, you know you did! :mj07: :142smilie :142smilie
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