2-Mad still pressuring like crazy...nice body wrk..mor has a brief moment but only a SHADE of his past...ALL maidana so far...eye is closing on mor...20-18
3-eye nearly closed....mad landing lefts to body..mor having a few moments but having little effect...mad needs to be careful of the rabbit shots and hitting on break...mor's only shot imo is getting a dq...3-0 mad
rd5- Mor has a VERY good rd...mad all over him for 1st 30 secs but mor comes back and lands nice combos and backs up mad...mor continues to have a good rd...mad frustrated and gets a warning for a foul...imploding a little bit there...FUCK hes got to be very careful....mor rd-4-1 mad
rd6- mad controls most of the rd...mor surprising a little bit...showing some resiliency....mor has a nice final 15 secs but mads rd...mad 5-1 IMO....cant'
rd7- mor having his moments...astonishing really...his eye is pretty much shut...we all thought he was shot to shit but he's more than holding his own...he's a very very clever fighter..rolling with punches and making mad miss A LOT... rd to mor...i have it 5-2...really thought it would be over by now...
rd8- WOW mor lands a bomb and hurts mad momentarily...mor is winning the rd...mad is frustrated...mor appears to be the one coming on when you would have thought he'd be wilting...i have it 5-3 mad...mor is live at the moment
rd9- mad comes out and has mor in a bit of trouble...mor ok and now doing ok himself...fierce back and forth...mor nearly steals the rd but have to give it to mad.....have it 6-3 but wondering if judges want to give it to the sentimental fav here...
rd10- mor has a very good rd...JESUS....im nervous as hell... i have mad up 6-4 but these guys have mor winning...mad looking more tired than mor...glad this fight isnt in Mexico....tense moments here...mor believes in himself