it's just like betting on any other sport... it's fun if you're winning.![]() shit.
and most of them seem fairly weak mentally. especially the women. every point they lose, they throw a hissy fit and either drop their head or turn to their coach to whine. it's amazing how these matches can just turn on a dime. someone can be playing great, miss one easy shot, and suddenly they look like it's their first time playing. they fall apart at the first sign of any adversity.
Don't even get me started on chick tennis. You think it is frustrating watching as a fan, try being a player like me who sucked on the men's tour but if I had a vagina I'd be making gazillions of dollars. I could go on for about 700 thousands words on this, but I won't. Oh and the sad part is...chick tennis has actually gotten better since I played, and yet it is still awful for oh so many reasons.
*does not apply to canadians, obviously.
if you enjoy tennis, and are looking for a reason to watch some, then throw a few bucks on some of kick's bets. he's a lot more experienced at this than i am. and i'd love to hear his thoughts on the topic.
kickserv = amazing
And yes, the key word is a "few bucks".....I don't want to be responsible for Mr. rocky mountain having to sell his organs to make some extra cash.
oh, and make sure you look closely into your book's rules on tennis bets. different books have different rules on what constitutes an official match (usually in regards to a player quitting a match), and also on determining other wagers.
Yep, good point by Smitty...always check the rules, sometimes people think they won their wager, and they didn't. For the record I prefer "match must be completed for bet to stand" rule.
almost no way he loses to asshole dipshit.
Djokovic = asshole dipsit
Anytime he is good.