American Idol Season 7


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
gonna buy 100 shares of syesha at 5. I think it will be her and david cook in the finals. much like last year when they heavy fav melinda went home with 3 left it's time for the most miserable contestant ever archuleta to go home. I will sell syesha when she hits 20 or 25 in the finals for sure. david cook wins this thing 100 percent.

funny david archuleta story:

David Archuleta's dad loses 'American Idol' backstage pass
By LYNN ELBER, AP Television Writer
Sat May 10, 3:45 AM PDT

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Backstage meddling has caught up "American Idol" favorite David Archuleta's dad, who's been banned from rehearsals, a person working for the TV talent contest said Friday.

Jeff Archuleta was told this week by producers that he can no longer join 17-year-old son as David as he prepares for the show, the person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press. The person wasn't authorized to comment publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The show's action was first reported Friday by the online Web site TMZ.

David Archuleta of Murray, Utah, is one of three contestants left as the top-rated Fox show heads toward the Jan. 20-21 finale. The fresh-faced teenager with the big voice has consistently been deemed a front-runner by the judges and been a consistent fan favorite.

Jeff Archuleta's intense backstage involvement had become a source of concern for the series, the person connected with "American Idol" said -- but it was a lyric change on Tuesday's show that pushed producers to act.

Despite a warning, Jeff Archuleta insisted on altering "Stand by Me," one of two songs his son sang on the show Tuesday. By adding a verse from Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls," the father incurred additional costs for "American Idol," the person said.

Fox declined comment. Attempts to reach Jeff Archuleta for comment were unsuccessful. A phone number listed under his name in Murray, Utah, was no longer in service, and Fox did not immediately respond to a request Friday evening for help in contacting the family.

Earlier Friday, David Archuleta was honored at a hometown celebration held at his high school in Murray, during which Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman declared "David Archuleta Day."

The singer and his family declined to be interviewed at the event, but David Archuleta did speak with the Salt Lake City Fox affiliate, KSTU-TV. "Wow," he exclaimed as he viewed the cheerleading squad outside his stretch limousine.

The other finalists left in competition for the "Idol" title and a record contract are David Cook and Syesha Mercado. Cook, a native of suburban Blue Springs, Mo., had his own homecoming celebration Friday in Kansas City, while Mercado was feted Bradenton, Fla.


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Had syesha in my top 3 form the beginning along with archuleta & Johns but I think she is done it's a populating contest now plus
my 13 year old daughter & her friends love the kid :shrug:

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
funny david archuleta story:

David Archuleta's dad loses 'American Idol' backstage pass
By LYNN ELBER, AP Television Writer
Sat May 10, 3:45 AM PDT

Here is another from the star search day's. This guy is a whack job.
Was there more than just nerves behind 17-year-old DAVID ARCHULETA's shaky performance on last night's "American Idol"?

The early favorite was definitely off his game and even forgot several lines during his version of THE BEATLES' "We Can Work It Out." Sources are telling ET the singer may be feeling the pressure from his "stage father" JEFF ARCHULETA, who reportedly yelled at David during a recording session Monday. Sources say Dad wasn't happy with his son's singing -- and even brought him to tears. Neither Jeff nor reps for "American Idol" would comment on the alleged incident.

Update: LYNN and ALEX, writers of entertainment blog tell ET that this may not be the first time Jeff has lost it -- they tell us that he was banned from the set of "Star Search" when a 12-year-old David competed on the program. The writers explain that there were rumors that Jeff had allegedly harassed a girl named TIFFANY who was David's competition in the contest.


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Syesha has a nice rack :SIB

Chip Hilton

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Forum Member
Feb 14, 2008
Only One David in the Finals?

Only One David in the Finals?

i hope its her and Cook.:0corn

Archuleta has gotta go...:00hour

Completely agree and want to buy some of Syesha Mercado to break up the David's final but feel I am reaching at very tempting odds. Mercado has been consistently in the bottom two/three in the past weeks even if her performances are getting better as the competition nears the end. I think she can out perform Archuleta but not so sure she can beat him in the votes. Then again, I thought Carly would be the one in this position to break the David finale. :shrug:

Chip Hilton

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Forum Member
Feb 14, 2008
Got some moves too

Got some moves too

Good point on the rack. She showed she can shake those hips pretty well too. :00hour

I convinced myself - final two for Syesha. Then as BDB said, sell as she won't beat David Cook.

Kid goes home tomorrow night.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Syesha has certainly made herself some money with her attire and attitude over the past couple of weeks. She was stunning last night. I wish Cook would have done something more rock-y on his selection, but he performed well - Simon picked a tough one for him, but he nailed it. Archuleta sang one of my favorite songs - the Billy Joel one, and was great on that one. He is so similar in all of his performances, tho, I just think Cook will win out in the end. Pretty weak effort when Archuleta tried to be "hip" on the Chris Brown song, and Syesha was not sexy enough on her foray into her selection to win out.

Cook remains the leader, IMO.


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
I still don't get cook. The kid starts slow and builds to a scream. On every song! The other David is good for 17 but seriously he is just a notch above Brooke. Every one of his songs sounds the same. Shyesa at least looks great in the duck dress. They call it a duck dress because we saw everything except the quack! Seriously, I like her but they gave her crappy songs.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
. He is so similar in all of his performances, tho, I just think Cook will win out in the end.

you don't have to's a done deal. american idol is over for the year. cook wins albeit a little closer than blake vs. jordin last year. sadly the most talented contestant goes home tonight. i don't think she should win, but will undoubtedly be the most succesful of this years bunch. Movies and tv are definitely in her future. i really thought the abused midget had a shot to go home tonight, but people like pre-pubescant 17 year olds who sing songs that only grandmas can adore. his exit is next week.


Chip Hilton

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Forum Member
Feb 14, 2008


Took the shot on Syesha and she did herself well. Also had a male/female final prop that I was hoping for from a few weeks back. Tough to beat the David's in the voting. You wonder if Syesha was happy with NOT winning by the song she chose to do in the contestants choice. Didn't exactly fit the "pop" mold that the winner would be doing. She seemed very much OK with the results. She'll do fine...I just wanted the $ with her in the finals. Anyway, IMO Cook over Archuleta.


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
I watch this show all the time, but never vote.

However, I am urging everyone on here to vote for Cook so that little goof ball doesn't win...:s8: :mj02:

wow, i got crushed this year. the little homo might actually win. total reversal of markets. need an archuleta phone line to crash.......

can't wait for his and clay aikens duets album.

3 joke winners in a row......hicks, sparks, and babyletta.

this show is on its last legs.

gl.... i need it


la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
wow, i got crushed this year. the little homo might actually win. total reversal of markets. need an archuleta phone line to crash.......

can't wait for his and clay aikens duets album.

3 joke winners in a row......hicks, sparks, and babyletta.

this show is on its last legs.

gl.... i need it

having a 13 year old daughter saved me 1 to 2k would have taken the field at + money over archuleta.

Sun Tzu

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Nov 10, 2003
Houston, Texas
I actually think he would be the worst winner yet. I cant see that guy ever selling records to anyone....even the 13 year old girls that dont seem to realize his is weasley, 5 ft nothing and has the personality of a rock. He isnt even good looking. What are they going to do - have him grow his hair and try to be the 2010 version of Leif Garrett/Shawn Cassidy?

What's more rermarkable is the producer's suicidal non-stop pimping of the guy. Cook isnt the world's greatest singer but he at least has some potential to be successful and help the show regain some legitimacy.

As for tonight maybe I just hate the weasel too much. He was good in the first song but Cook was fine even though I hate that U2 song. I dont know what they were listeingin to on the second song - weasel punk's was one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever heard. Third song - punk should lose points for rehashing what he already had done - and not doing it as well-but of course a drool fest anyway. And Cook was fabulous.

Paula and Randy are clueless so thats understandable. I think Simon must have gotten a payoff or something....and he of all people should realize thast weasel is a bust waiting to happen...and certainly isnt "a star." And then Ryan with "well said Mr Cowell." Could they make it a little more obvious?
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Forum Member
May 24, 2001
The Upstate
Agree with all the sentiments above, Archuletta sucks, and ending with Ruben "Fell of the Face of the Earth" Studdard was a clencher for a shitty season. At least Cook can probably do more of what he wants to, when the guy with the worst facial expressions on TV wins, can't wait to see the half smile into a serious face into a half smile tomorrow night AGAIN :rolleyes:


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
market went nuts right after the performances.

pre show cook was a 70 buy

then right after he was a 20 buy at one point.

now he's the favorite again at 62 or -162

i guess a bunch of people got cold feet on cook and dumped right away.

cook should have done where the streets have no name..... i agree with all you said sun tzu, but wouldhn't have minded hearing alone by linoel ritchie again. did i just say that?

dial idol which isn't reliable at all gives him a 3 percent lead.

who knows, it should never have been this close. sometimes simon disses a group to get their fan base to vote harder. i can manage a profit if cook wins, but if archuleta wins, i'm stuck in the red.

i'd say if the voting totals are legit its a complete toss up.

go straight guy....



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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Enchilada is terrible but Cook handed the crown to him tonight. This was the worst I ever saw Cook. Even though I said before that I didn't understand what people see in him I think tonight he really blew it. I think your new American I dol is going to be a little guy that sings slow songs for old people. Really old people.
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la vita ? buona
Forum Member
Sep 11, 2000
Well BDB I saved you some votes I took her cell phone for the night God knows how many more text votes the little weasel would have had. :shrug:
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