Your pet or a stranger?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
" I know my views are very different from the current liberal majority in our society."


Please don't insult people's intelligence by falling back on the tried and true..political/social sterotype. You have no idea if any of these people are 'liberal' or not. Even if you did, it's irrelevant. That's weak.

"Still, I do not shy away from explaining them to people who ask. What I don't like is when I take the time to explain them to someone by request and then they simply discard them without any thought without any explanation."

I don't remember anybody asking your thoughts on this. I DO remember you starting this thread for the sole purpose of waiting for the 'pet' votes to come in so you could insult us with your holier than thou dogma.

"One last thought. Does anybody else find it incredibly nacissistic to just randomly set their own moral code?"

I do. That's why I find you cramming your 'moral code' down our throats quite distasteful.

" The feeling I get is that among a good many people, they honestly feel that 60,000 years of human existence has now peaked with their existence."

Because they don't agree to *your* version of a moral code?

"It is a convenient path of belief to take, as moral code can be added and discarded on a whim. I just wonder to myself how people justify it."

Whose 'moral code'? Yours? Pulllease spare us the sermon from the mount.

BTW- I would save the human.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Nick you know were all over BTJ ass for his attitude vs. many here. And in this one thread here you almost act the same way. MJ about ready to throw him out. I can't believe your trying to join him.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
I am quite impressed with the intelectual output from this forum.

Me? I still save the person, because I hold people in a higher regard than the rest of the anmials on the planet.

At the same time, I think a lot of people are shit. I hold semi-misanthropic views toward people in general. There are too many selfish, self-centered, egotistical ass-puppets out there, and it gets worse every generation. People who can't say please or thank you. Cut in front of you at the bank or on the freeway. Think their time has more value than yours, etc. Yet, I feel they are more important than any other creature on the globe.

I still believe that a gentleman should give a lady his seat on a crowded bus or train. He should offer to hold the door for the next person, man or woman. You should respect your elders, unless they prove to be an ass. I believe these things, while still holding that most people now days are worthless. Why? Because most people lack common courtesy to do these things.

Nick, I think you got more than you bargained for with this one, but it did bring out the best that folks have to offer!

Nice to see people post their thoughts.....there may be hope for our society yet.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 12, 2001
I would save the person, human life is much too valuable.

I'm sure most east coast people would save the pet. Everyone around here has pets and is snobby - they probably need somebody to like them...............

Not like friendly Nebraska where we are used to saying hello to people and holding doors open for others. Someone yelled at me while I was in line for a movie yesterday "take a little more time will you."


Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I don't believe that calling certain actions immoral and specifically insulting individuals (as btj does) is anywhere close to the same thing. I made a statement that a lot of people don't agree with, but it is hardly a radical statement and in fact there is a lot of logic to back up that statement. If people don't agree with that and are mad about it, I don't see how that constitutes an insult at all.


Don't take this the wrong way, but this a January and February conversation, so you can march your way out of it. What Ian and I were discussing was something that happened months ago, so I will chalk up your response to not understanding the context of the conversation and leave it at that.

I just have one final thought for everyone who manages to read this far into this seriously jacked up thread:

Every person in the history of the world believes they are a good person. That is true. No matter how reprehensible one's actions might seem, at heart each and every person believes they are good.

I hate to prove Godwinn's Law but this is the best example I can think of. The most reviled man in the last century is arguably Adolf Hitler. Yet, Hitler imagined himsself as a savior of hunanity, leading the way to making Europe a Utpoian paradise. You can look at any other "evil" historical figure and find similar motivation. Nobody thinks they are a bad person.

While nobody thinks they are a bad person, almost everybody thinks at least one other person in the world is bad. I am sure all of you can find either one prominent public figure or acquaintence (hopefully not me, but after this thread I wonder...) who you have total disdain for.

The point is that this world where everyone is good and bad at once does not exist. Thinking to yourself that you are a good person does not make you a good person. It is your actions that determine this. All I want out of life is to be happy and to be a good person. I know I have things that I can change for the better and hopefully everybody realizes that they do, too.
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