Bestline annoucement


Forum Member
May 14, 2002
Best Line What ?

Best Line What ?

Well they truly have NO credibility. NONE...ZERO...ZILCH...

Now I've heard it all. A pure business decision ! :lol:

Now that is funny !

This jerk sounds like Humphrey Bogart--" Someone's been in The Strawberries"--- we did some checking !

LMFAO at this imbecile Derrick !:lol: :ban: LOL

:D :thefinger


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
Actually the guy who confirmed took the bet was Derrick, the same guy who's showing no concern or skill in his role as the representative here. Bestline has been a great book in the 6 weeks that I've had money there from setup, play and withdrawal. Their customer service on the phone has been fine and their site has never been down. I think the problem is that they hired the wrong person for the job. The book is a good book. Their representative isn't conveying that, but that's a hiring issue and not a service or financial backing issue.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
ummmm Bobby.........could care less who it was that made the decision.......but whoaaaaa baby was it ever the wrong one :eek:

and if this Derrick guy isn't the guy in charge then who is :shrug:

talk about royally screwing up :eek:

man............amazing what books can get away with :eek:


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
A book should be able to take whatever type of player they want. Lots of books kick out players for winning too much money. The issue is honoring bonus policy and charging for fees.

Is anyone complaining even a member? And if not, why is this such an issue?


Forum Member
May 14, 2002


I guess his hiring was purely a business decision !

Will he allow people to Bet The Marlins in The World Series even if it's not their favorite NFL team ?

Oh...He's conveying himself just fine ! It's perfectly clear ! Crystal !


Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA

As I said I don't think what Best Line did is right but I don't know what else I can tell you. Oklahoma was a steam play. Here is a direct quote from Chris @ Olympic from the thread where this whole controversy started:

"Oklahoma was a steam play, everyone was on them."

If Chris @ Olympic wouldn't know, who would?


I still believe you guys are under the wrong impression of what offshore bookmaking is like when dealing with square players and sharp players. A "posted line" may not necessarily be a line that sharp players are allowed to bet into. Those are just the facts of life.

And the amount wagered has absolutely nothing to do with it. Some of the biggest bettors in the world are as square as can be. It is the way you bet and the results you get betting that way, not the amount you bet, that determines whether you are sharp or square.

One final note is that obviously Best Line Sports has lost more than $727 in prospective business by gyping this guy out of his bonus. That is too bad in a way. They are a good square book that offers reduced juice. You will get paid and you will get sides and totals at -108 with Best Line Sports. The only problem is, as much as I would love to recommend them, I can't do so on general principle until they rightfully pay this person the bonus he is owed.


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Forum Member
Thanks for posting ks! This is a crock of shit! How could anyone want to be associated with these jokers! Unreal and to boot stomie loses his bonus. I for one and I am sure many of you will not be doing business with these jokers! Lets keep this thread going and make sure everyone knows that these jokers condone this.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
ok........this crap about "steam" is just that crap :nono:

if a line is available you can bet it......if they accept a wager then you pay the person.......

I remember a manager of a sportsbook in Vegas telling me that "steam" is just a way books justify ripping someone's a made up word......means nothing.........just my opinion :)

the bottom line is this........if a book wants to kick you out.....they can do it.......but don't gimmie any of that garbage "steam" crap :nono:

and NIck............have to totally disagree with you........I hate hearing that crap about there is a line that "sharp" players can bet and lines that recreational players can bet......I mean please....gimmie a break......that goes for like 0.001 % of the gamblers out there........I mean come know better then that.

and by the way....the guy should have got his bonus....plain and simple............

nothing shocks me when it comes to gambling.....but I have to admit Jack having these guys as a sponsor is puzzling :confused:


Forum Member
May 14, 2002


I respectfully disagree with you ! They made a decision after 1 single bet ! Just 1.

How many " STEAM PLAYS " lose ? Steam Play-Schmeam Play !

It's just another part of their trick bag ! And a pretty pathetic one at that!

And he said he checked around . Who the hell is giving out the bettors' information to this guy. And how did he obtain this info.

Sounds downright devious to me .. Sorry !

I don't go for books that talk the paint off the walls !


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
I just wish I could have my own sportsbook...........I mean is it really that hard to run a successful sportsbook........I mean I don't know....I'm just asking.........

I'm not the smartest guy in the world.......but it seems that if ya just use common sense 70% of this crap would never happen. For christs sakes I was a bookie in high school and never had a problem........I would never pull crap like this.........and I knew this at AGE 16 :eek:

ya take the bet......ya accept a bonus....ya pay......ya keep your site updated and you train your it really that hard :nono:

I mean running a business aint easy.......but were not talking about oil rights in the middle east here.......were talking about an office on some island with a bunch of computers and some phone lines...............yes I know I'm keeping it simple.........but man oh man.....why does this stuff happen all the time...........:shrug:

isn't when it all said and done that internet sports gambling is just being a glorified bookie..........and if I could pull it off at 16 years of age, then why can't these books manage :shrug:

And as stated earlier...........look how much business BestLine is going to lose.........I mean HELLO BESTLINE.........wake up...HELLO :rolleyes:


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Nick says:

"A "posted line" may not necessarily be a line that sharp players are allowed to bet into"

so your telling me that if a spread at an offshore is posted at -7.0 then only some people can bet it and others can not.......I mean come me proof of that, and I'll show ya proof that shows ya the other side...........Nick I respect your opinions but I think sometimes you just get "too deep" into certain things and this is one of em...............guess I don't believe "the truth".......we will leave it at that :)

anyway............that has nothing to do with this BestLine stuff I'll drop it


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
bestlinesports bad call , you make the line , you state the bonus, guy make one play , he wins, must be a wise guy/professional/player / what ever , had a sure lock 100% you are in the gambling business correct , always remember just be honorable win or lose and you will do just fine, no bull, no excuses , you lost just pay the person. MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION IT ONLY A FEW DOLLARS, thats my opionion doesn't mean anything though.


Wrong Forum Mod
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Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
well said flag.....but as others said earlier.....think how much money Bestline lost...........way more then a "few dollars" think anybody who read all this is going to recommend them to a friend :shrug:

umm I doubt it :rolleyes:

For the life of me I can't figure out why these books can't see the big picture.....guess they flunked business wonder so many go out of business when ya have bonehead decisions like :eek:


Nick is dead on with the double dealing of line's. I know of at least 3-4 shops that do this. Sign on as a guest, then sign in under your account. You'll see something. All depends on the player of course.

Bobby summed it up perfectly. Derrick you can't still be working there can you? If so Can I email ya my reseume' :D I can speak 3 languages and have excellent customer skills, I love calling out squares, I can produce hard and soft lines, and I love confrontation:D :D Let me know.

Mr Hockey

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Mar 17, 2003
I feel for Stormie. There are a number of books that only want recreational players which is fine. It is your business & you may run it as you wish.

The problem with this situation is the fact a man placed a bet 24 hours ahead of time on terms you both agreed too. He won & now it sounds like you are changing your story. If he lost then no biggie, we got some cash. If anyone was taking a shot here it was you BLS.

Whether he is a rec or sharp player is irrelevant. The man bet on a game on a line that was widely available, he won, & that should be the end of it.

What is wrong nowadays with sportsbooks & gamblers in general is the fact they get caught up in the hype words "square, contrarian, public, sharp, wiseguy, etc" instead of focusing on the old school tactics of booking which were we book it, we pay, period!


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
This should tell you guys something about "winners" in sports gambling:

There are very few!

Christ, this guy outright states that we only want losers playing with us! If they closed this guys account before he even had a chance to wager on Sunday's games, how can they say he wasn't going to? Shit.....there are plenty of days I make only one wager, and I have never been one to wager every day! I am reading between the lines, and get the picture that this guy has a reputation with other books for "hit and run" play. Perhaps a bonus whore......who knows? Here's a question I have:

If you don't accept any bonus, and don't accept the fee being covered, can you bet at will? I have held my tongue all season on my feelings about the two "big contests" being run here, so as to not start a big pissing match, but suffice to say.....I think they are both a joke.

As long as you look like a rube, and make your thirty bets a day, they know they will grind you down. Pick your spots, and you get kicked in the balls! My bets are a blip on the screen, so I will never have to worry about getting axed.

I can't say anything about this book, based on personal experience, because I wasn't dumb enough to hook up with them. But I have always felt that a store who tries to give you a big bonus to come aboard, is a place to be wary of.

Also, if you bet with a book just based on them being a sponsor of this place, you need your noggin' thumped! There are more than a handful of places out there that have been in the business for long enough, that you don't need to be blinded by some new places strokin' your dick to get you in the door.

The bottom line? Bookmakers are a bunch of pussies, just like casinos these days. Show them you have no clue, and a nice sized wallet, and they will suck your dick dry to get that cash. Win a little, and show them you play with some restraint, and it's "fukk you, Charlie!" can give a guy a 255% bonus if he is going to lose it all back! Makes you look like a stand up joint to all the dorks who wager, and gets that guy in the door, right?

Stick the bonus, the bells and whistles, and the overpriced contest, up your ass.

Nick Douglas

Registered User
Forum Member
Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I went back and I realized I made an error. This bettor tried to make a wager on Monday, not Sunday. He won his wager on Saturday, withdrew his winnings on Sunday, and logged in to place a wager on Monday to find his account closed. This is all according to what the bettor posted in the original thread.
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