Bestline annoucement

Nick Douglas

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Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I swear I can't believe I'm about to write this, but you guys are giving Best Line too hard a time here. They are a square book. They want squares, not professionals. There are a heck of a lot of books out there like that.

You guys point to Pinnacle or Olympic as stand up books and that is true, but do you really think you are getting the same line that a professional gambler gets? Heck no. Big books will generally deal separate lines for sharp bettors and square bettors. Some books choose not to take sharp action at all. That is just the way the business works. If you are going to berate Best Line for not accepting action from sharp players then you would have a problem with a heck of a lot of books.

The problem that Derrick is still not addressing is the fact that this person was explicitly told over the phone that the bonus would be honored even after informing Best Line of his playing style. Best Line chose to offer the bonus anyway. They even had almost 24 hours to cancel the bet if they checked around and found out that they were dealing with a sharp player.

I agree fully with Derrick that this person "took a shot" at Best Line (chances are this guy is a bonus whore) but Best Line took a shot at the person, too and that is something books should not be allowed to do.

Even if you claim that you would have never offered this person the bonus had he made it clear that he was a sharp gambler, you still had more than 24 hours to cancel his wager and refund his account. If was only after his wager was decided that you decided that he was too sharp for Best Line.

Lost in all of this is that the person has claimed that he intended to wager on Sunday's action with his initial deposit of $2,500 but when he logged on he found that his bonus had been stolen from him and that the rest of his balance had been refunded by Best Line. That makes Best Line's claim that this player intended to play only one game and run hold less water.


Registered User
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Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
Originally posted by BestLineSports
Our decision to boot this player was pure business, only one bet
made on Friday. Everyone bets the NFL and or College, this
player will make one bet every week and not give us a fair chance to win it back.

The average player will play 5 to 6 college game and all their
favorite NFL teams, that is solid action weather big or small and
thats what we are looking for.

undoubtedly one of THE most assinine and ludicrous comments i have ever heard!!!

a book that REQUIRES a "fair chance to win it back" as well as insisting on a clientele that plays "5 to 6 college games and ALL their favorite NFL teams"?!!!


where do i sign up?!!!



Registered User
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Aug 17, 1999
How many more games would Stomie have had to play Sat&Sunday for him not to be considered a sharpie?

My god you are in the business of taking bets and you get hit for on game of 2K and you holler bloody murder. I mean do you just want people who have no clue on sports betting to join your sportsbook? What if Stomie played one game every sat and sunday till the end of the season and he hit 80% would he be considered a sharpie?

And people wonder why Olympic is probably the best book out there..


Registered User
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Jan 29, 2003
Nick, you are correct, but I'm still not backing down from this book. I will agree with your assumption that the guy was probably a bonus whore. BUT, the fact remains that :

1) Bestline agreed to give him the bonus

2) Bestline had 24 hours to cancel the bet

3) Bestline didn't contact him, but rather he had to check his account and see the money was missing.

Obviously all books want squares, but if you don't want a sharp player, then lower your limits for new accountees like 500 or something. Bestline talked to this guy on the phone and ok'd his playing style AND gave him the bonus. No tears shed for them, they are to blame.

And on a sidenote, everything Derrick said just made his book look REALLY STUPID.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
what does it matter if it's a "steam" play a "voodoo" play a "my mom told me" play......who cares.........why does that matter.......if a line is posted you can bet such thing as steam...the word is just a way for books to cover their ass.......gimmie a break.....

and Cherryblaster......that made me laugh :D

"Where do I sign up"...classic :D


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 20, 2002
This is the most incredible thread I have ever seen---I do not care whose feelings are hurt--that book is crap--piece of shit.....What they did here is unf*****g believable---Steam play my ass--they had the odds up on the board....they do not want professinals...they dont want people bouncing in and out....what they want is to twist words and rip people off....stay away people, if you win to much they will screw you.....Attention all losers this book is for winners please.......what a bunch of thieves...for all who had good experiences you must be losing in the long run.....wholly shit thank god I have a man who has never failed me and Vegas.........I really can not believe this


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Jan 9, 2003
Canton, Ohio
It's an absolute atrocity that this kind of crap can be allowed to take place. "The player took a shot at us"....."He didnt play enough games over the weekend"

WHAT?????? mean to tell me youre not satisfied with having a client base thats 90 something percent suckers?

'We appeal to recreational bettors'

Ohhh.....yes.....if I ran a book I would love the fat drunk guys that throw a dime on the game they're going to be at because their team never loses when they eat 4 hotdogs and drink 7.50 beers and puke before the 2 minute warning.

As if there werent enough obstacles that gamblers face in trying to you must play many games in a weekend to prove you deserve your money.....and then maybe we'll think about not cancelling your account.

I am going to play just one game this upcoming weekend.....and when it loses.....I expect to have my money refunded in full because its just not easy picking winners all the time. But then must be easier to do than running a sportsbook......or so I've heard :rolleyes:


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Nov 20, 2002
Guys the worm does not want to keep ranting here but when the worm wants to slam one hard and say he opens an account with these thieves if he wins .....whats next....not get paid? "No sir your in your 30's we want 19 year olds spending there college money" "your a pro Worm take your business elsewhere"...That guy was a jerk off....I bet when his superiors see his choice of words on a few things he posted they won't be to thrilled...unless they are low-life scum like him.......never-ever put a dime with these people:thefinger :thefinger


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Aug 10, 1999
Northridge, CA, USA
And let me add one more thing to this feeding frenzy. If this book is for "recreational" activity ONLY, what the FUKK are they doing accepting a $2,500 wager? My guess is:

$2,500 wager loses = Recreational

$2,500 wager wins = SHARPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 20, 2002
Exactly Timbo---right to the heart there buddy---I never rant like this but you here so many horror stories....I have one off shore account...and my theory is they ae only good till they screw me...then I am gone and ever body I know will here about it.....wholly shit this shit drives the Worm nuts:thefinger


Registered User
Forum Member
Jan 9, 2003
Canton, Ohio
I do almost all of my action offshore....and I can assure you that I will never drop a penny at this place as well. Not even for a 75 percent bonus.....which according to Rule 363 of Subsection A in Category D is only redeemable once the player removes one testicale.....or ovary...and places it in their ear. If this action is not performed....the account is hereby cancelled
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