Sad that it's up 140% this year and he still thinks he's winning. This isn't going to turn out well for him. And I plan on being here every step of the way.
BBC: You misunderstand. Bitcoin nor any other crypto currency isn't going to turn out well or otherwise for me. I don't own any, never have, never will. Whether some XXXcoin goes up or down means nothing to me.
However, since YOU are into crypto, things will turn out either good or bad for you. Bitcoin is up 140% this year? Well, that may be good for you....if you bought and sold at the right times. If you're still holding, then you haven't really lost or gained anything.
The point I make, and which you obviously CHOOSE to ignore, is that crypto has no, as in zero, intrinsic value. It's all based on the greater fool theory. Maybe you'll find a greater fool to sell to and make a profit. Then again, maybe you're already the greater fool as you watch Bitcoin price dropping.
You're a big boy. Shoot craps at Vegas if you like. Buy Bitcoin if you like. Sometimes folks walk away winners from the craps tables. Sometimes, but not usually.
Bitcoin is way down since January 2018. If you have a profit now grab it, put cash in your pocket and run like Hell. If you have a loss, sell now and take your lumps like a big boy.
It's only going to get worse from here.
I really don't give a shit. As I told you, I don't have one penny in any of this crypto shit. Never have, never will.
Good luck to you. I hope you quit a winner......but you can't quit a winner if you never quit.