Another sick Republican exposed


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Again, what does something that happened 23 years ago have to do with this. I give you credit Weasel for deflecting anything and everything away from your prize Republicans. No matter how perverted and sick they may be. Using your logic it would be okay for someone to vote in a racist for Governor because George Wallace was once a Governor. Oh wait...he was a Conservative!:scared

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
I saw it reported on the CBS Evening News that House Speaker Dennis Hastert among other Republicans in the House have alledgedly known about Foley's behavior for some time. If proven to be true, this is going to be a scandal of tremendous proportions. The following is an excerpt from an article I found on a few minutes ago. No way to spin this one.

Washington ethics group: FBI knew
The Washington watchdog group that first published the inappropriate e-mails between Foley and a Louisiana teenager said Wednesday that it told the FBI in July about Foley's communications. Those messages were deemed by a congressman who oversees the page program inappropriate but not sexually explicit.

The FBI contends that Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington did not provide enough information -- including the pages' identities and e-mail addresses -- to pursue the case. The FBI reviewed copies of the messages, government officials said, but did not have enough information to move forward with an investigation or seek subpoenas.

CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan disputed that account, saying the FBI was given the teen's full e-mail address July 21. CREW received the e-mails that day from "a third party who had gotten them from a congressional staffer," she said.
Sloan said they were sent via e-mail to the FBI.

"The agent called me to follow up to say, 'So, these are e-mails from Mark Foley?' And I said, 'Yes.' And that was the end of our interaction," she said.

CREW has questioned whether the White House helped "cover up Rep. Foley's conduct and leave a potential sexual predator on the loose." The group also asked the Justice Department's inspector-general to investigate why the FBI didn't take further action.

The scandal has rocked the Republican leadership of the House about five weeks before the November midterm elections. It also has triggered a call for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, an Illinois Republican, to step down, but his spokesman and fellow GOP congressmen have said that isn't going to happen.

Hastert asked the Justice Department on Sunday to investigate Foley's conduct and what steps were taken by House members and staff when concerns about the congressman came up.

Government officials said several former pages have been interviewed, and investigators are still trying to find and interview others. Part of this process is "getting real people to make real charges," one official said.

House leaders have acknowledged they were told in late 2005 that Foley was sending "overly friendly" e-mails to the Louisiana teen. Rep. John Shimkus, the Illinois Republican who chairs the board overseeing the page program, told Foley to stop, and said Foley claimed he would.

Rep. Tom Reynolds, a Republican from New York and head of the GOP's House campaign committee, has said he warned Hastert about Foley's e-mail in the spring. Hastert said he doesn't dispute Reynolds' account but doesn't recall the conversation.

Reynolds' chief of staff resigned Wednesday amid allegations he tried to protect Foley from congressional inquiries. Kirk Fordham, who previously had served as Foley's chief of staff, denied taking any inappropriate action on Foley's behalf. Fordham said he was merely reaching out to Foley "as any good friend would."

According to The Associated Press, Fordham claims he told Hastert's office three years ago about Foley's worrisome conduct with the pages, a claim Hastert's office denies.



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
smurphy..again...nobody`s defending foley...he needs to do serious time,imo.....or at the very least,be left alone in a locked room with the kid`s father for an hour or two.....

but you....YOU!!...... you think that it`s o.k., for a grown man to molest a 16 year old....get him drunk......and then 10 years later,the kid says,",no sweat"........

that`s o.k.?.....that`s o.k. with you ,bud?....

if a 16 year old likes taking it up the ass from an adult......a u.s. congressman...that`s fine and dandy?.....

i think the statute of limitations may vary by state....but,what does that matter?....

and what`s really sick?...these whacko blue state moonbats reelect this piece of dung.....several times!!!

o.k....we agree on that.....i read the last paragraph afterward..i was so stunned by your first paragraph,i almost fell off my chair....

but,tell me you aren`t condoning what studds did...while screaming about this scumbag foley in the same breath....

Dude, where do you get these creepy deatils from? And when you say 16 are you purposefully fudging the truth or is your source incorrect. I noticed you made 22 year old Lewinsky 20, now you are turning this 17 year old 16 in the Studds thing FROM 23 YEARS AGO.

So is your sources that are wrong or are you looking for slight fuzzy math to try and make your arguments better?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I see that a Republican was also caught up in the page sex scandal of '83. Dan Crane was censured along with Studds.

Why no mention of Crane from the great sexual misconduct historians of this thread? I'm guessing maybe Rush or Sean failed to feed that party of the story to you?


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I see that a Republican was also caught up in the page sex scandal of '83. Dan Crane was censured along with Studds.

Crane had sex with an underage girl and Studds had sex with an underage boy.

I believe that's a huge distinction for Wayne.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Crane had sex with an underage girl and Studds had sex with an underage boy.

I believe that's a huge distinction for Wayne.

Hmmm. What was her ethnicity?

Dan Crane's middle name is "Bever". That's absolutely amazing.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
i missed the second paragraph,keyboardicus...:grins: :mj16:

i have to cop to jumping on that first paragraph before reading the second....



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
smurph....let me make it stone cold simple.....

no elected official....should be soliciting,having phone sex,sticking cigars in vaginas,schtupping any interns or pages....period...

no teachers should be doing any of the above with students.....period.....

no scoutmasters(lol...and the aclu wants gay scoutmasters).....etc......

ann coulter said it best....regarding hastert.....

"" But now, the same Democrats who are incensed that Bush's National Security Agency was listening in on al-Qaida phone calls are incensed that Republicans were not reading a gay congressman's instant messages.

Let's run this past the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: The suspect sent an inappropriately friendly e-mail to a teenager — oh also, we think he's gay. Can we spy on his instant messages? On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the odds that any court in the nation would have said: YOU BET! Put a tail on that guy — and a credit check, too! ""......



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
I thought they had cleared that Clinton deal up. Last I saw it was Republicans payed her to make the hit on him. She had that perfect mouth for B Jobs. Much like this Foley thing must be the Democrats fault it must be. First they made him gay then a alcoholic that no one ever saw drink. Then they took his computer held a gun to his head and typed all those messages.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"

uhhh ohhhh......i believe ...that if this is might be in some trouble....

why is 18 such a big deal when i believe the age of consent in d.c. is 16?....

and the "kid" was roughly 19 days away from his 18th birthday.....

a fauching mess...

smurph....does this change anything if confirmed?....

as a scandal,is this a wet fart?

one thing it doesn`t change...foley`s a scumbag...i believe something`s there...he cut and run faster than russ feingold.....or,he was mistakenly placed on a dnc memo list...and he thought "cut and run" was the plan.....

but seriously,folks(rimshot).....

on a lighter note,the funniest thing I saw today was mr. geraldo (serial cheater) rivera(aka jerry rivers to the joos) on fox expressing his "outrage" over foley....

hypocrite of the year...


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
i have nothing against Faggotry...but to mess with young boys is something else.

this has been the worst number of years in american history because of the republicans and their staunch voters.

im neither a demo or a repub....but these republican a-holes just vote republican no matter how bad the scumbag is.

And oh by the way, The Arabs are our allies and i will veto a bill that blocks the arabs from gaining control of our ports! ( the George Bush )



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Crane had sex with an underage girl and Studds had sex with an underage boy.

I believe that's a huge distinction for Wayne.
My distinction of the 2 was due to the theme-of the matter--ie liberals not only condone but coddle any deviate if its one of their own.
Crane never servered another term--Mass gives Studds 3 more terms till he retires--Kennedy another lifetime job.

Nixon resigns for allowing wire tap of dems and goes into seclusion--Clinton the only Pres I am aware of convicted of muliple felons-impeach for personal malfease-disbarred ect--not only does not step down --but builds library on funds from pardoned felons-writes books-gives speeches and jets sets around like it never happen--and makes his fortune from it.
--but the real question is on Studds/Kennedy/Clinton ect--who are worse, they- or their lemmings that STILL support them after the undisputable "facts" not allegations.

as the chinese proverb goes--"show me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are"--eg birds of a feather flock together.

to prove a point--show me one conservative posting here that has not come down on Foley as hard as any liberal--most asking for jail time in addition.

Yet liberals will change definition of perjury if it somehow justifies actions in their own mind.
Last edited:

The Judge

Pura Vida!
Forum Member
Aug 5, 2004
I'm surprised that not a single post has addressed the allegations by Kirk Fordham, who previously had served as Foley's chief of staff, that "he told Hastert's office three years ago about Foley's worrisome conduct with the pages."

Complicity in Foley's clearly inapproriate behavior, if shown to have taken place, is despicable and I forsee a big shake up in the heirarchy of the Republican leadership over this.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Chad On your question of ACLu/porn.
They represented NAMBLA (mention on this thread per stevies home town Boston--but now headquartered in NY and San Fran) on grounds child porn was constitutional right like freedom of speach or something in that order..

Have been very busy this week, need to get back into the swing here on these issues. Can you reference the case or articles about this that shows the ACLU fought for NAMBLA on those particular grounds? Not saying they didn't, just find it hard to believe. Or was this some kind of "take" on the case, or spun this way? Just doesn't sound like a sensible path to helping a client.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
"I'm surprised that not a single post has addressed the allegations by Kirk Fordham, who previously had served as Foley's chief of staff, that "he told Hastert's office three years ago about Foley's worrisome conduct with the pages."

I am not really surprised by this. GW and others cannot deal with this issue head-on because it won't allow for them to tie this issue to illegal wiretapping or sexual transgressions from 3 decades ago.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Ok, I got it, Wayne (googling). They do seem to be doing a creative two-step on that one. The production of it should be illegal but the distribution of it should not? Hmm, will have to find some sensible explanation of that one. Have to lean your way initially.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Fox news called Foley A Democrat. Left it under his picture for over a hour. Opp's. I wonder why? And who paid them for that little mistake.


Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
I am not really surprised by this. GW and others cannot deal with this issue head-on because it won't allow for them to tie this issue to illegal wiretapping or sexual transgressions from 3 decades ago.

From 9am to 10am, literally all FOX talked about was the 'double standard' regarding Studds from 30 years ago. I felt like Wayne was with me here in the office.
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