Biden/Palin In Game thread

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
i watched it again and saw a few Tina Fey moments. I think Biden actually called her Tina a couple of times.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
I saw nothing tonight to indicate that Palin is going to make a great interim president if McCain passes during his first term, but she isn't nearly the putz that you guys -- Smurph, Agent, Spongy and Jabber-- would like to think.

As for Rove, I can say honestly that I like him in Little George:shrug:

McCain/Palin in '08:00hour


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Mar 3, 2006
Jacksonville, FL
I saw nothing tonight to indicate that Palin is going to make a great interim president if McCain passes during his first term, but she isn't nearly the putz that you guys -- Smurph, Agent, Spongy and Jabber-- would like to think.

As for Rove, I can say honestly that I like him in Little George:shrug:

McCain/Palin in '08:00hour

ouch...good luck with that.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
ouch...good luck with that.

I would prefer to vote for a Ron Paul-led ticket, but the lone fiscal conservative was unable to get it going. Now I'm stuck w/ an aged war hero, and a milf, who may or may not sleep around:mj07:

It's either that, or pay an extra $10K minimum next year in social security tax and federal income tax:shrug: Seems like a no-brainer to me.......


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I saw nothing tonight to indicate that Palin is going to make a great interim president if McCain passes during his first term, but she isn't nearly the putz that you guys -- Smurph, Agent, Spongy and Jabber-- would like to think.

As for Rove, I can say honestly that I like him in Little George:shrug:

McCain/Palin in '08:00hour

I wouldn't LIKE to think anything about her.:nono: I think she did awful in the debate, but I wouldn't be overly concerned if she somehow ended up President. I'm just sick of these evangelistic oilmen (and possibly women) in the executive branch.


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
fell asleep like Jack and missed the debate. :mj07:

I can't stand Nucular either, nor do I like any words that are not correctly pronounced. I also dislike her accent. She's still a soon to be hot GILF though, so there are lots of things to be forgiven! :kiss:

Who is the moderator, and why did she get publicity shots like this?


Hope those 2 tools helping her didn't dislocate her shoulders. :sadwave:

say it ain't so, Joe :rolleyes:

I haven't watched any of the debate except the above video. I did read a lot of commentary, and apparently most don't think Palin did quite as bad as all the centrists on this website.

In reality, the vp debate is about as meaninful as tits on a boar hog. She is going to nothing but help McCain as I've said all along. Biden probably won't hurt Obama, but I highly doubt he'll get him any votes either. Palin needs to just keep on showing up looking good and keep providing photo-ops of her children.

I'll try to provide more moose-insight if I get to see the debate.

Hard Times

Forum Member
Jan 17, 2005
It's not all about who won or who lost It's about what the public really wants,it's all about T-V ratings,if you don't believe me then you need to see the latest line, you know the odds, The Greek just posted Palin a 7/5 favorite over Obama on which one will be appearing on the next season of dancing with the stars.


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Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
May have been only debate I've ever watched from beginning to end.

Believe both sides were pleased with their VP candidates performance.

Joe did good job in showing his experience edge over Palin which was a given without any major gaffe despite twisting some facts which Palin was equally guilty of.

Palin got a chance to erase the edited interviews prior depicting her in worst light--and returned to enthusiam perk seen in convention.

Most impressive performance went to moderator who many were skepticle of prior (including myself) considering her allegiance to Obama--however didn't see one hint of bias in questions or as moderator.

In a nutshell was same scenario as O/Mac debate.
If you have candidate running on ideas vs experience--if you don't lose you win.

Would be much more interesting in my view--to have O/Palin debate an Mac/Biden--where candidates are on equal footing.


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Would be much more interesting in my view--to have O/Palin debate an Mac/Biden--where candidates are on equal footing.

:142smilie :142smilie

any way to spin the experience angle.

Its all you got left.

and Clinton got a blowjob



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Forum Member
Oct 10, 2001
Between Green Bay and Iowa City
Sarah done a good job in a big spot. I agree:

Not much doubt that her next Q&As will be friendly chats with sympathetic souls in order to propel the storyline. A hostile press conference would then be ideal for painting her as the victim of an unfair lynch mob . . . I'd say a sit down with a panel on Meet the Press won't be happening this weekend. :mj07:



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

:142smilie :142smilie

any way to spin the experience angle.

Its all you got left.

and Clinton got a blowjob


Spin? tell us in your own words who has most exectutive experience and why between O and Palin.

And got plenty left after that--starting out from birth to present--

Which period would you like me to elaborate on
Family history
Voting records

or probably my fav
how each got where they are ie Political/radical associates--


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 12, 2001
Boston, MA
just a idea

just a idea

is there any way to elect A MCCAIN/BIDEN TICKET?
got to admit Obama & Palin scare the Hell out of me with their limited experience. I think Biden & McCain are both honorable men, that actually could get something accomplished between them.


Forum Member
Jan 6, 2002
North of Titletown AKA Boston
is there any way to elect A MCCAIN/BIDEN TICKET?
got to admit Obama & Palin scare the Hell out of me with their limited experience. I think Biden & McCain are both honorable men, that actually could get something accomplished between them.

At this point I'd hedge my bet and take that compromise... :shrug:

Agent 0659

Forum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Gym rat
is there any way to elect A MCCAIN/BIDEN TICKET?
got to admit Obama & Palin scare the Hell out of me with their limited experience. I think Biden & McCain are both honorable men, that actually could get something accomplished between them.

In other words, you are racist AND sexist:shrug:


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Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
note to joe(the foreign policy expert) biden.....

the people in bosnia are "bosnians"....not "bosniacs"...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Bosniac)
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Gazi Husrev-beg, Husein Grada?čević, Safvet-beg Ba?agić, D?emal Bijedić, and Alija Izetbegović

Total population
estimated 2.4 - 4.4 million

Regions with significant populations
Turkey 350,000-2,000,000 [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,805,910 (1996) [9]
Serbia 136,087 [10]
Austria 108,047 [11]
United States 98,766 [12]
Germany 80,000 (est) [13][dead link]
Sweden 55,464 [14]
Montenegro 48,184 [15]
Switzerland 46,773 [16]
Slovenia 21,542 [17]
Canada 21,040 [18]
Croatia 20,755 [19]
Macedonia 17,018 [20]
Australia 17,993 [21]
Norway 15,649 [22]
Belgium 2,182 [23]
Spain 2,038 [24]
Malaysia 2,000 [citation needed]

Predominantly Islam
Related ethnic groups
Slavs (South Slavs)
The Bosniaks or Bosniacs[25] (Bosnian: Bo?njak, pl: Bo?njaci, IPA: [bɔ'ʃɲaːt͡si]) are a South Slavic people, living mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Bosnia") and the Sand?ak region of Serbia and Montenegro, with a smaller autochthonous population also present in Croatia, Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia. Bosniaks are typically characterized by their tie to the Bosnian historical region, traditional adherence to Islam, and common culture and language.

In the English-speaking world, Bosniaks are most commonly known as Bosnian Muslims, although Bosniaks make up 48% of the population while only 40% of the population (of B&H) is Muslim.[26] The term "Bosnians", also used interchangeably, can also be used to denote all inhabitants of Bosnia regardless of ethnic origin (i.e. not only Bosniaks, but also Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats or any other group in the country).[27]

Your blogger is wrong again.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I'd pretty much agree with Wayne's take on this one, essentially. I can't say strongly enough after watching her in action again last night, though, that I am incredibly fearful that she could actually be in the Oval Office and in charge of this country. If anyone honestly feels that Sarah Palin showed enough last night to represent them as President, then I would submit that you are out of your mind. And in my opinion, that is the important thing that SHOULD come out of this scenario.

Some random thoughts:

? ABC News put up a graphic and talked about 9 VP's throughout history have taken over for the sitting President (for various reasons). My quick analysis, which could be wrong, shows that to be 20% or one in five, have taken over. Considering the age of McCain, his medical history and what he has gone through in life, and the pressures that the next President will have to face, this has to enter into the thinking of any voter. Simple question: Would you feel good about Sarah Palin running this country, with everything a President has to do?

? I honestly think that Palin asked Biden when they met on stage if she could call him Joe, that she was prepped to utter the catchphrase "Say it ain't so, Joe." Really weak.

? Biden's emotional retort to Palin trying to tug on American's heartstrings was the most individually "real" thing I've ever seen in a debate - about the family that he lost, sitting at the table with the kids he raised on his own, etc. He was visibly upset with her offhanded, rehearsed, scripted attempt to own that idea, and I hope that hit home with people.

? Palin was so lacking in content, depth, and understanding of ANYTHING throughout the night that I'm sure it had to sway objective undecided voters who hopefully saw through the fluffy orations for what she is - a pretty face with no cattle, or whatever Wayne says.

? The only reason we're saying Palin did an ok job is because nobody has any expectations of what she brings to the table. Is that REALLY a win, when people stop and think? If anyone else in the world had been up there with that kind of performance, would they get off this easily? Stockdale? Quayle? They had more to offer in many ways and were vilified by the press and commentators - and voters.

? I want to produce the first Obama campaign ad using the debate footage, starring Palin.

"Well, since I've only been at this for, like, 5 weeks..."

? When asked about what she would do as V.P., her initial comment was that she would try to increase the role of the office into more areas (or something similar to that) which is frightening considering what she brings to the office and what we've witnessed by Dick Cheney for 8 years. Biden hit that question out of the park, explaining that he would be a confidant of Obama, a balance with his experience and opinions, and work with him on issues when asked. He explained exactly what the VP is, and does, and he would follow all of that.

And Sarah wants to, um, do more stuff, and things. :rolleyes:

There can be no doubt who actually won the debate, who did more for their candidate and more to discredit the opposition's candidate - he killed McCain all night, and she did nothing to refute most of it. Essentially, Biden debated McCain without him being there. Which shows an objective voter that he's a good choice as VP, and a real option to be President. Of course, people will say that she won because she didn't lose - but when you're side is 5 or so points behind going in, and headed south, simply avoiding every issue all night and exceeding the lowest possible expectations - well, that just ain't good enough.
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