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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Same old England. Should have known better to have any faith in them. Just could not get over the hump in this tournament to make some real money. Wasn't bad but could have been much better.

Oh well, that will be the last time I put any faith in England again. They have some great players but they are not a great team.

I am on Italy no matter who they play in the final, so hopefully it is England so we get a strong price. They have looked and been the best team in the tournament in my opinion.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 20, 2011
I?ll be all over Italy even with my futures on them I?d Denmark I?ll be golden either way .. I?m killing myself for not taking the Danes

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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
This tournament has been marred by piss poor officiating and the complete joke of VAR. You can not have other officials working VAR because they never upstage their colleagues. Its a joke. The Kane play was more of a penalty than that. The TV personalities can hype this tournament all they want, but it has been one of the worse Euro Championships I may have ever seen.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 20, 2011
This tournament has been marred by piss poor officiating and the complete joke of VAR. You can not have other officials working VAR because they never upstage their colleagues. Its a joke. The Kane play was more of a penalty than that. The TV personalities can hype this tournament all they want, but it has been one of the worse Euro Championships I may have ever seen.

Absolute rubbish they let that pk stand. Again what?s the point of var. var needs to go the way of the dodo bird. Like the whole world saw on replay it?s clearly not a pk

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Forum Member
Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Final play:

Italy to Lift the Cup +112

I am also not opposed to betting Italy Ov .5 -215 and I would be hitting this big if I was up more as I definitely think they will score. Would not be surprised at all to see this end in a 1-1 draw.

Been up and down tournament. Basically everything I was up is bet on this so will make so money or break even for the whole tournament. Expected to do a little better, but a couple larger bets lost which really cost me.


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Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
Beautiful win for Italy!!

I have to say that Southgate is a moron. How you can have your most inexperienced 19 year old player in the 5 spot is just ridiculous to me. He also brought Rashford and Sancho in just for penalties and they both missed.

Absolutely love to see England lose and my Italian brothers take the tournament. As much as I hate penalties, it's a brutal way to lose.

Overall, a profitable tournament and hope you all enjoyed it.

The season is right around the corner and I may be doing something a little different this year.


Forum Member
Nov 11, 2014
Beautiful win for Italy!!

I have to say that Southgate is a moron. How you can have your most inexperienced 19 year old player in the 5 spot is just ridiculous to me. He also brought Rashford and Sancho in just for penalties and they both missed.

Absolutely love to see England lose and my Italian brothers take the tournament. As much as I hate penalties, it's a brutal way to lose.

Overall, a profitable tournament and hope you all enjoyed it.

The season is right around the corner and I may be doing something a little different this year.

That's what I am saying, and these youngsters are trying to get cheeky like the great Jorginho, granted he missed one, but these guys were getting to cute out there. Viva Italia great tourny, see you in a month.


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Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
And that was the closest moment on Saka's career to win anything :0003

Good game, brutal ending and Southgate... i really thought he had it after 30mins of the play and then it was just same old England.

Well, at least half of the Great Britain celebrated today :mj07:


Forum Member
Nov 11, 2014
And that was the closest moment on Saka's career to win anything :0003

Good game, brutal ending and Southgate... i really thought he had it after 30mins of the play and then it was just same old England.

Well, at least half of the Great Britain celebrated today :mj07:

The shitty part is that the kid Saka who is 19 years old and just starting off his career will now have to live down this moment for many many years ahead. We will see if he has the fortitude to pick himself back up , he had absolutely no business being in the 5 spot there.


Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 20, 2011
Good stuff sir! I know it?s been a few years but I remember when we first started in ?off the wall? and then someone petitioned for us to get our own soccer forum and growing and where we are now with posters and interest. It?s still a work in Progress but i love seeing people chime in even those who aren?t soccer connoisseur?s like us but interested and trying to learn!

Love seeing it and the growth of the game even at small spurts. I hate how the gsme gets such a bad wrap here, but Americans are so selfish and stuck in our ways.. and don?t travel. You go to other countries and if they don?t like a sport it?s whatever but they don?t bash it continually .. Americans always seem to never pass up a swipe at soccer and just is what it is..

End rant but from like 6-8 years ago to now it?s been great to see in here

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Registered User
Forum Member
Dec 20, 2011
The shitty part is that the kid Saka who is 19 years old and just starting off his career will now have to live down this moment for many many years ahead. We will see if he has the fortitude to pick himself back up , he had absolutely no business being in the 5 spot there.

Absolutely, total Disservice to put that kid in that spot and now prob dealing with the wrath on social Media from crazies.. no way he should have been out in that spot when you have people like sterling and grealish.. unless you?re a wonder kid you need experience. Practice is practice not , 5th shooter with 70K in crown and billions watching .. those moments could ruin a kid . I loved seeing Kane and others console him right away. I?ve been through that with a girl missing a pk to lose vs #1 team in state and she was inconsolable, then 2 years later she didn?t wanna take a pk. We were going into the 6th round in a district quarters. I was walking down sideline to see who i wanted to send out , she looked me in eye and said ?I?ll score? . I said good enough for me (i like confidence) am she had the most perfect pk side bet. We won. She scored and keeper saved next shot.. but building her confidence up form the miss was important

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Forum Member
Nov 11, 2014
Good stuff sir! I know it?s been a few years but I remember when we first started in ?off the wall? and then someone petitioned for us to get our own soccer forum and growing and where we are now with posters and interest. It?s still a work in Progress but i love seeing people chime in even those who aren?t soccer connoisseur?s like us but interested and trying to learn!

Love seeing it and the growth of the game even at small spurts. I hate how the gsme gets such a bad wrap here, but Americans are so selfish and stuck in our ways.. and don?t travel. You go to other countries and if they don?t like a sport it?s whatever but they don?t bash it continually .. Americans always seem to never pass up a swipe at soccer and just is what it is..

End rant but from like 6-8 years ago to now it?s been great to see in here

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I agree this is the best forum on Madjacks, pound for pound we dish out a shit ton of winners in this Forum! I will say for anyone lurking out there, that the last major tournament (WORLD CUP) was a major catalyst in me starting to get more involved in this forum. It took a good year of casual posting, before I felt comfortable starting my own thread. I enjoy posting , and trying to help others out where I can. I really enjoy the interactions here , its a good outlet for me as I don't have a too many friends who are as big into club soccer as myself. My tag may say 2014, but I lurked on Madjacks for a good 10 years before I ever started an account. For anyone out there in a similar boat I implore you to jump in , and start contributing to the board. We have a small group of hardcore fanatics, we all support each other and are generally successfully when all is said and done. The club season is literally a month away, UEFA qualifiers have started, and will continue this week. There is going to be a lot of action coming, and I hope more people can start participating over here.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 26, 2002
Rehoboth Beach
I agree and there are plenty of lurkers on here making some money. You can tell from the page looks.

This is probably the longest I have posted on one site. Usually the negativity takes over at some point and I just leave. This group is small but its fun with no ball busting.

I used to make plays for a syndicate or two many, many years ago. It was hard work and very taxing for me since I hate being responsible for people losing people money, it really bothers me, so I try to limit my posted plays and take a break when I get cold.

I honestly do not think I have seen a forum that has consistently made people money than this one. I love seeing people like Crook linger, get involved and contribute in a positive way. That is what this forum is all about.

It gets a little harder as I get older and your priorities change, but I will continue to post as long as I can. I am thinking of setting up a couple different threads for the season. Maybe one for Germany, one for other leagues and one for Champions League.
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