Saturday night play:
Tony Thompson (-115) - XXL Odds have moved now... So, I am a big Tony Thompson fan. Bet you didn 't know there was such a thing...but there is. Tony Thompson has won me more money than any other fighter. Remember that $100,000 heavy tourney? I had M.Harris and then Thompson a very long odds. They met in the final, which Harris won - but if fight was 1 more round Thompson was gonna KO him. He was the best fighter in that tourney and I knew he had potential.
I won huge on him against D.Guinn at +250 or thereabouts. Huge against T.Ibragimov at -200. And HUGE against Krasniqi at +200. Against Klitschko, I had all these long shot parlays anchored by Thompson. If he would of won, it would've been a Jackpot for me.. He did not of course, Klitschko was just a little better all-around...but I thought Thompson fought well. After 5 rounds it was still a fair fight, and Klitschko was definitely tired at end. Thompson did much better than any other recent challenger.
Thompson is tall, rangy, athletic, good jab, 6-5 250 with a better punch than people think. He is also still focused - as he looks in good shape. He is a laid back guy, but always comes in ready.
Thompson is better than Witherspoon in every category... And Witherspoon came in out of shape. This fight will not be close.