Recent content by Slumdog

MB MLB 728x90 Jpg
  1. S

    to win the crown...

    They’re nuts with this line. Total disrespect. Luka gonna spank em and call them all motherfkrs. 😂 He’s crazy
  2. S

    Friday night lights

    Wknd needs to start by kicking the host in the nuts. GL Jackers
  3. S


    Nice !!! Have fun. Don’t drink and bet ! 😂
  4. S


    I’m still Livid over this
  5. S


    I only played the daily lotto ticket for now. I’ll do a 2500/5000 3 teamer tonight. I like the faves today. Cubs O’s Mets Rangers Houston Mariners Guards Dodgers Phillies
  6. S

    MLB 5-31

    Oh boyyyyyyyy. The vets. The legends. The old timers. Theyre baaaaaaack. GL !
  7. S


    I think they do. Twin towers will give Boston problems. And you can’t bet against Luka right now. No way.
  8. S


    100%. My Bp drops about 20 points every time I go. And I walk about 10-12 miles a day. According to mi iPhone. The same. Been there. Between 7-10 times the last 30 years. It’s an amazing city for all ages. 😂
  9. S


    Hahahhahaha. Sounds like you would love it. Put it on your bucket list. !!
  10. S

    Pitching change in KC game

    Thx junior. You’re making this shit fun as hell.
  11. S

    Pitching change in KC game

    You’re going to stay with it ? Lynch now
  12. S


    Was a great city back in the day. I’ve also never slept better than in Amsterdam. My record was 14 hours straight. Hahahahhaha. Damn I woke up feeling good. I went to bed at midnight. Woke up 2 pm the next day. 😂 they should bottle that hash and sell it as a sleep med
  13. S

    Giants live

    I took giants to win upon seeing the post. Got lucky I saw it right away. Otherwise it’s hard to tail your picks. Thx for the play
  14. S

    2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Why didn’t you tell me oilers are on kickservs shit list. They blew up a 4 teamer. Sole loser last night. I forgot to check the pucks forum ! I would have obviously flipped to Dallas. I know as much about hockey as I do the chinese language !!!
  15. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    After steel posted giants. And saw hand capper posted Nat’s. I did an alternate parlay. Besides the one above. It hit. Thx again Madjacksports. The other is a small action parlay. Sd played live
  16. S

    Memorial Day

  17. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Last one. See how these play out and reload for late afternoon games if need be. Good luck madjackers. God bless our troops and all the military families
  18. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Like it !! Good luck
  19. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    This could work Maybe. Perhaps. Lol
  20. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    This is my daily lotto ticket. But I’m liking Reds Rockies Brewers Phillies Padres I’ll choose from these for a 3 teamer or two after I get a sense of where more cappers stand.
  21. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    It’s fine. Cant win em all. Lol The mavs single bet cured an unpredictable day in bases yesterday. Yes. Let’s see what the board tells us. Let’s cook some up.
  22. S

    Bases Monday 5/27

    You must be partying like it’s 1999. Dec 2 1999. lol. Good stuff Wish you continued success 🍻
  23. S


    Cash that Mavs series bet 😎
  24. S

    NBA '23-'24

    With a healthy lively.
  25. S

    NBA '23-'24

    What a finish. Luka and Kyrie are incredible. Your celts are in big trouble. lol
  26. S

    NBA '23-'24

    Booooooom. When towns took that bullshit three down 6 and shanked it. It was over. He lost them the game. He Fkn sux. Nice call Goldy.
  27. S

    Towns SUCKS!!

    First towns knees him in the nuts then knees him in the head ? Dude. I’d have a hit out on him. lol.
  28. S

    Lively prop

    Poor kid. No way in hell he can come back. Fk towns !
  29. S

    Going to Mavs tonight - Mavs -125? WTF

    Wowwwww. Man I wish I was going !!!! Have fun. You gotta take the Mavs if you’re going to be surrounded by 30 k screaming fans. Good luck
  30. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    😂 aluminum bats…. Ya never know. Lol
  31. S

    Going to Mavs tonight - Mavs -125? WTF

    Damnnnnnnn. Thats gonna be a blast. Enjoy. P.s. games are coming down to last shot or final few possessions. Line seems right to me.
  32. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Purple. You nailed it the other day. I’m tailing again !!
  33. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    And yes. GO GATORS !!! 😂 just kidding. For you I might even cheer for the Noles. Hahahahha
  34. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Thx for posting Goldy. If this keeps up I’m really gonna have to bring that fat envelope rivalry wknd. 😂
  35. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Thx to you and junior 🙏 I did another with steels picks. He swept but of course I added mine. The sole loser. 🙄
  36. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    Another winning day at Madjacksports. Yesterday it was MJ/Junior/Steel/ handicapper with the sweeps Today it might be badangel/bg/jord Tomorrow it might be Raymond/goldy/purple haze / plegacy and the LORD OF BALLS And on and on ….. Madjacksports today/tomorrow and forever. First 24 in...
  37. S

    Bases Sat 5/25

  38. S

    Halliburton's status?

    I say Celtics dog it. They’re the most inconsistent team. Vegas cleans up with an Indy cover. Who knows.
  39. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    I like it. 🍻 I have a free bet lotto ticket with those
  40. S

    Happy Memorial Day wknd.

    We have 72 hours of action upon action!!!!! God bless Our troops. God bless America. And God bless Madjacksprts !!!! Madjacksports day parlay appetizer to kick off the wknd !! Good luck
  41. S

    Back at it

    And wolves. 😂 That would have paid a gazillion to one.
  42. S

    Back at it

    We get em manana. Shit night.
  43. S

    Back at it

    Yes. Dodgers too. Paxton has been a beast dodgers bats are cold as ice but all we need reds to do is put in Diaz in the 8th or 9 th and dodgers will win Good luck.
  44. S

    Back at it

    D backs might be rising. I like gallen in this spot. And mavs will prob get blown out tonight. Mavs will fold.
  45. S

    Back at it

    D backs. Phillies wolves ?? Rockies used every single pitcher yesterday. And okayed extra innnings yep days in a row. Their bullpen might be worse than anyone’s.
  46. S

    Back at it

    I’m on all those. In a multi legger. Should we hit it hard as a 3 teamer ?
  47. S

    THE boston celtics

    Was pulling for your under. But man. What a great call on celts on the spread. Everyone I spoke to was on Indy plus points. But I went Goldy’s way 😄😎💪🙏😎 Sick calls yesterday on your underdog ml parlay.
  48. S

    Back at it

    Night par
  49. S

    Back at it

    I’m on the blue jays. Orioles. Celtics parlay. This afternoon sucked. Meltdowns and no shows.m I flipped the Detroit pick.
  50. S

    Back at it

    Pirates Mariners Phillies Cubs Tigers Celts. Parlay. 150 pays 3400 I had yanks early and flipped. Hope it doesn’t come back to bite me. Good luck rander
  51. S

    Back at it

    Let’s eat !! lol Good luck madjackers. Make em pay
  52. S

    Slumdog... Free Parlay?

    LOB. Dont feel bad. Look what pirates cost me. This free bet paid 36 k. Incredible. 2 strikes. 2 outs. No one on. Top 9. And these clowns lose the game F’d up
  53. S

    Slumdog... Free Parlay?

    My pleasure. It was a good parlay. Watch that shit lose by one. Its a Tough racket
  54. S


    😂 Ahhahaha it sounded like some hash they used to sell back in Amsterdam in the 90’s 😂. I wasn’t far off. Lol
  55. S

    Slumdog... Free Parlay?

    I want you to win !!!!!!!!!!! Cash that ticket !!!! Would be a helluva story. 😂 to kick around with your fam/pals
  56. S

    Slumdog... Free Parlay?

    Oh baby. Ya gonna hit this !!!! 😂 Good luck. Cheers
  57. S

    Slumdog... Free Parlay?

    Ok. Lemme do now
  58. S

    Can’t find a line.

    Did your book have the game on the board when I started at 12:15 ? If they didn’t. Then they legally have to pay you as a reduced parlay. They can’t keep the game included in the parlay and then not post the game on the board when it goes live.
  59. S


    I felt the same. Nasty Nestor hasn’t been the nasty Nestor from last year. He gets hit
  60. S

    Can’t find a line.

    Yea. Offshore uses Vegas rules. These onshore books are rinky dink
  61. S

    Can’t find a line.

    He said. His house rules allows postponed games to carry over if played within 48 hours. But they never offered the game once or restarted.
  62. S

    Can’t find a line.

    LOB for president !!! 😂 I got them to do this because they never offered the game once it restarted. They knew they messed up. Can’t tell a player they are going to include a postponed game then not put the game on the board when it restarts.
  63. S

    Can’t find a line.

    LOB !!! I owe you a free bet. They paid it as a 5 teamer. Plus my stake. !! 11 k. You have 250 free bet. Cook up a parlay and I’ll play it for you. If you win I’ll send Jack the winnings minus the stake. That’s how the books work the free bets. lol.
  64. S

    Can’t find a line.

    LOB. You gave me a good idea. 😂 let’s see what these people say. Lol
  65. S

    Can’t find a line.

    Yea. Dk posted the line when the game started. Hard rock never did. What pussies. I’m with ya Goldy. Go Mavs.
  66. S

    Can’t find a line.

    These pigs. Never posted it. Saw on dk they had it but I’m in Florida. What a rinky dink Sportsbook. F U hard rock. Fkn clowns.
  67. S


    Thx for the A’s pick. You nailed that one 👍
  68. S

    Can’t find a line.

  69. S

    Can’t find a line.

    Need to hedge this shit. If line favorable. Anyone see a line for last nights suspended game ? Thx in advance
  70. S


    Followed your oilers pick and it paid !!!! Clinched a parlay 👍😎🥂
  71. S

    Mavs 26-1

    You can only do a true hedge if the Mavs reach the finals. Then yea. You’re in the money 100%.
  72. S

    The Canadian Beth Mowins

    😂 glad I’m not watching !
  73. S


    I liked it. Glad you hit. My longshot sucked but I did hit a big two teamer. GL today.
  74. S


    And that’s a blessing 🙏 Have fun today. Cheers
  75. S

    Sunday funday

    I danced around the dogs and kissed the faves. This is a slum longshot. Disclaimer : use at your own risk. 😂 I also liked the mutts. But a no play since MJ on the other side. I do like his cards pick. Waiting on steel man (and others) for his selections to add/create my in your face pay me...
  76. S


    Ufffff. Book came close to another ass kicking last night. Nice cappin.
  77. S


    T bone. If you can’t get the date right how are we supposed to think you can get the games right ? Ahhahahaahha. lol Just kiddingggggg. Let’s get em today. 🤟
  78. S

    Bases Sun 5/19

    Just keep Edwin Diaz on the bench please !!holy crap. He makes Kimbrel look like Mariano Rivera. Good luck men.
  79. S


    Cash that ticket !
  80. S


    I did ! Thxxxxx. Did yours. And did another steel/MJ/slum parlay that hit also. I added jacks tbay and my pick was dodgers. Good luck today. Thx again
  81. S


    Thx for the cross sport sweep. 💰💰
  82. S

    9 points in 12 mins. 45 point win. What has the NBA become.

    Imagine paying 1500 for two tickets to see that garbage.
  83. S

    You Pussy!

    If it were a one game final. Like the sb. Anything could happen. But okc is not beating jokic in a 7 game series.
  84. S

    You Pussy!

    Smart move. They ain’t winning.
  85. S

    4 Shots…No logical explanation!

    Either it’s rigged or he’s a pussy.
  86. S

    Winning time

    Wow. This shit will rip your heart out. Another bottom of the ninth blow up. Sux
  87. S

    Greens Monday

    Fkn reds. Damn. F u Diaz
  88. S


    Thought we had that parlay. Onward. Let’s get em tonight. Good luck.
  89. S


    We noticed you took a few days off. Dont you know that’s not allowed around here ? 😂 lol. Cheers. Thx
  90. S

    Madjacksports Parlay of the day

  91. S

    Madjacksports Parlay of the day

    It’s a Madjacks special MJ Steel City Jord Worth a shot Pleg. Good luck 🍀
  92. S

    Madjacksports Parlay of the day

    This bitch gonna pay….. Cheers fellas 🍻💰💰💰
  93. S

    Fri Playoff Hoops!

    Was pulling for your 1h. Fkn burks. Ridiculous
  94. S


    Red headed Italian lookin like steph. WTH !!
  95. S

    Need a miracle.

    Good luck jackers 😎
  96. S


    😂 that’s when you know civilization is nearing the end. Lol
  97. S


    Omg. Kimbrel. I can’t believe he is still in the league.
  98. S


    I know. Frustrating as hell. I’m ridin with ya. Let’s get it ! GL
  99. S


    Fkn Phillies man. Damn Great capping steel city. 8-1 on the day. With nba
  100. S


    What a bunch of spineless pussies. The second they saw Brunson come out in the second half they shit their pants. Incredible. McConnell is the only one with a pair on that team.
  101. S


    Great card. 1 away from a sweep. Wow
  102. S

    Winning time

    I mostly lived on glenlivet 18 when I was there. Lol. They have a good sushi place I recommend. The pizza place by Starbucks is pretty good to soak up the alcohol after a long session of bj or a Saturday full of games. I was angry I botched my parlay today so I did another and it hit. I’m not...
  103. S

    Winning time

    Yea. Love it there. Just be careful with the tables. I’ve never won there. lol. Don’t give em much. Kick their ass in the book instead. 👍
  104. S

    Winning time

    Sweet Atlantis or Baha mar ? Have fun and knock em dead.
  105. S

    Winning time

    Unfknreal. Sorry guys. Terrible choice. Damn
  106. S

    Winning time

    Let’s get past this first game then I like our chances !!! Good luck fellas
  107. S

    Winning time

    I hit my parlay Fri, sat and Sunday. Yesterday got snookered by nuggets and lost by one game. Sad performance by them. Jokic looked drunk. Murray looked like he was wearing a diaper full of shit. Porter can’t dribble or drive. Kcp looked tiny, was tossed around like a rag doll and the Denver...
  108. S


    We have a solo day game and a must bet for degens like moi. Do we come back with Oakland ????? Nice minny call Last night. I got suckered by Denver ML and it cost me a 6 teamer. What an ass kicking of epic proportions by the twolves
  109. S


    Damn. One win away from a whopping 10 teamer ! Nice capping
  110. S

    The Playoffs(05/05/2024)

    Did you think that when they were down 18 ? 😂 yikes. Nba is nuts this year. Back in the day. You went down 20. It was lights out. Now it’s juts time to start playing. I had them too. Thought it was a dead loser Good call d 2
  111. S


    Times a flyin’ ….. few more months and your best sport is here. Cant wait 👍💰💰💰💰 Thx
  112. S


    Alba. You also don’t have to tie up all of his plays. It’s rare that he loses more than one game or two in a day . So out of the 5,6,7 plays he posts in a given day. You can always find a few to tie up and get paid. His picks are solid as anyone I’ve ever seen. we have all witnessed them...
  113. S


    I think he includes them in rr and parlays. Doesnt play them as singles. Thats how I play his picks and it works. Have to hang in long enough until the strategy heats up and pays ten fold. Hit two bb/nba parlays last two days with his picks. That buys me parlays for a month now. lol...
  114. S


    I’ll bet my balls he’s on magic. That’s a jord kinda play. And it will win 💪 🍻
  115. S

    $100 to earn 1.7 million

    My kinda play !!!!! GL
  116. S

    MLB plays

    San Diego (your play) clinched my parlay yesterday. Not betting like I used too but I’ll take it. It was a steel / jack parlay special @MadJackSports
  117. S


    Helluva day steel city 🔥🔥🔥
  118. S

    Plays Fri

    Thx for the cards ! I used the run line and included it in a winnng 5 teamer. Thx.
  119. S


    Thx for the plays. I used four of yours to win a 5 teamer. Paid 10-1. Yanks finally broke our way.
  120. S

    Let’s turn a boring afternoon into a fun afternoon

    Good luck madjackers
  121. S

    Knicks didn’t score for 3 mins ending the 1Q

    There’s also no explanation for blowing this game. Damn What a mind fk