I wanted to wait longer for responses before giving my answer and my reason for asking, but I am just an impatient person.
I would save the human, no questions asked. In fact, I would go so far as to say saving the human is the only "right" answer.
There is no question that any normal person would grieve more for the loss of a pet than the death of an unknown person. I know from experience that the death of my dogs in 1993 and again in 1997 were very hard on me, but I shed nary a tear for the faceless deaths that occur daily in my beloved Los Angeles.
But the question here is not whether you would grieve more for your pet or a stranger, rather which is more valuable if you hold the power to make that decision. To tell you the truth, I find it deplorable that people would knowingly abandon a human life for that of an animal, but I do understand it.
The reason I asked the question is that for my new job, I am working with Michael Levine, a major PR player in LA, who wrote an editorial not long ago about the sad obsession with pets in our society. In reading it, I realized that at the heart of the matter is whether you believe human beings have a soul.
If you believe human beings have a soul that must act in the image of some higher being to attain happiness, then there is no question that you would value human life over animals. If you do not believe humans have a soul, there is then no logical reason to value a human life over any animal's, and thus your life would be a constant cycle of mourning for every fruitfly with a 24 hour lifespan.
When the survey was given to the general public in 1960, the answer was almost 100% in favor of the stranger. Today, it is split into thirds among pet, stranger and "too hard". Maybe it is a loss in faith and maybe it is just the need for shallow, unconditional love among a society of lonely people, but clearly the value of numan life in relation to animal life has changed.
As I figured, sentinment on this board seems to be more on the side of human life than animal life. Though many gamblers have problems, a lack of practicality and logic on issues outside gambling is generally not one of them. Most gamblers view themselves as smart, aware people. It is in that vein that answers in favor of the human focused on giving a reason (species, etc) for abandoning a pet that is loved for a person that is unknown.
I am not telling anyone to change the way they live their life, I am merely writing my observation on what I feel is a disturbing trend in society. Surely some, maybe alot of you will be ticked at my attitude on this but I believe it is a fascinating discussion and life is more fun when you forgo the normal chit chat for something a bit deeper. Thanks.