Another sick Republican exposed


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Shamrock, you are opening a can of spring-snakes. Washington makes Clinton look like Billy Graham.


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Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
Murph, I mean seriously, this shit never ends. Anything happens Clinton Clinton Clinton. Garden and myself have been friends on this board for ages, I don't know dtb all that well, but certainly seems like a Hell of a nice guy, and a honorable veteran to boot. Who wants to argue with these guys? But honest of Christ, every time Clinton Clinton. First off with all the shit happening now, who cares about Clinton, JFK was screwing women, so was Washington, so were plenty of powerful political figures. What does it matter now? And hell he was messing with a adult woman, so untold millions spent investigating over years produced Monica s famous blow job. Now all this perjury I hear Wayne speaking of endlessly, was lying about a blow job, since when did this become everyone's business? This I'm confused about. Generally affairs to me seem like they are the business of the 3 people concerned in this case Monica Bill Hillary, generally millions of other people & Court are not involved. Would Clinton be better, more morally American, if he arrived in court and suddenly acted momentarily retarded like Reagan mumbling endlessly ahhh I don't remember, ahhhh I don'tecall? is that better? More wholesome? Or maybe just refuse all together to testify like Bush does. After all with 9-11,over 2500 Americans killed, why the Hell should he spend a afternoon under oath, just tells them to fux off & ignores it, maybe Clint should have pulled that. In any case whatever, Clinton is over finished. Let's move on.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Fox news called Foley A Democrat. Left it under his picture for over a hour. Opp's. I wonder why? And who paid them for that little mistake.

Yeah, that was incredible. There is no possible way that was an honest mistake. Could you imagine the uproar if it was a Dem and CNN had them labeled as Republican. This is not the first mistake of this nature by Fox. I guess their viewers like their dishonesty. The ratings go up with every lie ...err, imean error.

Also, Hannity referred to Lewinsky as being 19 when she got it on with Clinton. Does he not have access to the truth? At least weasel bumped that age up to 20. But of course anyone with access to the internet can quickly determine she was 22.

Fox - "fair and balanced" .......How can Republicans even think this? It's one thing to slant, it's another to flat out mislead and lie to people. They are as bad as a 2nd rate blog.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
let me get this straight....kirk fordham is the guy that tried to broker a deal with brian ross of abc not to publish the really nasty i.m.`s from foley......i have that article...

and he`s also the same guy that claims he told hastert`s staff about foley?.....

wtf?....does that make sense?....

he tries to destroy the guy by telling hastert that foley`s a predator.....then,he makes a deal to protect foley`s lascivious i.m.`s?....

even applying left wing bizarro logic,that`s a bit......odd?


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Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Mrs Blackburn is not from Bama. It's Tenn. If her folks reelected her there reaching. Everything is Dem' fault. What a joke. THey keep going back wards 8 years for there excuse. She spins like a top.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
bryan, I actually agree with this part of your post. I'm not as anti-establishment as you are, but if there is something you disagree with, or if there is something you are passionate about, take some sort of active role in fixing it. I've argued with Eddie Haskell on here several times and even asked him what he did about things on a local level and who did he give money to or what charities he supported. *chirp, chirp* How about you "The Sponge"?? Where are your efforts spent in trying to change the Hitleresque reign of Fox News and the GOP?? Maybe some of the gloom and doomers here are active in their local towns, but I would expect most are just bullchitters.

I don't consider my self anti establishment. I'm for common sense and don't see much of it on the left or the right. I think all news is slanted one way or the other. I talk to people every day about the news of the day and encourage them to participate. I am a registered republican but have given my support to local politicians who are not, My charities have to do with kids and cancer, I 'm more for giving a hand up, not a hand out. Sometimes if I can help someone directly rather giving to a big organization, I prefer that. I only give to people I trust that the money goes were they say it goes. Their are to many charities that use our money the way our government does. I think the best way to give , is one on one. It's every day stuff. If I see something or here something that goes against the common laws of nature , I will speak up. Most look at me as anti establishment because I will not align myself with things that don't make sense and are wrong or short sided. I'm a big picture do it right the first time kind of guy. I'm not perfect but I expect more from our leaders. If you want to be a thief or a deviant, stay in the private sector. We as a people are to apathetic, passive,if it doesn't directly effect me today than , who cares. Forget about what would Jesus do, what would a common sense guy with have a brain do. I think the biggest thing we all can do has nothing to do with giving money. Be a participant of the human race every day. Be an adult to every young person you come in contact with. Engage with people,if someone says something you don't agree with, ask why would you say that, why do you think that way ? I don't think fox or the right has any more of a hold on America than cnn and the left. The one thing that the far left and right have in-common is: They have chased 1/2 of America from engaging in the process. I think the hitleresque stuff is misguided and over the top.


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Aug 8, 2001
Syracuse ny, usa
You can tell where we are as a people when this thread gets 1100 hits & 19 soldiers killed in Iraq gets 81 ? Ladies, what are we doing ? Examples like this confirm for me, my lack of respect for us as a people is warranted.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You can tell where we are as a people when this thread gets 1100 hits & 19 soldiers killed in Iraq gets 81 ? Ladies, what are we doing ? Examples like this confirm for me, my lack of respect for us as a people is warranted.
I wouldn't worry about hits. Foley will be old news in a couple weeks. ...It won't be mentioned again until the next congressman gets in trouble.

Iraq will just keep rolling along. I was stunned when the war between Israel and Hez was taking headlines for a month, meanwhile our own war in Iraq was becoming page 3 news.

The Sponge

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Aug 24, 2006
My point was and this could probably be said about any group is that some groups take over a certain part of a state and it would be unconfortable going to that part. Would you move into a neighborhood that had all mexicans, blacks, chinese etc. Everyone of you know you wouldn't. Some gays thru my experience get to be to much. Persistant. I have a gay friend and its no big deal to me because he acts mature and never crosses the line. There are some that do. Going on a vacation to a spot where the majority of people are gay is not my cup of tee.
As for you Kosar are you three years old? I just can't see an adult pasting another posters thought on their post. I saw a picture of you on this site and i almost fainted. For being three years old you did not age well.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
My point was and this could probably be said about any group is that some groups take over a certain part of a state.

Going on a vacation to a spot where the majority of people are gay is not my cup of tee.

As for you Kosar are you three years old? I just can't see an adult pasting another posters thought on their post. I saw a picture of you on this site and i almost fainted. For being three years old you did not age well.

Gays have not 'taken over' any part of this state. There is a decent gay population in Key West, but it's not overt and nobody bothers you. They live mostly in Oldtown and rarely go to the tourist bars and clubs, so you could spend 4 days there and not see an obviously gay person.

Fantasy Fest weekend is a different story, as gay people come from all over the country, but that is only one weekend a year.

I certainly don't want to 'sell' you on Key West, or make it seem the least bit appealing to you, but it's a hell of a good time with tons of drunk, hot women running around all over the place. They're straight even.

Also, i'm not that concerned with what 'sponge' thinks about my looks. I do ok, bro. But as always, I appreciate the feedback.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
My point was and this could probably be said about any group is that some groups take over a certain part of a state and it would be unconfortable going to that part. Would you move into a neighborhood that had all mexicans, blacks, chinese etc. Everyone of you know you wouldn't. Some gays thru my experience get to be to much. Persistant. I have a gay friend and its no big deal to me because he acts mature and never crosses the line. There are some that do. Going on a vacation to a spot where the majority of people are gay is not my cup of tee.
As for you Kosar are you three years old? I just can't see an adult pasting another posters thought on their post. I saw a picture of you on this site and i almost fainted. For being three years old you did not age well.

So let me get this STRAIGHT - You don't want to be around gay people, but at the same time have an opinion of Kosar's asthetic appeal? ....Sounds like Sponge might be in denial, folks.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I bet my black friend can beat up your black friend.

.....and finster, I'm not sure if 38 year old mother of 3 fukbuddy counts as a "friend".

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
So let me get this STRAIGHT - You don't want to be around gay people, but at the same time have an opinion of Kosar's asthetic appeal? ....Sounds like Sponge might be in denial, folks.

cmon smurph ur starting to sound like one of these rightwing spin miesters. I said i have no problems with gays but i would not go on vacation or move to an all gay area. Would you? There are a lot of anti gay people in this world and i am not. It is there lives so why should i care because it don't effect me. By the way the most beautiful part of capecod province town it may be called? Is also loaded with gay people. I wouldn't go vacation there either. As for Key west its worse than San Francisco. I am just not into watching to men hug and make out with each other. It makes me queezy.
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Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I'm willing to be labeled a neo-con by you in exchange for dispensing a truthful evaluation of your often completely moronic posts.

(I'm not really sure what I just said, but it has something to do with you being a jackass).

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
I'm willing to be labeled a neo-con by you in exchange for dispensing a truthful evaluation of your often completely moronic posts.

(I'm not really sure what I just said, but it has something to do with you being a jackass).

Where is this all coming from?
I will ask you this questiion once again. Would you move into a neighborhood that was all gay?


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 14, 2001
I bet my black friend can beat up your black friend.

.....and finster, I'm not sure if 38 year old mother of 3 fukbuddy counts as a "friend".

She was 36, not 38, and had four kids, not three. Sheesh... I give you a fantastic story and all you do is f*ck up the details!!!


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Where is this all coming from?
I will ask you this questiion once again. Would you move into a neighborhood that was all gay?
If the women there were bi and was within walking distance of pizza, then yeah probably.
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